Chapter Eight

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I jolted awake suddenly at the sound of the familiar voice and from me being lifted. Kit was holding me up and I could feel the knife against my neck. I whimpered, kicking my legs to get down. Kit moved the knife a bit farther from me.

"Give her back, dammit." Kadan growled.

"Fuck no. If I do, you'll kill me."

"For a good reason," Kadan added.

"Tit," I whined. "Peas lemme doe (Please let me go)."

"Tit?" Kadan snickered. "Your name his TIT?!" He bursted out in laughter.

"No, it's Kit. Christ. Lay off." Kadan doubled over laughing. "You know what?!" Kit yelled, already at the end of his rope. "Fuck you. She liked it better here with me so why the hell would she want to go back with you anyway?! You had fun, right Aamori?"

"Yeah." I looked at Kadan and told him in an enthusiastic voice, "We hah a tea parie an red Raindow Fiss (We had a tea party and read Rainbow Fish)!"

Kadan stopped laughing in an instant as he fiercely glared at Kadan. "There's no way in hell that she'd want to stay with you over being with me.

"Aamori, would you like to stay here longer or do you want to stay with Kadan?"

I was silent. What did I want? I cried from the pressure instead of answering. This was too much for me! I was only a toddler!

"Put her down!" Kadan commanded. "She's crying, dammit! Clearly she doesn't want to be around you anymore!"

Kit walked me over to a beanbag and sat me down in it. "Don't move," he muttered over my cries.

My vision was blurred, but I could vaguely see Kadan and Kit. Kit was infront of me, and Kadan was across him.

"Why the hell did you take her? What do you want, damnit?!" Kadan yelled at Kit. I trembled at the sound of his overwhelming anger. If I would have realized how surprising it was that he didn't kill Kit on the spot, I would have been completely baffled.

Kit answered him, "If I didn't, he would have killed me!"

"Damn right I am!"

"No, I mean he would have killed me and Aamori. He could easily put an end to all of us."

Some part of that must not have registered in Kadan's mind because right then he attacked Kit. I watched as random objects flew at Kit: stuffed animals, books, tea cups, dolls, and other toys. I had stopped crying and could easily see Kadan punch Kit in his face. He left a gash on his cheek.

Kit grabbed Kadan's arm shortly after it left his face and twisted it behind his back and tugging roughly on it. Kit's knife was at Kadan's neck. There was a large gust of wind as Kit was suddenly blown backwards, the knife thrown into a wall. "You're human, aren't you?" Kadan said in a voice that sounded like he was trying not to laugh.

"Oh, fuck off." Kit grumbled, jumping up and at Kadan once again. Kadan was caught slightly off guard as Kit lunged at him, the knife flying high.  

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