17| Jungkook

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I have never moved so fast in my entire life. My legs move before I can even comprehend what I'm doing. All I remember is grabbing anything and everything from my wardrobe and sliding into a pair of skinny jeans I haven't worn since high school.

Holy shit. I think they're cutting off the circulation to my—

"Why is the door locked?" My heart sinks when I see the door knob being turned and tugged aggressively. I glance around, eyes landing on my bathroom door. Ronnie still has yet to come out and I prayed she takes her time doing whatever the hell it is.

I finger comb my hair, adjusting my tee and letting it fall over my lower body. These damn jeans looked more like tights.

I glance around the room one last time. Making sure there wasn't a single hint of Ronnie. Not a single fiber of hair on my bed and pillows. Once I'm mostly sure her presence isn't noticeable, I tip-toe to the bathroom door.

I knock three times lightly and wait for a second. Ronnie returns my three knocks before slowly opening the door and peering up at me. I swallow before leaning over.

"He's here." I whisper and her eyes widen. She quickly nods before backing away and slowly closing the bathroom door. I hear the click of the lock, the light switch being flicked. And then complete silence.

Sighing I speed walk to the door, pausing to regain my breath and settle nerves. I inhale deeply before opening the door nonchalantly and forcing a yawn.

"The hell," Taehyung pushes passed me and barges into my room. I glance at the bathroom before watching him look around with narrowed eyes.

"You're alone?" He challenges and I only nod as if I'm not about to have a fucking mental breakdown right now. He stares at me for a moment before sighing and plopping down on my bed.

I relax a little and struggle to move in the tight jeans, almost waddling to the bed and stiffly sitting beside him. We both stay silent for a moment, staring down at the floor before Taehyung clears his throat.

"How's your issue coming along?" My eyes shoot up at him and he grins. I narrow my eyes, noticing the fresh bruises on his neck. He notices and uses his hand to cover them.

I don't mention it and dismiss him. "It's fine."

Taehyung chuckles before smirking. "So your dick isn't limp anymore?"

My mouth falls open and my eyes widen so large they hurt. I tense and listen hard to hear any sign or laughter in the bathroom. Dear god please don't tell me she heard that.


"Oh yeah!" He smiles, cutting me off. "Who's the girl you fucked?"

My jaw tenses. "That's not any of your business."

His eyes flash dangerously and he grins wider and I scowl. My eyes meet his challenging but of course he didn't care.

"Is she a porn star?"

"No." I say bluntly and his brows raise.






"Jesus!" I huff out a breath before shaking my head. "It's someone you don't know. So just drop it."

His annoying smirk stays plastered on his face and I stare at him without blinking. Somehow we end up having an intense staring contest before a loud thud comes from the bathroom. I freeze and Taehyung's head snaps into the direction of the door.

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