Chapter 54:

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Unfortunately for everyone at school, Kayleb didn't let go of Dal and clung to him with all his strength. Blushing like a tomato, Dal carried his mate around school. He even sat in on the conversation with his coach, where he listened to him scolding him for staying away from school for so long. Kayleb was the entire time cuddled up to his soulmate.

Since Dal could not play football like this, he was forced to attend normal classes, even though the finals were held at the end of the month.

Unfortunately for Dal, he had biology that day. One of the many teachers he knows doesn't like him. Even though he has spent most of his life under a veil, some things just don't go unnoticed.

As soon as he entered the classroom, his teacher's face contorted with disgust and pure hatred, which didn't get better when he saw Kayleb hanging from his chest. But strangely, he said nothing, just scowled even more.

Nothing interesting happened for most of this class, just the usual stuff, from the teacher talking endlessly to silent work.

Without anything happening, the teacher suddenly started talking loudly and complaining about another student who wasn't listening to him.

No one really cared because it was normal for this particular teacher to talk like that.

Until the man suddenly stood like a ghost next to Dal and, by extension, Kayleb, his right hand on the lycan's shoulder, pulling on him and trying to force the boy to look at him.

"If I were you, sir, I wouldn't-"

Another student tried to warn his teacher, one of the many members of James' pack. But the man didn't care. He silenced the boy and successfully pried Kayleb from Dal's chest. It should have been impossible, but Kayleb was too far into the bliss of Dal's natural scent.

It took Kayleb a few moments to realize he couldn't smell his mate anymore.

Still dazed by Dal's intoxicating scent, he struggled to understand what was happening. But that all stopped when a soaring pain shot from his cheek to his brain. His swimming head became crystal clear within seconds.

Not a single word passed his lips as he stared at the teacher. All that could be heard in the quiet classroom was the sound of clothing being torn. Kayleb's body quickly transformed, his left arm growing with fur, his hand forming into a paw, much larger than his hand could ever be, with claws so long that he could tear that teacher to pieces with a single strike.

A comforting hand stroked his slightly hairier back under his torn shirt until it rested on his neck, tickling him.

The touch alone was enough to calm Kayleb significantly, but the feeling of those rough hands gently tickling his neck made all the difference.

Kayleb transformed back into his usual form, his head turned to Dal's face, both smiling brightly at the other. They ignored the teacher, who was literally shat himself in front of the class. But they didn't see any of it because they were already back in their own little world.

When the bell finally rang to mark the end of class, Kayleb stood on both feet again and walked close to his soulmate, not allowing their hands to break. If someone tried to break through them, they were like a wall that people ran into.

Neither even thought about going their separate ways and enjoying each other's company, especially Dal, who thought he would never experience something like that after what his body had done.

But to his dismay, Kayleb never broached the topic, and Dal didn't think it was important enough to mention. Especially as he didn't know how much his soulmate was actually aware of.

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