Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Hey there beautiful," Chester smiled as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend's waist and kissed her gently.

"Chester, you're early today," Talinda smiled back at him. Chester grinned and turned her around.

"I have a surprise for you tonight. You wanna go out to eat? I'm just going hunting with the guys today until about seven. We'll go out after that then yea?" Chester asked with a smile. Talinda nodded.

"That sounds good Chester. Who are you going with tonight?"

"Just Jared, Ry, and Scott," Chester smiled, "Just for a little night hunting since it gets dark out quickly."

"You'll be cold. Make sure you dress nicely."

"Really Tali?" Chester snickered, "Alright I'll see you later."

Talinda nodded and watched Chester leave and shut the door. He was gone about five minutes later. She picked up her cell phone and called the number that had been sending her texts all day.

"You can come over now. He won't be back until seven tonight."

Chester on the other hand, had no idea that his girlfriend had just called another man over to his home. He had no idea that she was and had been cheating on him for almost four months now. He was just a twenty three year old guy who thought he was going to have a good life. He smiled slightly as he walked down the street to meet up with his fellow hunters. He really enjoyed hunting. It gave him a thrill. All the mysterious tales about seeing ghosts or beasts in the woods intrigued him and his friends even more. He wanted to see them. He wanted to be the one that told that story to his kids. He tapped his jacket pocket. He'd bought the ring just a few days ago and had kept it with him. He was going to ask Talinda to marry him tonight. He hoped she'd say yes. They had been dating for almost two years now and it was really perfect. He loved that woman.

"Hey there Chester! You finally got over huh? It's already four! We only have three hours to go hunting."

"I'm sorry. I was spending time with my girlfriend," Chester said and Jared rolled his eyes.

"Course you were. When you gonna pop the question huh?"

"Tonight actually," Chester said with a nervous smile.

"Aw yea Chazzy!" Ry grinned as he put his arm around him, "Nice work."

"Thanks," Chester said, "Now let's go."

"Yea let's go."

They headed off into the woods. It was a big one too and they could easily get lost but Scott knew his way around this place like the back of his hand. They knew every little detail. They trekked quietly through the snow covered ground. Their boots crunched on the packed snow. Chester glanced around, it was already getting dark out. Perfect.

"You want to hear the newest story I got from some of the older guys in town?" Jared asked and the other three agreed.

"Yea tell it man."

Chester grinned. They didn't hunt animals. They just told ghost stories while searching for their own ghosts. He continued to look around as Jared began his story.

"There was a boy that lived in this town. He would always go out to the woods and return later on in the evening. People didn't know why he did it. As he got older, people began to notice him more. And then one day, he went in and never came out. He never returned. All that was found, was blood covered snow and a body print in the snow. Nothing else. The whole woods was searched but no one found a body. He just vanished. Without a trace. Then, ten years later, someone reported seeing a young man standing at the entrance to the town. He looked exactly like the guy who went missing. But as soon as someone went to approach him, he vanished again. He was dressed in complete black and his eyes were dark and full of rage. That was the last anyone ever saw. But some people say that they've seen him at night running through the city. People turn up dead all the time. They think it's his fault."

"I....I remember hearing about that guy. I was like six," Ry said quietly. Chester shuddered. That story scared him. He'd heard it once before but it had always made him uncomfortable.

"Chester's scared," Scott said with a laugh, "Oh come on Chazzy, it's just a story."

"Not scared. Let's just keep going."

"My turn," Ry said with a smile, "I have a story."

"Awesome. Go for it," Jared said.

"One night, I was sitting up in my room and I heard commotion outside. Now I know that dogs dig through the trash all the time but this sounded bigger than a dog. It sounded like a person. I turned off my light and you'll never believe what I saw. A figure literally walked right by my window."

"That's not creepy at all dude. People could be outside late at night."

"That's the thing though. My room is on the second floor. That means not on the ground. That means they somehow got up there."

"Holy shit," Scott said softly, "That's really not ok."

"Yea," Chester agreed. The four of them continued their walk, scanning for signs of any creepy or unnatural things.

"Wait guys, stop," Scott said just above a whisper. It was dead silent. Nothing moved, not even the trees in the wind.

"What is it?" Ry hissed.

"I swear I heard something," Scott said quietly. Chester turned slowly in a circle. He didn't see anything. He shivered as the cold began to seep into his body.

"Guys look," Jared whispered. Chester turned to see Jared pointing at prints in the snow that were behind them and then stopped. They just vanished. Chester swallowed.

"That's not natural," Chester managed and Scott shook his head.

"Guys, guys, let's go ok? Let's go home," Ry said quickly.

"Are you saying we should turn around and run into whatever is following us?" Jared asked.

"Dude we need to get out of here," Ry said, "There is something else in the woods with us."

"I agree," Scott said softly, "We need to go. We need to go right now."

Chester nodded and they slowly turned around. They began to walk back towards the entrance to the woods. Every crackle of a branch or whistle of the wind made them jump or shudder.

"Come on guys, let's go faster," Ry said as they picked up their pace, continually glancing around for signs of night creatures. Chester just wanted out of the woods. He wanted to go and see Talinda again. He was done going in the woods with creepy monsters and stuff like that. He wouldn't come in here ever again. And then they froze.

"Holy shit," Jared breathed. Chester covered his ears. A weird howling slash screaming noise was coming from above them.

"Werewolves, oh fucking werewolves," Ry screamed.

"Run!" Scott cried and they dashed towards the entrance to the woods. But a dark clad figure landed in front of them. Scott yelled in surprise and dove to the right. Another figure landed behind them and stalked towards them. They were trapped. But they just looked like normal humans. They had to get out of here. Ry was looking for a chance to escape and then one of them moved. And they moved so fast that Chester couldn't even tell. The man slammed his fist into Jared's head. That was all it took. Chester knew that Jared was dead before he even hit the ground. They were going to die. Ry and Scott both screamed and started to run again. The same man took off after them but Chester stood frozen. He saw Ry and Scott tumble into the dirt. They were gone. He turned to face the being standing behind him. He was tall but not really tall. Probably around six foot two. He couldn't see any facial features. Just the outline of his body. He watched the figure move slowly towards him and he cried out as they grabbed his arm and pulled him towards him. At least he'd die a quick death. At least it would be over quick. He felt a piercing pain in his neck and collarbone, as if he were being stabbed with white hot knives. And then it was over. He collapsed to the ground and darkness took him over.

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