Chapter 21:

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With each passing moment, the moon was approaching its zenith. Kayleb still didn't want to rush things, not even in the short time they had left. Only a few minutes ago, they both confirmed their nervousness. At that point, he tried his best to stay calm for the younger boy's sake.

For this reason, he chose the path through the garden, past the "Coming Home" flower, as he liked to call the black flowers that after the legends the Elven high king had given to his kind. Their real name was long forgotten. He, like many others, hoped that one day, it would be revealed to him. He could only hope so.

Their path led them behind the house, where Luke's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

"My family built this property five hundred years ago. It's a smaller version of our ancestral home in Trailton, where my family has ruled since the beginning of our time here."

Luke suddenly turned back to Kayleb, startled. A lack of words silenced him as he tried to study the taller boy's face.

Kayleb only saw it from the side. He didn't stop when he dropped this information. As before, he strolled carefree through the beautiful garden.

"Does that mean you will rule one day?"

A bitter laugh escaped Kayleb's mouth. He would never deny that this wish had never crossed his mind. More than most of his species, he felt a deep need to make things right for everyone, not just their kin. To end all forms of injustice because he knew it had gotten terrible on his home continent lately. Too many werewolves had gained too much power in the last few hundred years. He knew they were ready to fight again, to regain their "freedom" once more and impose their own will instead of following the neutral path the lycans had always taken and shown them, trying to guide them down that path.

Kayleb didn't answer the other boy's question for a moment too long, so he ran faster to catch up with his longer-legged. But he slowed when he finally caught up with him. Noticing the younger boy walking beside him again, Kayleb looked down at him with a gentle smile.

There was a spark of excitement in Luke's eyes. Being part of a royal family seemed extraordinary to most people. Rule lands and do whatever you want, but there's much more to it. The pressure on the ruler to be perfect makes it hard to make decisions. All the consequences, good or bad, rested solely on their shoulders. Every war, every loss, every famine, and every other bad thing that happens will always be linked to the ruler. Meanwhile, almost everyone else could be commended for making something good happen.

"I am thirty-seventh in line to the Moonclaw throne. Don't worry too much. Barring a major tragedy, I will never have to sit on my family's throne."

Even after Kayleb made that clear, the excitement in the younger boys' eyes didn't wane.

"Have you often been to the old country? I've never been there, but according to the stories, it's a magical and beautiful place."

Every story Kayleb heard about the "Beginning Lands" was true. Even if the "magic" it refers to was mostly gone. After the last Mage War, there weren't many magic users or magic itself left in the world. Most people who could use magic had little left. The same was true for his mother. A topic that is still heatedly debated in lycian society to this day. Since she descended from ancient lycian royal blood.

"It is wonderful. One day you will come there with me. If we want to talk to the Crown Council, we'll have to go there anyway. The Continental Council doesn't have much power. They can be rather considered observers. But you will see for yourself."

Luke's thirst for knowledge finally seems quenched, at least momentarily. This had an interesting side effect. Thanks to the long conversations, their nervousness had disappeared. A void came over Luke. He didn't even realize Kayleb was still talking to him.

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