Chapter 46:

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Ian felt the cold breeze blowing around him, and it seemed the wind was a bunch of children playing around his walking figure.

He has never felt such a sudden weather change. Since his home is slightly above the equator, the summer is warm, rarely hot, and the temperatures change slowly.

But things were very different there in the Caldor region. It had been warm the day before, and this day, his fingers were shaking from the shockingly quick temperature change.

He even scolded himself, in his head, as he never should be cold since he was a lycan and not some weak mortal human.

But nothing he told himself could help him warm up that day. It made him ponder whether it was really the cool weather or if it was where he was going.

But before he could delve too deeply into his thoughts, the door he was about to knock on opened out of nowhere. His eyes widened, and his stomach dropped as he saw the person on the other side.

The older man on the other side of the door looked down at him with a smile that frightened him. It made his brother look like one of the "Silver Lights," guardians of the moon, like someone without blood on his hands. Because this man's smile was deceptive, which Kayleb never did because he couldn't lie. For the first time, he saw how good his brother was as a person and an Alpha.

Ian was pulled into a hug. Never before in his life had he felt so disgusted. After his brother told him everything about this man, he lost any respect he formerly had.

When he first met the man, he thought highly of him. To control such a large pack without any problems. No rebellious youth who wanted to question the Alpha's power made him look at him in awe.

But the things he came to know made him sick. Although he didn't have the same education as his eldest brother, he still knew a lot, especially about lycan culture, as they all came from an ancient lineage. All three brothers lived for some time on the first continent, where their cultures thrived. So he was forced to learn some things.

The last time Ian was in the North Blue Pack's main house, he didn't encounter their Alpha, but what he had seen told him everything he needed to know. How people treat each other is reflected in the hand that guides them.

"It's so good to have you back!" the older Alpha told him loudly. His grin widened, and his eyes lit up with a deceptive idea. "We were all extremely worried about you," his voice became quieter, giving the impression that he was genuinely worried.

"Why? I was at home with my brother."

The pitying look the Alpha wolf gave him told Ian a lot. If his brother hadn't warned him, he would most likely have fallen for these tricks, but thanks to him, he knew better.

"Is he treating you okay? I've heard a few things. If he did something, you no longer need to protect him. I can help you with anything!"

It Had been clear to Ian that he wanted him to give him every piece of dirt he could get.

"He left me alone for the most part," he stopped for a second, looking around, "Kayleb has always been a strict follower of lycan law and, therefore, would never dare touch me."

Ian swallowed hard and tried his best to appear distressed.

"Just know that if anything happens, you are always welcome here, and I will always have an ear free for you!"

He patted Ian on the shoulder as one would a son. Still, the deceptive gleam in his eyes showed another side.

Luckily, the Alpha walked away after giving Ian a firm pat on the shoulder, leaving the boy alone, which was necessary since Ian needed to breathe a few times to calm his jittery nerves. Even though he is a lycan and could potentially take on an Alpha Wolf, this one felt different to him. He wasn't sure why, but he never wanted to get on this guy's bad side.

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