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Cheryl is layed in bed her daughter monica cuddled into her neck,she sighed out of frustration toni was once again late like she's been for the past two weeks she always working late.

"Mommy when's mama gonna get here?"Monica asked with sleepy eyes

Cheryl was furious at toni she knew she had to read monica her bedtime stories or she would cry.

"Babygirl,momma will be home soon i promise."Cheryl knew she was lying she had no idea when toni would get home but she had to.

To make things worst it started raining cheryl stroked her daughters hair to keep her calm.

Cher hummed a soft a song to the little redhead when she was interrupted by the door opening and toni walking in.

"Hey babe."she greeted

Cheryl kept silent toni walks over to the bed about to pick her daughter up when cher stopped her"She's sleeping don't."she said getting out of the bed.

"Cheryl am sorry for been late again veronica wanted me to stay overtime so we could finish up the project."

Toni would always suck up to veronica and cheryl hated it.

"Your daughter needed you tonight toni."Cheryl said angrily"I had to lie to her again because of you."

Toni looked down ashamed"Cher it will never happen again I promise babe. "

"Don't antoinette don't make promises you can't keep you've been talking me the same time for the past two weeks am tired of hearing it you sound like a broken record."Cheryl walked passed her to the bathroom.

She stopped walking back over to toni looking at her"Are you sleeping with veronica?"Cheryl asked

Toni frowns"What!?"T panicked

Cheryl asks"Are you sleeping with veronica again?"Toni turned away"Okay. "

She couldn't lie someone had already told Cher everything

"Cheryl it was a one time thing i swear and she didn't mean anything to me."Toni said still not facing her girlfriend

"Oh like when i was pregnant with our first child I can't believe you did this again."Cheryl wiped a stray tear from her eye

Toni wanted to say something but she was too ashamed" And you say she meant nothing you ruined our family for a bitch that means nothing to you."Cheryl chuckles hurt

"Am leaving for my cousin's tomorrow and am taking both our children with me."

"Cheryl please!"Toni froze"Your pregnant?" Cheryl nodded packing her stuff

If toni was being honest she was disgusted with herself she fucked things up not once but twice.

The next morning

Cheryl lelt with monica,toni didn't even get out of bed that day she was so broken

If only cher knew


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