Chapter 38:

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In an instant, all heads snapped in the direction of that scream. Everyone's veins froze with fear and worry. They witnessed Dal's face transform from a cheerful facade to pure horror. His face turned pale, and his eyes almost bulged out of his head.

Dal was frozen. It was now the second time he had hurt his soulmate. How could he even think to forgive himself after everything he'd done now?

He knew Kayleb wanted to talk to him after his football practice. But now he wasn't so sure he wanted to do that anymore. Maybe it was just the magical bond that held them together. But deep down, Dal wanted it to work. He couldn't see himself with anyone else anymore.

This would have been Dal's first real relationship, after all. But, it appears the moon didn't want him to be happy with Kayleb or anyone else, as he can't stop hurting his soulmate. Why was he doing that?

No one moved until they heard a strange laugh. Everyone thought it belonged to Dal and wanted to get him away from Kayleb. But it wasn't him who was laughing.

Dal was frightened himself by the laughter coming from directly below him.

"You finally caught me," he joked, completely unconcerned, "It took you long enough."

To Dal's surprise, there wasn't a single scratch on Kayleb's body when he looked at him for the second time after waking from his thoughts.

"I really wanted to ask you for a kiss to make it all better. But unfortunately, we're not at that point yet," Kayleb continued to joke with Dal, whose shock turned to absolute disbelief.

"You're not mad at me?" Dal asked, stuttering, still in the same state of disbelief.

This question also confused Kayleb. His eyebrows furrowed in a quarter of a second. He tried to think of a way to be angry at the boy still on top of him, but he couldn't think of anything new.

Kayleb took a moment too long to process the situation they were in. But when he finally recollected everything, he could only laugh out loud. Which earned them even stranger looks from the rest of the team.

At first, the team wanted to get Dal away from Kayleb again, but Chad stopped those tries, telling them not to approach the couple. He hoped for a bonding moment between them, even though he could feel a strange, sharp pain in his chest.

Apparently, he was the only one who saw Kayleb allow himself to be captured by Dal. With a knowing but sad grin, he looked at the couple and waited.

"Honestly, I needed all of that again. The wind blowing through my hair as I do a sport I secretly enjoy while being chased by incredibly hot guys. What more could a boy like me want?" he asked with a cheeky grin while the boy on top of him was completely surprised by his boldness.

Not only was Dal surprised, but Kayleb was too as if he wasn't the one who said it. He could never flirt before. Why now?

"I meant because I hurt you!" Dal shouted a moment later after he had pulled himself together while ignoring his soulmate's futile attempts to flirt with him.

Kayleb wiggled his limps like a child to show that everything was okay. "I don't feel any pain," he told the boy above him. Only to wiggle a little more.

"Do you see anything wrong with me?" he asked cheekily.

Dal looked intently at the boy beneath him, directly staring into his emerald green eyes, which he lost himself in a second later. He daydreamed of their future, the children Kayleb would carry around, a house bigger than he could ever have imagined, and something that unnerved him - a crown adoring his soulmate's head.

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