Chapter Sixteen

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Alright... I know this is like... two days late (xD) but I have a good reason for that and the shortness of this chapter! I crashed. I went to bed aroud 1 am last I updated. I had a number of busy, exciting days before that , and also, I've been getting to bed late A LOT! So, I ended up completely crashing and had to go to bed at 9:30 pm for a couple nights in a row, making me fall behind on homework (I'm practially caught up... Whew!). That is my really good excuse! Now... Where was I?


I was yanked roughly from the car,  my head banged against the door. Black spots flooded my vision until I was nearly blind. "Addilyn Bailey," a deep voice said. "You're under arrest for the murder of your parents, plotting to overthrow the government, and motor vehicle theft. You have the right to remain silent." I could feel myself being flung against the back of a car violently. My head crashed onto the hard plastic and my hands were tugged roughly behind my back. The man continued, "anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to an attorney." I struggled against them, crying for help as I felt cold metal encase my wrists. "If you cannot afford one, you will be provided an attorney at no c-" The man let out a pained groan. I was allowed a short moment of satisfaction that my free-flying foot actually hit something as cursing rang out around me. There was panic in the air until one of the policemen clubbed me in the head until I fainted.


See? Short. But I'm really quite tired and probably should have gotten to bed instead of writing this... Oh well!

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