Chapter 28:

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In the garden, besides the lycan's mansion, Luke experienced a mental crisis, wondering what he was even doing as he stared down at the plants. As he got on his knees, he touched one of the flowers and sighed sadly, already missing his Alpha.

Meanwhile, Kayleb and James went to the small building. With a furtive glance, the lycan glanced back to ensure they were out of earshot. "Do you remember the cashier?"

"I didn't think you would," James laughed, "but you seem to be able to appreciate beauty."

Confused about what James might mean, he was about to turn his head to ask, but James had no intention of stopping.

"She is so beautiful: her auburn hair, her dark and shy eyes. It would be so nice if she would stay or kneel in front of me and look up at me with her big eyes, preferably with a lot of cleavage, if you know what I mean."

"You're a pervert, James," Kayleb stated, looking slightly disgusted.


Disappointed, Kayleb sighed and looked away from his friend. "I'm talking about the guy in the supermarket."

James wasn't even ashamed of his words. Instead, he scratched his head and tried to remember who his Alpha was referring to. It took a while, but he finally remembered the young man just before they could enter the small building near the main house. "Yes, why?"

"I want to know everything about him: his name, address, work schedule, even his goddamn breathing pattern!"

Not wanting to anger his Alpha further, he made a mental note to order his subordinates to find out anything Kayleb desired to know.

The moment they finally entered the small building. James sensed that something was terribly wrong.

At first, James could only see a small foyer and two large double doors on the other side of the small room.

Kayleb walked to the doors and opened them quickly, providing the view of a long staircase. The path leads deep underground.

Although James trusted his friend and now Alpha with his life, he didn't know what was down there. That's why he was a little hesitant to go down with him. Especially because the same anger still radiates from him like the light from a star.

The lycan didn't notice the reticence at first because the feeling of separation between him and Luke was too strong. Especially at this early stage of their pack bonding.

He only noticed his friend's absence behind him when he reached the bottom of the stairs, and his eyes fell on the short hallway before him. Only then did he realize he hadn't heard any footsteps behind him.

From his vantage point, he looked up the stairs straight into his friend's curious eyes.

James recognized the danger of being there with his friend, far underground, away from help. His body forced him to stay at the top of the stairs, unwilling to follow his Alpha's example.

"Do you think I saved you from a bloodmagic-binding ritual just to kill you?" Kayleb asks wearily, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You have fantasies, my friend, that couldn't be more hilarious," said the young lycan in a slightly dry laughing voice.

It angered the other boy still standing at the top of the stairs, which was ultimately the lycan's plan behind his spoken words.

Just a few moments later, James stormed down the stairs with a furious expression. But Kayleb didn't apologize. If he started apologizing at this point in his life, he would never stop doing so.

Kayleb was hot on James' heels, but the wolf was still first at the last door. As he angrily opened the doors, his eyes widened in horror: a massive underground room opened before him.

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