Chapter Fourteen

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My plan worked perfectly. I shadowed Jake throughout the day, and teachers seemed to believe him when he told them so. The school seemed less prison-like as the day wore on. Though it didn't seem less plain, it just seemed like a happier place. It may have been because of Jake and his sunny personality. He was confident, but not arrogant. He introduced me to his friends who were not nearly as flirtatious as him, but they were pretty neat, too. They talked about things that I had never heard of, like the current fad, but they also talked about things I could relate to: camping, traveling, paranoid... guardians, and other such things.

Jake didn't ditch me at all during the day. He stayed by my side, even to the point of being right outside the girls' bathroom door when I was in there, which was actually pretty embarrassing. We walked from class to class, him chatting breezily about his life, his arm around my shoulders. My cheeks were on fire all the way to his class, where, just before the doorway, he removed his arm. Some jeered at us. "Aww... Jakey has a girlfriend!" some chanted. Jake laughed at them, telling them to shut up, as if he was really close to them, which might have been true. All through the day went on like that. Either he was chatting or students were jeering, sometimes both, but there was never neither.

We stepped outside the school at the end of the day. Him talking excitedly about some new popular action movie that he believed we should see. I agreed, not sure if I should have been worried. The thought vanished from my mind when I saw a mess of black hair in the parking lot, leaning against the all too familiar car. Silver eyes pierced mine, then glared at Jake. He watched me, pulling me in with his eyes. I found myself going right to him.

"Umm... Aamori. Do you know him?" Jake asked, sounding uncertain.

"Yeah..." I answered, staring at Kadan as his eyes dragged me in. I felt Jake tighten his hold on my shoulders as we came to a stop in front of him.

"Who the hell are you?" Kadan demanded of Jake. Jake looked shocked. His mouth moved uselessly, no words coming out. "Get your arm off of her," he hissed. Jake's arm fell down to his side abruptly.

"Kadan--" I started, only to be interrupted. He glared at me.

"Where the hell did you think you were going?" he growled.

"A-a movie," I whimpered. "Please? It's just for fun..."

"I'm coming with or you're not going," he said in a low voice, glowering at Jake.

I could feel Jake's disappointment when he said that, yet the date wasn't cancelled. Jake took his car and Kadan shoved me into his car to ride in to the movie theater. Neither of us said a word, but the air was thick and tense. I was sure that Kadan and I were never this separate or that we ever would be, but we were. He was angry with me, and I, with him. I was sure he would ruin my date!

We chose a movie that apparently wasn't all that popular because when we got into the theater, it was nearly empty except for a few people. Kadan quickly situated himself between Jake and I, but Jake wouldn't have it. He stood up and walked around the row behind us and sat down next to me. Kadan fumed quietly over it the rest of the movie.


Sorry it's so late... and short. I had a better one up, but It was wrong. I don't feel like explaining it at all, so yeah...

Anyway! My belated Christmas present? I'm writing a story. It WILL BE DEPRESSING! And on another account. Good luck finding it! :D

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