Chapter 16:

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Never before has Kayleb been greeted by a simultaneous growl of at least twenty wolves. On his tongue was a cheeky comment about how many men it would take to bring him down. He would have liked to find out who was more powerful. After all, he remembered how some of them had beaten up Luke. It made him sick. But he needed to be on his best behavior, at least for a while.

"I need to speak to your Alpha," he said in an overly sweet way while smiling predatorily at the grown men. But it only earned him a laugh from all the werewolves in their human form and a low growl from those in their wolf form.

"Where do you think you are? You can't just ask to meet our Alpha!" the guy Kayleb was talking to said, laughing.

But Kayleb ignored him. Instead, he went to the other side of his car and helped Luke out of it after seeing that he was still inside. He held him close as they walked to the large packhouse. It was a beautiful building, modern but old enough not to have glass walls.

As Kalyleb tried to climb the first step, the wolf from earlier jumped in front of him. In an unamused, angered tone, he says, "I told you already that you can't request a meeting with our Alpha."

He tried to deter him but only earned a small chuckle from Kayleb. The lycan thought it was cute that the guy thought he stood a chance against him.

"If you don't get out of my way right now," Kayleb began to speak in a low voice, sending chills down the stranger's spine, "I'll consider it an act of aggression, and I'll break every single bone in your pathetically weak body." He even leaned forward to whisper the last part of his threat in his ear. The visible anger on his face should have been enough to scare the guy out of the way, but even though he could see his frightened state, he still didn't move. So Kayleb did the last thing he could and showed his blood-red eyes.

The guy immediately cleared the way fear forced his body to move.

Luke watched, wondering if the taller boy beside him was better than his current Alpha.

Together, they entered the house. Noticing a strange smell in their noses, the wolves in the building came to him like flies. Annoyed, he said in a monotone voice, "Don't even try it! Just take me to your Alpha." He looked at them with sheer superiority. None of them moved at his request. He was about to show his eyes again when a man in his 30s or maybe 40s approached him even though his age wasn't visible.

"Oh, Omega, come here. The others need help in the kitchen." The older Alpha smiled even though it was evident it wasn't genuine, most likely just because Luke wasn't alone.

Kayleb already knew that kind of smile - fake and lousy, just like the people who use it. But a clear indication that something was wrong was Luke's face, which twisted in disbelief at his Alpha's friendly approach.

As he had hoped, Luke didn't move but stayed by his side, which annoyed the other Alpha even more, but he said nothing. To be ignored by an Omega seems to be such a clear insult to him that under normal circumstances, Kayleb was sure the other Alpha would have killed Luke or severely punished him lest his authority be questioned.

"We should go somewhere private. You, Luke, and I have something to talk about," he told the other Alpha. It wasn't advice or a request. It was an order, and the older Alpha knew it. Most of his wolves didn't understand the undertone, but he did.

"Then my office might be the ideal place! Please follow me." The North Pack Alpha tried to bring the authority back to where it should be: with him.

Kayleb let go of it for the moment, not wanting to ruffle any more feathers than necessary.

The wolves in the pack snarled at the young lycan. He, on the other hand, just grinned. Hoping they would take a single aggressive step in his direction to give him a reason to tear them apart.

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