Chapter Thirteen

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"You don't have to do this," Kadan grumbled, eyeing me.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "But why not? What's the harm in one day? It's only high school."

"Only high school my ass! Aamori. High school is hell," Kit nearly yelled. "The homework you'll never use. There's pointless drama and everything is so DAMN COMPLICATED!" He flailed his arms, trying to emphasize his point. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing at him.

"Plus," Kadan added, "that gives Saadya a way to track us. Have you honestly forgotten about him? Yeah. He's that guy that wants to kill you." I glare at Kadan.

"Is it too much to ask for one normal day? It's not like we're doing anything else."

"It's too much work to get you into the damn system for only one day," Kit muttered.

"Thanks for your support, Tit." I huffed. Kit stiffened, sending me a murderous glare. "And guess what? I could just say I'm shadowing someone."

"Someone will find out," Kadan reasoned.

"We both know the spell to wipe memory. Duh."

"Fine. One day. That's it. Why do I let you get away with this?!" Kadan flew his hand through his hair once more, irritated and frustrated.

"Because you love me?" I teased, batting my eyelashes at him. Kit looked at me with an unreadable expression. I bit my lip and looked away, suddenly interested in the ground.

"Keep it G, guys," Kit called out louder than he needed to. "Besides. Isn't that pedophelia or something?"

"What are you talking about?" I demanded as Kadan corrected him.

"Cymdeithas is different, idiot. People hundreds of years apart marry. You think that's gross? You're ignorant. The spell that I mastered makes us age five times slower than you people, even if we don't master it. Those that do master it hardly even age at all."

"Marriage? Who said anything about marriage? I was just teasing. Why are you being so defensive?" Kit  retorted, sounding amused, like he was trying not to laugh. Kadan's face turned a slightly pinkish shade.

"Y-you implied it," Kadan answered, stumbling over his words.

"Pedophelia doesn't require getting married," Kit snickered.

Kadan fell silent, then said, "Bring Aamori to goddamn high school tomorrow morning," turning away and walking to an unknown destination.

Kit and I said nothing for a while. I had no idea what to say, or even think. My mind had hit a wall. "He'll be back," Kit said suddenly, sounding confident.

But he didn't come back. Not that night, or the next morning. Kit took me to high school, like Kadan had told him to. I walked into the doors of the massive building that reminded me of a prison. The inside was slightly less so. It's walls were white and the floor was made of speckled tiles. Trophies in cases were against the walls and a picture of a man, most likely the principle, sat next to them. A shriveled old woman sat at the doors, yelling out "let me see IDs!" in a voice that didn't match the rest of her. Everyone else walked past, ignoring her, so I did the same. She started trailing behind me. "ID! ID! Let me see it!"

"I'm new," I said quickly. "I don't have one yet." The woman looked shocked. She directed me to the office, telling me to talk to some "Mr. Chule". I walked into the office and out of the opposite door, ignoring the strange looks.

I walked into what was apparently the commons then. Tons of people were swarmed together, different cliques being visibly divided. I felt butterflies in my stomach, realizing I was all alone. I was the new girl and these were all humans. Why did I want to be here again? I saw a few people from one group sneaking glances at me. I shrunk away from them to the other side of the commons.

"Hey!" I was suddenly greeted. I looked up at the boy. His red hair was tousled every which way and he had light skin. His arms were ropy. He wore a dark green tee (which I could see his six pack through) with light blue jeans. He threw me a stunning smile.

I giggled, though I had no idea why, then smiled back up at him. "Hi. Ummm... I need someone to shadow. Can I shadow you?"

He looked a bit confused for a moment, then grinned again. "I would love for you to shadow me. For how long? Maybe to my house?" He winked at me.

I frowned, realizing what he was implying. "How about not. Maybe I'll shadow you after school to a movie," I offered.

He nodded. "Right after school," the boy promised. "I'm Jake," he added quickly.

"Aamori," I answered, anxious for school to end.


Any good? Hope so. I wrote it long-ish. Maybe I'll keep doing that. Meh. Oh well. Merry Christmas! :D

In My Mind's EyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora