Chapter Three

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Thanks much for reading! I love you if you are reading this! :)

It's finally getting exciting. Sorry it took so long!



Mommy held me close to her as she read more of Rainbow Fish to me. She seemed normal aside from her occasionally glacing up at Daddy who paced in front of us.

"The Rainbow Fish found the cove," she read. "It was very dark inside and he couldn't see anything. Then suddenly two eyes caught him in their glare and..." Mommy stiffened suddenly. Her eyes glazed over and her body became stone.

"Ma... Mommy? Wa's wong (Mommy? What's wrong)?" Panic rose inside me. I touched her face. She remained still. "Mommy!" I shouted.

"Machelle!" Daddy was suddenly on one knee right next to us. "Addilynn, are you okay?" I nodded a little.

Daddy tugged at Mommy's arms that didn't come loose. It was like she didn't want me to leave her. I squirmed, terrified of what was going on with Mommy.

Daddy looked from Mommy to me with longing eyes. He kissed her forehead. "Sorry, Honey," he whispered to her frozen figure. Then, he grabbed one of her forearms that was wrapped around me and yanked at it as hard as he could toward him. There was a sound like a crack as the arm was forced to move. I wiggled the rest of the way out of Mommy's arms; Daddy lifted me up to him as soon as I got out.

"Aw, how sad. Is the queen frozen out of shock, or is she captivated by my good looks?" an unfamiliar voice laughed humorlessly. I looked around for the source, but it seemed to be everywhere.

I whined a bit, frightened by the disembodied voice. "Oh, is this your little girl?" The voice sounded almost shocked. I felt a pressure on my chin that raised it slightly. Suddenly, a man was in front of me. "She's gonna be cute," he mused. Daddy let out a strange noise that sounded almost like a growl. The man ignored him. "Hello, Addilynn. My name is Saadya." He smiled at me a twisted grin.

Daddy pulled me back suddenly. "Stay the hell away from my daughter, you damned murderer."

Saadya turned his attention to Daddy, his face still holding it's wicked grin. "Yours I'm going to enjoy the most."

Daddy whispered in my ear for me to hide in a little while and put me down. Mommy moved suddenly next to me. "Mommy?" I stared in shock. She was okay? A voice in my head told me to go now. I turned reluctantly and darted for my bedroom.

Daddy had made a long time ago a trapdoor in my closet with a spell that only he and Mommy knew. No one outside of the King's family knew about the secret hiding spot for my safety. It was a truly remarkable spell. Only me, Mommy, and Daddy could see the entrance, and when I was inside, it was even more difficult to find. If someone would have knocked on the wall by it, it would have sounded like it was hollow. Also, there was no trace whatsoever of the hiding place. The walls weren't any bigger to make up for the small room inside them.

I climbed in the door and sat inside, waiting, just as Daddy had practiced with me. I had food in here if I needed it and there was even a bathroom. The walls were soft if I would have wanted to nap, but I was to scared by whatever was happening. If I would have tried to leave, I couldn't have unless I had to. The door locked me in as soon as I got in.

A door shut outside and there were lots of loud noises: a scream, crashing, the sounds of complicated spells being cast. Yelling, calling, orders. I was terrified. I wanted to go outside, but I was petrified. There were some thumps, and clashing. Curses and swears filled the air. It was a long ordeal. I sat impatiently, waiting for Daddy for what seemed like days.

Finally, there was silence. I looked around, even though I knew I wouldn't see anything. Footsteps. I moved in front of the door expectantly. The closet door opened, and there was a sigh. "Damn it, where is that stupid door again?"

I knew from the man's voice that it wasn't Daddy, but it also wasn't Saadya. He groaned. There was a soft tapping that moved all over the wall until the door was tapped and opened. "Found it."

There was a blinding light in my almost pitch black room. I blinked rapidly, holding my hands in front of my face. I was unable to see and afraid of who the person was. My eyes adjusted after a little while and saw a boy. He looked to be about nineteen or so. He had messy jet black hair and his eyes were a beautiful silver. He smiled at me. "Hey," he said in a quiet voice. "I'm Kadan. Can you come out now?" I shook my head rapidly. Kadan's eyebrows pulled together. "Please?" I shook my head again. he sighed. "You're so difficult," he complained. I nodded enthusiastically. "I bet I could still get you out."

"No," I challenged him. He reached in and poked my stomach repeatedly. I giggled. "Noooooo!" I laughed hysterically. He pulled me out as I wiggled and snickered.

Kadan set me on the ground. "I told you." He stuck out his tongue out at me. I stuck mine out as far as I could in response.

"Wewe's Mommy nd Daddy (Where's Momm and Daddy)?" I realized suddenly, walking back to the living room. Kadan was silent. "Kaykay! Wewe's Mommy and Daddy (Kaykay! Where's Mommy and Daddy)?"

"How about I carry you, Addi?" he suggested suddenly. I saw why.

In the living room, there was blood everywhere. The walls were splattered with it, along with the furniture. The cream walls were now a hideous scarlet. A metallic smell filled the room and I felt sick. It was disgusting.

Two people lay in the room, unmoving. They, too were covered in blood. I recognized them shortly after noticing them. "Mommy! Daddy!" I cried. Kadan said nothing and just watched me with sad eyes as I ran to them. "Mommy! You'we bleedin! You need a banaid! Daddy! Wae uh! Nao! Peeas! Mommy! Peeas! Det uh! Peeas (Mommy! You're bleeding! You need a Band-Aid! Daddy! Wake up! Now! Please! Mommy! Please! Get up! Please)!" I cried, tears filling my eyes. What was happening? I was so confused, but something was wrong with them. I ran to Kadan, burying my face in his pants leg. "Wha's wong wit dem? Why won't dey wae uh (What's wrong with them? Why won't they wake up)?" My sobs were muffled by the blue denim of his jeans.

Kadan picked me up. "Come on, Addilynn. We need to leave." He rubbed my back comfortingly. He grabbed a set of keys off the kitchen counter before he stepped into the garage. He put me in the car seat of my mom's green car and we sped away from the house that was to be forever imprinted in our memories. 

In My Mind's EyeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora