Chapter Eighteen

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Two months later and I reappear! Yay!

Okay... I'm sorry. I'll make brownies and whoever wants some can have some.

Anyway. I'm thinking about wrapping this story up pretty quick. I have another one coming and I'm pretty excited to upload it. Plus... I'm embarassed that this story sounds pretty bad (IMO) and has ridiculously short chapters. Also with my poor record on uploading these things (UGH!). I don't write amazingly long stories, in case you haven't figured it out.

OH! I just remembered! Me and my cousin, ShadowPup, are going to try to make a story together. We haven't relly figured out much details, but we're both really excited. Yay! Stories!

OHMYGODNASTY!! I just got a dirty Band-Aid stuck to my toe. Ewewewewew x(

Anyway! I now am fully equipped with Thin Mints, Tagalongs, and music! So, story!! -----v


I never really knew sadness. My parents died when I was too young to understand; I never really understood what happened to them. Sure, I had experienced littler things that upset me; scratches, cuts, and when that one squirrel died.

Only when Kadan was taken did I realize what sadness was. It felt like a heavy weight inside me. I didn't want to move. I wouldn't do anything unless Kit made me. When we had to leave that place, I refused. I sat on the ground where I had been beaten into unconciousness before. The last place that Kadan was with me.

Kit had to drag me from the place into a freshly stolen car. Mom's car the police confiscated. The new car felt empty and strange. Part of me was afraid it was bugged, but I already sent a spell inside and outside the thing to ruin any that were running.

We travelled for months on end, running from anyone and anything to the point of paranoia. I wasn't allowed to speak with anyone and we barely went anywhere that we could be seen. If we were seen, we left immdeiately, driving hundreds of miles away.

Somehow, I managed to keep up on my training. Keep up was an understatement, though. Instead of training every other day or every few days, I practiced daily, sometimes for hours at a time, only taking an hour or two as a break, then starting back up again. I taught myself spells, curses, defenses, anything. The only way I found myself stopping before bedtime on free days was when Kit had had enough of my obsessive practiving and would pin me down until I agreed to stop. The next day, though, I would train harder, feeling weak because I could be pinned by a human.

It wasn't long until I had learned the spell to become immortal. As soon as I learned it, I cast it on myself. I felt invincible, even though all that happened was that I couldn't get any older. Kit looked proud, but worried when I achieved it. I didn't care. I felt supreme. I could stop him. I could stop anyone.

I was ready to save Kadan, who somehow managed to avoid a life sentence. I was ready to take down the man that killed my parents, Saadya, and whoever it was that sent Kit against Kadan and I so many years ago.

I started looking for Saadya behind Kit's back. I'd tell him I was going for a walk, only to teleport myself somewhere else to search. I could see Kit looking at me nervously, unsure of what to do. He never said anything when I'd come back twelve hours later, smelling like the ocean or a smoggy city full of smokers and factories. I'd just glare at him until he made his worried look disappear. Then, I'd turn around in a huff and walk to the car to get a bit of sleep. I never found Saadya when I was searching for him.

Then I decided to wait for him. I went out on my "walk", teleporting to my parents' old house and waiting there, surrounded by what was left of my mom's and dad's presence. I moved around the house, sitting in  my room and my parents' room. I whispered to the walls about what happened, crying when I remembered who caused all the trouble. I could feel my mom's and dad's spirit envelope me, trying to silently comfort me.

When I said how much I had trained, there was a cloud of disappointment that set in, only to vanish when I had told them that I was immortal. Then, the room seemed brighter and more colorful. I decided to leave out the fact that I was sneaking away to deliberately pick a fight with Saadya.

Then, I could feel him coming. It was the strangest sensation, but I knew he was here. The room was thick with worry and fear. I could feel my parents' spirits almost clinging to me, almost to the point of feeling suffocated.

I heard footsteps resounding in my ears. Then, I heard, in a low, familiar voice, "Ah, Addi. I've been watching you."

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