Girl Swap

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"That's amazing, Bahamut-kun. Effortlessly transmuting this space's form and manifestation is impressive."

"It isn't all that fascinating. You could do it just as easy, deadweight caster."

We were back where the majority our paths crossed on that fateful day, standing inside my illusionary forest- or rather, the newly floating islands I converted them to.

Significantly expanding the domain, twelve pieces of land levitated, each roughly large enough to fit a mid-sized town.

How did I let things transpire this, better yet; why did I keep letting Ishtar run her mouth?

That troublesome goddess...


Twenty minutes prior

Another trip to the land underneath. I say that but how to go about getting there? Are there gateways on the surface that will teleport you? Or animals that could lead people to hell as Hades had? ...Hmm, vexing indeed.

"-Bahamut. Hey, can you hear us?"

My shoulders rocked. Soft, warm hands clasped gently around my collarbone, shaking me delicately.

"I'm fine, Jeanne. Merely lost in thought."

I retreated from her reach, a tad uncomfortable, looking around at the others.

"Is nobody here aware of what's happening?"

No one in attendance spoke up.

Gudako resembled me moments ago, silently locked in a world of complete concentration.

"Over here." A telepathic rattled my head

From my corner vision, Merlin flourished his hand in a discreet wave. He rose them to his lips the next second and ran them across.

"My lips are sealed."

The connection cut off shortly after, and the caster looked away, humming jubilantly.

Guess that only leaves me.

I rubbed my knitted brows, battling the ensuing headache I felt approaching.

"An exorbitant amount of souls have gone missing with no physical or magic traces left behind. They aren't needlessly floating about either. Trapped is the most likely option. In every mythological legend, there's only one place wandering souls end up, He-"


Ishtar's hand slapped sharply across my mouth. Her chest rose and fell at an alarming rate. Ishtar panted desperately with a red face as if she'd been running the entire time.

What's her deal?

Uruk's resident goddess clung to me with surprising strength. We wrestled on the log. No matter how long I shook my arm Ishtar's grip on me stubbornly persisted, refusing to let me speak.

I pursed my lips and clenched my teeth. Try as I might, I couldn't stay composed as a vein rose on my temple. Within seconds, I quietly erupted like a volcano, fighting back against Ishtar.


"Ow! ow, ow! No biting, no biting!"

She screamed but didn't let go; instead, turning to the others with a faltering smile.

"Y-You guys see... what Bahamut's suggesting is-ow! H-He's indicating that we need to become inconspicuous while searching for the souls. They aren't openly floating about, so it's likely another goddess from the alliance has imprisoned them in their temple. I-In short, our friend here is offering we hide inside his illusionary forest for cover."

Souls Of The Fateless (FGO x God's Wrath OC Series Story)Where stories live. Discover now