Chapter 57:

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Night has fallen over the vast continent of Charotent, the thirteenth the last to be tamed. Near the city of Caldor, on the southern side of this continent, near an enormous forest, stood a particularly strange house, different from all the others. Inside were three people: a tall guy, Chad sitting worriedly, his leg absentmindedly moving in a certain rhythm. Worry had clouded his mind.

The second was an average-height boy with dark hair, dark eyes, and dark skin who blamed himself for everything that happened. He sat in the kitchen, staring at the dark floor tiles. Cursing himself silently, thinking that if he had simply kept his mouth shut, Ian would not have known about his lineage as Kayleb's adoptive brother, nor would his Zaphal have left so abruptly. He still remembers the heartbreaking sobs and the pain on his face.

Only the third person moved, pacing up and down the foyer with his thoughts racing the youngest of the bunch. Luke's mind was full of worry for his Alpha. He had only had a brief moment to look him in his eyes, but that second was more than enough.

He wanted to run after them, to help calm down his broken mind, but Chad had held him back, for which he had hit the much taller and older boy several times. The whole time, he was screaming at him to let him go. But Chad didn't.

When it was too late to follow, Luke turned and glared at Chad. He threatened him that if he ever did something like that again, he would skin him alive and leave his body to rot where no one would find it.

For a while, he had felt guilty about saying something like that, but that evaporated when, even after three hours, neither Kayleb nor Dal had returned.

At this point, all he wanted to do was scream in anger. His head and heart were racing. He's never had such dark thoughts before.

Suddenly, his ears perked up, and he jumped back, startled after hearing a strange, unfamiliar noise. There had been an uncomfortable silence in the house for some time, which this noise broke violently.

Before he knew it, Jerome and Chad had rushed into the foyer, ready to fight. Chad even began to transform.

But as the door opened and Chad lunged forward to protect the others, a hand grabbed his, pulling him closer, only to throw him away easily. Chad was not a small or light young man. It shocked all three until the interior light illuminated the figure that had seemingly broken into the home of the only lycan Alpha in the Caldor region.

As Luke looked at his rescuer, bloody, deep cuts all over his body, his eyes were welling up. Even though he was visibly healing already, he still felt a sharp pain rushing through him. He didn't even see Dal hanging lifeless from Kayleb's back.

Trying to approach his Alpha, Luke was suddenly met with a heated glare he knew he didn't deserve. It forced him to stop in his tracks.

"Get me some blankets and pillows, Jerome, second floor, hallway on the left, third door on the left."

The commanded boy jumped around and ran before the order could sink in fully.

Meanwhile, Kayleb's gaze was still fixed on his first direct pack member. "You remember the white room, right?"

Luke nodded reluctantly.

"Good, there's another door in the hallway that leads down. Please go through it and down the stairs. I want you to get me all the supplies you can carry from behind the big reddish bronze door you will find there."

Less enthusiastic than Jerome, Luke left after a few seconds, feeling slightly betrayed by his Alpha's malicious gaze.

Meanwhile, Kayleb carried his soulmate to the living room, threw everything off the table, and gently laid Dal on it. His body was absolute chaos. Many of his bones didn't heal after his transformation back to his humanoid form, but the deep claw and bite marks were much worse. They haven't started healing yet.

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