Chapter Ten

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When I woke up, we were in Kadan's car once again. The air was tense as he drove about, seemingly aimlessly. "Where are we even going?" Kit asked suddenly. Kadan shrugged. So it was aimlessly.

I watched quietly from my car seat, already bored of their silence. I sighed. They glanced back at me in surprise. "Good morning," Kit said to me.

"Ood morig, Tit (Good morning, Kit)!" I answered, grinning. Kadan snickered.

After Kit finished glaring at him, he turned to me. "Know how long you've been sleeping?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I shook my head. "Twelve hours."

My eyes widened. "Ih dat lon (Is that long)?" Kit nodded. "Woooah..."


"Alright, Tit," Kadan suddenly said. "Time to go."

"Don't call me that!" Kit growled at him. He stepped out of the car.

"Waih! Where are yo doen (Wait! Where are you going)?" I asked, panicky.

"I have to go, Aamori," Kit answered, looking forlorn.

"No!" I shouted at him.

He looked shocked, then grinned. "You heard her. I'm staying."

Kadan cursed, hitting the steering wheel. "Fine. Get in then." I let out a squeal of excitement.

"Kaykay! Tan we doe to a par (Can we go to a park)?"




"Why no (not)?"

"Because I said so."

"Tan I see my Mommy?"

Kadan hesitated. Kit looked at him in confusion. "No," he answered at last.

"Tan I see my howse (Can I see my house)?"

Kadan hesitated again. "Fine." I squealed again.

"Why can't she see her mom?" Kit asked, staring at Kadan. Kadan looked at me quickly in the mirror and said something to him in a quiet voice.

Kit's mouth drew into a fine line and he glanced back at me. "She probably doesn't remember," he commented. Kadan nodded.

I felt confused. Who didn't remember what? Poor person. The confusion passed as I grew excited. I was finally going to be able to show Mommy my friend, Kit! I picked up a book from beside my seat and looked at the pictures, pretending to read on the way.

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