Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

​Everything was so different now. He wasn't what he used to be. He smiled as he let the moonlight wash over him and his fangs seemed to tingle with excitement. Mike smiled at him and put his arm around him. They took off through the woods together, laughing as they leaped after one another, jumping through the trees or sliding through bushes. He was free. Free from fear.

​"Chester!" Mike yelled as he landed heavily on him. Chester snickered and rolled away as they kicked up snow. Mike laughed as he landed on him again and he pinned Chester to the snow.

​"Gotcha," he hissed playfully. Chester smiled up at him and Mike grinned back. He felt so safe with Mike. All his memories had been fixed. He wasn't scared anymore. If Mike ever got angry around him, sometimes he felt uncomfortable but it wasn't like it had used to be.

​"You love me," Chester whispered.

​"Forever," Mike agreed as he kissed him gently. The snow fell gently around them and Chester brushed some snowflakes out of Mike's hair. Mike rolled next to him and gripped his hand tightly.

​"Rob said Dave is coming soon," Chester said quietly. Mike nodded slightly.

​"I know."

​"Do you think we have a chance?"

​"Yes. Because Dave is fighting for revenge. I am fighting for you. Rob is fighting for us."

​"What about Brad?" Chester asked quietly.

​"I don't know. I don't know what he's fighting for."

​"You told me that Dave was Brad's son....before. Does Brad not love him anymore?"

​"No, I think he does. I think he's pushed too much hate towards Dave though. I'm not sure what is going to do during the battle."

​Chester nodded slightly and then rolled over so he was next to Mike. He didn't want this to end. Mike sighed softly as he inhaled through his nose.

​"I wish I could still smell that scent you had," Mike whispered, "It was so beautiful."

​Chester smiled and then jumped to his feet. Mike followed him. They walked together through the snow. It was another grey sky day. Mike put his arm around him and they made light footprints in the snow.

​"Mike.....are we going to be ok after all of this?"

​Mike was silent for a long time, "I hope so. I really do."

​Chester sighed and then turned to his boyfriend. Mike gave him a sad smile and soon they were standing in each other's arms with tears running down their faces. They were both terrified of something happening to the other. They wouldn't be able to make it without the other. Chester sighed shakily and they pulled back. It was scary to think that he might come back from this fight without Mike. Mike breathed out slowly and sat down in the snow.

​"I really wish it wasn't like this Chester. I really wish that you could be happy without being like this."

​"What do you mean?" Chester asked as he sat down next to him. Mike shook his head.

​"All I've done is dragged you into hell," Mike reached his hand out and Chester winced as he brushed his hand down the jagged scar on his face. He could still feel the pain. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

​"Mike.....please....please don't say that," Chester said quietly.

​"But I haven't ok? I really didn't. I wish I could've stopped you from being hurt like that."

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