Chapter 32:

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It was the first time Kayleb had seen the inside of a headmaster's office. But now he was a little disappointed. There was nothing memorable about the room as he had always imagined it. The only strange thing he noticed was his principal's deep obsession with the school's football team.

Each annual picture hung on one wall, and the seemingly endless array of ancient medals and trophies on another. The new ones were in a glass display case in the large, round passageway between the locker room and the gym, as Kayleb recalled.

Kayleb looked around the entire time the headmaster typed on his computer, which sat on his large, beautifully crafted wooden desk, richly decorated and engraved. His chair was designed so that someone could sit in it for hours without causing too much pain. Although the older man - who, if he had to guess, was a werewolf himself - didn't look like it. He was rather fit for his age. Kayleb looked at him a few times. Each time, the man's face contorted a little more confusedly.

'"Why don't we have any of your papers, Mister Whiteoak?" the older man asked, agitated. "That's impossible!"

His pathetic attempt to intimidate Kayleb with his loud, authoritative voice got his full attention.

"You really shouldn't worry about that." He tried to convince the headmaster, wanting to get over it before the man could find his sealed files.

But by then, it was already too late. Without saying a word, the headmaster stood up, walked to his office door, and opened it rather forcefully. "Mary?" He called out to the office. "Would you be so kind as to call the district coordinator and our Council attorney? A student's record needs to be unsealed."

After the woman called back affirmatively, the principal came fully back into the room but left the door slightly ajar so his secretary could see him and Kayleb in their seats.

"I don't want to tell you how to do your job, but you really shouldn't do this." Kayleb politely tried a second time to dissuade the principal from his case.

But the man dismissed him with a wave of his hand: "You are not in a position to tell me anything, young man. I'll find out the misdeeds you've committed so your file will be sealed, and then, you'll get in even more trouble!" He told him sternly. "When I get your file, I'll call your parents. They need to know what a brat you are!"

To Kayleb, the man's words were irrelevant. He may not be fully aware of his own personality, but he knows one thing: being a brat is not one of his characteristics.

So he just decided he had done what he could and slumped back in his chair.


After two hours, a man in a standard black and white suit entered the principal's office, accompanied by another man in traditional Trailton clothing. The latter fixated his gaze on Kayleb while the former closed the door behind them.

But Kayleb could sense something strange about the man in traditional Trailton attire. He never opened his mouth, and his eyes felt like they were piercing his body straight into his soul. For a second, he felt an icy pain somewhere near his heart. But it was gone before he could determine exactly where it was.

Just five minutes later, both men were gone. All the while, the stranger kept an eye on Kayleb. It unnerved him immensely.

"Well, now we'll see. Who do I need to call so we can-" Before the man could finish the thought he had spoken out loud, he suddenly stopped.

His eyes were full of fear as he looked up from his screen.

"Now, do you know who to call?" Kayleb asked smugly, putting his right hand lazily to his face.

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