Chapter One

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Heya! I hope you'll forgive me for this, but I'm writing a story that I started writing a long time ago but I got bored of it and stopped. I rediscovered it and wanted to rewrite it. We'll see how this goes.

By the way... I'm starting this at two in the morning. I hope it's not terrible as a result. It was a spur of the moment thing.

Also, if you can't read what she's saying, I have the same sentence in parenthesis. Sorry if this is frustrating to others. I typed it out like that because, of course, three year olds speak differently.

Enjoy!!!! :)  


I loved Mommy. She had kind, warm brown eyes and soft, platinum blonde hair. It was wavy and framed her flawless face which didn't need makeup. Mommy was loving and did no wrong. She was perfect and the most beautiful woman in the world.

She'd tickle me, and, as I giggled and squirmed, she'd laugh melodiously. Her voice was soothing. She hugged me and showered me with kisses. She always paid attention to me. We did everything together, and, if Daddy was there, he'd join us.

He wasn't home often, though. He was the King of Cymdeithas and Mommy was his Queen. Since his parents were the royal ones, he was the one who made the decisions. Mommy was mostly for his happiness and, occasionally, his sanity. When I grew up, I'd be in charge, but that didn't really matter to me. I was only three.

Cymdeithas is a secret community that is spread throughout your United States. Residents of our community are beyond unique; each one is a sorcerer. We are allowed our own government, which is very much like a monarchy. The least powerful are the servants, who sometimes aren't even sorcerers. Next are the citizens of Cymodeithas. The the gaurds, the court, and, of course, the King and Queen. They, though, are not the most powerful. The strongest was The Highest. No one knew who The Highest was. They didn't even know the gender. All they knew was to fear The Highest. Though The Highest didn't often make decisions, when The Highest commanded something, it was done immediately.

Daddy was a good king. He made good decisions and did only what he thought was best. Very few opposed him. If someone had a problem with a law, he would change it as it was seen fit. He had people set up in every state to make sure that he was making laws to fit the needs of the residents.

The United States government allowed this under a few conditions. 1) We were to assist in wars when we were told to. 2) We weren't allowed to harm humans unless it is of self-defense, or because they knew to much and would tell. 3) We were to follow by the obvious laws, meaning no murder, theft, physical or sexual assault, and other such laws that should go without saying. They promised that they would not attack us for no reason, expose our secret, experiment on us, and would treat us as any other citizen, for the most part. These are, of course, vague descriptions, but I only know what I was taught, and this is what I was taught.

Both sides diligently kept their promise. There were never any problems in Cymdeithas, apart from a very small amount of crimes, until one day.

Mommy was reading me Rainbow Fish books that terrible day. I adored Rainbow fish books, mostly because of Rainbow Fish's shiny scales. They were mesmerizing. We were sitting on a blanket that was spread on the floor of our living room. I was in her lap, both of us holding the book. Each time she turned the page I'd quickly find Rainbow Fish and point at him with a delighted gasp.

I turned to Mommy, who smiled at me. "Thewe's Raindow Fiss! (There's Rainbow Fish!)" I said excitedly. Mommy nodded with the same amount of enthusiasm. I nodded back, exaggerating hers, my mouth hanging open and with a huge grin.

Mommy laughed, and so did I, not really sure why I did. She hugged me tight. "Addilynn, are you pretty?" she asked me.

"Yes!" I announced proudly. She laughed again.

"And don't you forget it!" she playfully chided me. I nodded, scrunching up my face. I turned around on her lap looking away from the book and at her.

"Mommy, are you pitty (pretty)?"

She thought for a moment, making Pooh's thinking face. "Think. Think. Think." I squealed with laughter. "Yes!" she said finally. I giggled harder. She always made me laugh. I loved Winnie the Pooh with as much passion as a toddler could muster. Everyday, I'd be begging her for it to come on TV. Eventually, she just taped each episode.

"You'w da best Mommy eba (You're the best Mommy ever)," I sighed, getting up and hugging her. It was the truth. I loved her more than Winnie the Pooh and Rainbow Fish, combined.

"You're my best daughter ever." She hugged back. It was okay that she said that. I had no siblings. "Do you want to finish Rainbow Fish now?" I widened my eyes when I realized that I had forgotten about it.

"Yes!" I nodded to add emphasis. "Now!"

"Alright," she began reading about the shiny fish's adventure. In the middle of the story, the phone rang. Mommy frowned at getting interrupted. She pulled me off her lap and set me down on the ground, walking to the phone base in the kitchen.

I copied her face as best as I could and walked to the kitchen as well. When I got in she was already on the phone. I whined at her, hoping to get my own time on the phone, talking to whoever it was.

"Hold on a moment," she said to the person on the other line. "Addi. Shush," Mommy frowned more at me. "Let Mommy talk. It's important." I whined more. "Addilynn. Stop. Go play with your toys." she looked angry and tense. I decided to go before she got mad enough to use my full name.

I played with my Barbies while she was on the phone. I silently jumped them around the blanket, talking with them only in my head, instead of out loud.

Mommy walked in a few minutes later. Her anger was gone, but she looked tense, her face was paled, and she was shaking. "Guess what, Addi?" Her quiet voice trembled.

"What, Mommy?"

"Daddy's coming home early."

In My Mind's EyeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz