Chapter Nine

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The instant I saw the crazed look in Kit's eyes and the shock in Kadan's, I panicked. I almost screamed as I saw the beautiful black dagger flying at Kadan. He could get hurt! Didn't Kit know that? Even I did! I had to stop this! How? I could cry! It was too late for that, wasn't it? Even so, tears welled up in my eyes. I could run... not fast enough. Could I do anything? At all? A headache formed as I racked my head for someway to stop this. I felt like someone was squeezing my head as hard as they could.

My head exploded with pain as the black dagger erupted in Kit's hand. I writhed in agony, holding my head in my hands. I only realized I had moved from where I was before once I was crumpled on the floor. I laid on the soft floor crying and screaming as tremors rocked my brain. It felt like years before I heard Kadan next to me, asking if I was okay. I didn't answer. I couldn't. All I could do was cry more.

I felt him pick me up and hold me against him. When the pain finally subsided, I looked up at him, my face still wet from the tears. He looked back at me, his face pale and filled with worry. Suddenly, he looked relieved, then confused. "Aamori, what happened?"

"I-I dun no," I whispered, exhausted. My whole body felt heavy.

"She did it," Kit said out of nowhere, his voice tight. Kadan's attention turned to him. Kit cradled his hand as he studied me carefully. "Aamori made it blow up. She probably didn't try to, but it happened. Since she's so young and technically shouldn't be able to, it took it's toll. But now, she's probably the strongest three-year-old on earth. Isn't that great?" He added sarcastically.

"That would happen, wouldn't it?" Kadan grumbled, his eyes clouding over in anger.

"Of course it would. Remind me never to attack you in front of Aamori again." Kit came over toward me.

"Tan I nah (Can I nap)?" I said, my eyelids drooping.

"Sure," Kadan answered. Even if he had said no, I wouldn't have been able to stay awake.

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