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[short recap]
"oh nothing, i just remembered the cute worker there." she awed.

I cocked a brow at that statement.
"cute worker?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"yeah! he had the cutest puppy smile and was so polite."
I don't know when it started, but having to listen to compliments about other guys was really starting to piss me off.

"what was his name?"

"ahh i didn't have a chance to get his name." she said pouting. "I guess that means i should go back and ask, right?" she smiled.

I felt my hands ball up into fists.

"w-what? why not?" she asked.

"You're not going there anymore without me."

Jungkook's POV

"Jungkook!?" a stupid voice called for me down the hall.

"yeah?" I called back slightly uninterested.

just then a crack of light peeked through my room and the door opened.
i turned to face it, squinting at the light.

"jungkook I need to do an evaluation report on how your wounds have healed hence your time living with me."

I sighed. "but whyyyy~ there's no point~" I groaned as i stretched my tired body on the bed.

"jungkook it's for work. just because i'm not at work doesn't mean i have to stop working."

there are very few things a rabbit hybrid like me understands about the adult world.

"plus i'm able to work from home because you live with me and i'm still taking care of you, just in a different setting. So get up and allow me to do my job." she said exasperated, running her hand through her hair.

she said some other things too but i wasn't really listening.

"if I don't do my job. I don't get paid. and if I don't get paid, we have no money."


"which means no more banana milk and cookies." she continued.

my eyes shot open at that.

reluctantly i rolled over like a good boy and allowed her to check on my booboo spots.

"jungkook... I know it's been a while since the last time I checked but.. where are your wounded spots?"

"oh right, i forgot to tell you. They healed up a while ago. That's why i didn't see a point in checking."

she looked astonished.
"jungkook you... aish you are a very abnormal bunny." she said scruffing my hair and ears.

"Okay, Kook I'm just about done with these reports."

"okay so?" i asked wondering how this was MY problem.

"so, i have to leave soon to drop them off at work." she said, done with my shit.

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