Chapter 8:

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After the small fight with the friend group consisting almost exclusively of wolves - and Clara - time flew by quickly. Everyone in the group took his apology well. Each of them, even Jerome, also apologized, which Kayleb happily accepted.

Even if he did something drastic, they saw it as a failure on both sides, especially in their communication. This makes him believe, for the first time since the incident, that everything could turn out fine.

He would share his newfound happiness with his little brother, but he still disappears every time he gets out of the car at school and is rarely home. Even on the rare occasions when they're both home, Ian seems to avoid him at all costs.

Kayleb became more curious and concerned for his well-being every passing day. But whenever he sees him, he doesn't seem to be injured. He decided to give him space and wait until he was ready to tell him what he was hiding. And he would do that. Like the good older brother he's trying to be.

He sometimes could steal glances at his little brother when he and Clara had to go to music lessons together. Every time he sees him, Ian looks happy, with a touch of joy in his eyes while talking to some guys and girls. Every time he saw him happy and carefree, his heart beat a little faster until it doubled in size with pride. Seeing him happy only makes his days better. After all, he deserves to be happy again.

After this delightful first month, the third day of their nine-day week had come for the fifth time, hoping he could finally do more with his baby brother again. With a little smile - which has become a fairly regular occurrence now that he finally has something to smile about again - he walked to the music room with Clara at his side.

For some reason, they had similar tastes in music. Both enjoy classics as well as modern rock and pop at the same time. Sometimes, their conversations could go on for hours. One day a week - when they're not at school - they all hang out together; he and Clara talked so much about music that they were forbidden from discussing it ever again in their hangouts. So they did the only sensible thing and took it on the way to music class where none of the others could be disturbed.

So, on their way, they came across a group of guys hitting a weaker boy. They were both so absorbed in their conversation that they didn't notice at first.

Observing this situation, Kayleb wondered if he and the others had previously walked past these issues because they were deeply engrossed in their conversations or not? He could only pray that wasn't the case. He never thought he could find friends with similar interests and intellect, with whom conversations could become so intense that they lost all sense of their surroundings.

He was angered at himself for never having seen this disrespectful behavior happening right in front of his eyes took him over. He only got angrier when he saw that it wasn't just one guy but a group: All bigger, stronger, and possibly older. This made him so furious that he couldn't contain himself anymore.

"What do you think you're doing?" His anger was audible in his low, dark voice. Clara quickly stepped back to avoid him. With her weaker body, was she useless against a werewolf anyway. So she watched from the sidelines at how Kayleb would handle the situation. If necessary, she would pull him away from them should he lose control, which was one of many fears he told her about.

What fueled his anger even further was the guy he was talking to ignoring him. So he tried a second time, "I asked you what you think you're doing!" He let out his deep, angry Alpha voice for a moment.

Like a little puppy being spanked, the guy fearfully slowly turned around with widened eyes, looking straight into Kayleb's eyes. It didn't take long before another cocky grin graced the guy's handsome facial features; these characteristical high cheekbones, sharp jawline, and perfectly styled blond hair.

At first, Kayleb thought he was just some random guy with good genetics, but as his eyes wandered, he realized that this guy was one of the stupid jocks. His pesky Letterman jacket was proof enough for that. Like many young male werewolves, this guy appears to struggle for dominance against someone superior. It almost made Kayleb snap, particularly since this guy's reaction to him was insulting. It would have been less offensive if he had just asked for a fight. However, young male werewolves have a lot harder time as they believe they have to prove themselves to get a female to mate, and thus cannot simply bow to anyone.

Rolling his eyes, the guy started talking, "What does it look like? I show this fag Omega where his place is." He scoffed and clicked his tongue dismissively. Before his smile faded and his eyes darkened. "If you stay here, I'll do the same to you. After all, everyone knows you're a little fag just like him!"

Kayleb flinched at the insult the jock used for him. For that alone, he wanted to strangle him until he stopped breathing. He took a deep breath before he would completely lose control, though. As his happiness slowly increased, his previously enhanced control slowly returned too. Lucky for this jock. If that hadn't been the case, he would already be at least four meters underground.

As he did so, he couldn't see that the guy had turned back, continued to ignore him, and looked back down at the weaker guy in front of him again. With his jock buddies in a circle beside him so the boy couldn't escape. And then there was an audible crack, a sound Kayleb recognized immediately. Out of reflex, he grabbed the jock by the neck, spun around with him in the air, and threw him unceremoniously into the metal lockers across the hall.

A moment ago, the hallway was filled with lively conversation, much like the one he had just seconds before with Clara, but now it was silent.

Except for Kayleb, who was breathing heavily and rapidly. He used all his willpower not to reveal his true identity.

"If I see someone touching an Omega against their will again, I won't hesitate to do more than break a few bones. Does everyone understand me?" he asked, more calmly than a minute ago when he had thrown this stranger across the hall.

With no sign of understanding, Kayleb slowly walked over to the guy to kneel before him, doing so carefully not to cut himself on the destroyed lockers. His calm features surprised the jock. His dark green eyes looked everywhere as long as it wasn't in Kayleb's light green ones. Suddenly, he spoke again, "No one will ever bother an Omega again! Do you understand that with your little nut brain?" At first, the look on the dumb jock's handsome face was annoyed before turning too frightened again as Kayleb leaned slightly forward.

After waiting another full minute, the lycan was at the end of his rope. He grabbed the jock's short, blond hair and banged his head against the lockers so hard he passed out almost instantly.

However, it took a second for the athlete to finally close his eyes, prompting Kayleb to stand up again. He looked around, hoping to find the Omega getting helped by Clara or someone else. Instead, he was faced with terrified faces. But none of them are significant to him at that moment.

"Are you all right?" Kayleb asked the Omega as he walked towards him. Surprisingly, he didn't even flinch as the lycan cupped his head in his large hands to tend to any injuries. After all, he saw one of the guys tormenting him getting thrown like a doll and his head smashed against the locker. He had treated his tormenter much worse than this jock had done to this poor boy. Under normal circumstances, the Omega should be afraid, but he was too calm for Kayleb's liking.

Not a single word came out of little Omega's mouth, which worried him greatly because he was concerned that something vital might have been damaged - Omegas don't heal that quickly - so he let go of his head to take a step back. The boy looked at him with such adoration it could make a cute puppy sick.

"If someone asked you something, you should answer before they worry about you too much," Kayleb told the shorter boy with a cheeky grin that sent a warm blush up the other's cheeks.

"Everything's fine, I mean, thank you." The little boy stutters, not knowing what to say. No one had ever stood up for him. He was too weak to stand up and fight a group of werewolves, so he had no choice but to let them do what they wanted to him.

Kayleb nodded at his words, his smile not fading.

"If you need help again, find me, and if your Alpha or his heir is anywhere in sight, tell me that too. I need to have a pleasant conversation with him." A dark glance in his shining green eyes. He ran a hand through the boy's slightly longer dark brown hair before turning to Clara, where he had left her alone. But next to her was someone he knew all too well. And what he could see was horrifying him.

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