Chapter 10

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"So, how old are you?" Maggie smiled as they walked slowly up the stairs.

"I'm twenty," Lia replied with a smile.

Maggie's smile widened. A good age difference. "When did you meet Marcus?"

"About three weeks ago," Lia replied, surprised by the shortness of the time they'd know each other, but did it really matter?

Well, that's a long time, but that really wasn't Maggie's business. "I'm glad Marcus found you."

Lia looked down and smiled. "Yeah, me, too." They reached the top of the stairs and Lia looked at Maggie. "How long have you known Marcus?"

"Since I got mated to Steven, about seven years ago," Maggie grinned, remembering the day.

Lia tried not to look surprised, she hadn't known that Steven was mated, really. The man was quite silent and usually had a serious expression on his face, which was quite a contrast to someone like Maggie, who was vivacious and very energetic as it was. Lia stood about a couple of inches taller than Maggie, which added, in her opinion, to how adorable they were as a couple, as Steven was about as tall as Henry.

"Did Marcus leave the house?" Lia asked, trying not to sound worried.

God, she was becoming a sap.

"Yes, he did." Maggie said, squeezing her uninjured arm and offering her a small smile. "But don't worry, I'm sure he can't wait to get back to you."

I hope so.

It was mid-afternoon at the moment, and Lia was sitting on a chair in the clearing outside the pack house, watching the children play. Most were playing soccer, taking up most of the field, the others were playing a game of tag, while some were having a little picnic at the side.

She looked up at the sky, though it looked sunny, there were storm clouds in the distance, and she knew that it would more than likely rain soon.

Suddenly four children were running to her, two little girls and two twin boys. The youngest, a girl of five or six, made direct collision to Lia's knees, slapping her thighs in the process, with a happy grin on her face.

"Luna, are you going to be our mommy?!" She giggled, her wide eyes looking up at Lia, her chocolate brown curls falling over her shoulders.

Lia must've had quite an expression because Maggie started laughing.

"Wha..." Lia's voice faded, surprised.

The children were looking at her, most with hopeful eyes, but there was one boy, one of the twins, who looked at her with what was clearly distrust in his eyes.

"These are some of the children of pack members we'd lost during the Rogue War." Maggie's expression turned sad for a moment. "Marcus goes through great lengths to make them feel safe and comfortable." She smiled as she came up to Lia, patting the twins on the head. "They have it in their minds that he's their daddy." Maggie had a wide smile on her face, and it was clear that that gesture endeared Marcus to her even more than he already was.

The little girl on Lia's lap was looking up at her with big green eyes, her cheeks plump from all the smiling she was doing.

Lia, after her initial shock, smiled and leaned forward, not minding the pain that shot up from her abdomen.

"Well, I can't really be your mommy, can I? You already have one, don't you?"

The little girl looked troubled for a moment. "But my mommy and daddy went away and they won't be coming back anymore."

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