Chapter Seven

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Kadan froze, his eyes widening in horror.

"Back up," the man growled. Kadan stepped back. "Now don't move." He didn't. I heard the man let out a small, humourless laugh. "You'll see her again. Maybe," he promised. And with that, Kadan was gone. Or were we the ones that vanished?

We must have been. I knew this only when we were suddenly in... I cant describe it. It was so strange. All around me, there was padding. Ceiling, floor, walls. Everything. There were stuffed animals, too. Pink bears, blue dogs, purple piggies, lime green birdies, yellow bunnies, stuffed animals of every color, type, and size. I saw a table with a tea set, a bookshelf filled, obviously, with books, and a toy chest, which I could only guess what it was filled with. I gasped in excitement, running to the toy chest and peeked inside. Countless toys were stuffed into it. I turned to the man smiling. "Mie (Mine)?" The man nodded. "Tea parie (tea party)!" I squealed.

The man groaned, taking a seat on the small table. "I didn't know 'assassin' was the same as 'babysitter'," he grumbled in a voice I could barely hear.

"Ol ah. I hahta fih da pah (Hold on. I haveta fill the pot)," I told him. I sat in the chair obediently as I poured the tea from a cup into the pot until I thought it would be enough to fill it. I brought the pot back to the table, looking for the man. His chair was empty. I scanned the room until I found him. His eyes widened as I ran at him and hugged his leg. "Foun you (Found you)!" I cried happily. I heard the man curse under his breath. He swore again when I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the table. "Now say (Now stay)!" I commanded him, trying to look angry. He snickered at me, taking a sip from the teacup in front of him. "I din't poor da tee yeh (I didn't pour the tea yet)!" I screeched.

He put the teacup down, his face slightly pink. I poured the tea into the tiny cup and set it in front of him. He began again to drink from the pink, plastic cup. "Noo!" I cried. "I din't gih you da cae yet (I didn't give you the cake yet)!" He frowned at me, setting the cup down once again. I slowly and carefully put the plastic pieces on each plate, trying not to drop it and spill it.

"Now can I?" he complained.

"Umm..." I searched the table to see if I missed anything. "Ya." He picked up the cup. "Way (Wait)!"

He looked angry now. "What?!" he snapped.

"You fogoh yoh town (You forgot your crown)," I said in a quiet voice, suddenly becoming shy. The man groaned as I grabbed one of the jeweled, silver-colored toy crowns. "Ben obew (Bend over)," I whined. He sighed, doing so. I placed the crown in his short light brown hair carefully. "Dair (There)!" I announced proudly, admiring my work.

"Now can I?" he asked immediately. I nodded. He put the cup close to his mouth and tipped the bottom upwards. "Mmmm..." he complimented. I grinned.

I was eating my cake. I had it upside down, and was eating from the hollow that it came with. The man copied me. "This is good," he said, looking like he felt awkward. I didn't notice at the time. "Allite (Alright)!" I declared at what I considered the end of the tea party, "Is time to tean uh (It's time to clean up)!"

The man's face lit up. "Really?" I nodded. He started putting the pieces of cake back on the cake.

"No!" I cried. "I wanna tean uh (I wanna clean up)!" I started crying.

"No, Aarmori. It's okay. I'll put them back and you can clean them up." he put the cake slices back on their plates.

"I wanned to (I wanted to)!" I sobbed. "Why dih you do dat (Why did you do that)?"

"I-I'm sorry, Aamori," he stammered. "You can now, though."

I sniffled, putting the cake pieces on the plate. I dumped the tea out at no place in particular. After we did that, I dragged him to the bookshelf. I stopped suddenly, realizing I didn't know his name. I turned around, looking up at him. "Wat's yor name (What's your name)?"


"Tit (Kit)" I watched his face turn a deep red color.

"Umm... No, Kit. With a 'k'"

"Tit!" I failed miserably at pronouncing the 'k'".



He groaned. "Fine, whatever. Just... Pick out a book."

"Raindow Fiss (Rainbow Fish)!" I squealed in excitement. He looked through the bookshelf and picked out a few Rainbow Fish books, laying them out in front of me. I pointed at my favorite, and Kit pulled me on his lap. He read to me in a low monotone that made me sleepy (I didn't have my nap yet, either). I tried to stay awake, I really did, but no matter how much I tried to, I still ended up falling asleep. When I did, I was vaguely aware of a door opening. The last thing I heard after that was, "What the hell did you do to her?!"

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