Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

​They crept slowly through the dark halls. He gripped Chester's hand tightly, never wanting to let go of the youth. He breathed out slowly and then they reached the cell that previously held Rob and Scott. They were gone. He gritted his teeth and began moving again.

​"Where are they?" Chester asked softly. Mike shrugged and continued to walk.

​"They're gone."

​They spun around to see Austin and Jared standing there along with other humans. They were all armed. Mike swallowed.

​"What do you mean?" he growled.

​"I mean, they're looking for you in the woods. Where we told them you'd be. We of course knew you'd come back to rescue them. I'm sorry Chester, but no matter how angry I am at that other one, I hate that you pulled my friends away from me."

​Mike pushed Chester behind him immediately and hissed, "You won't touch him if you know what's good for you."

​"I won't have to touch him," Jared growled, "I won't have to do a goddamn thing. He'll come to me, won't you Chester?"

​Mike growled angrily at the other vampire but he couldn't hide the confusion and the fear of not knowing what would happen. Austin walked forward with a smirk on his face.

​"You're so easily manipulated," he said, "All I had to do was offer an escape for him and you caved in. Too easy."

​He was pulled away from Chester and the younger vampire huddled in fear against the wall. And then Mike knew what Jared was planning on doing. He would torture him until Chester begged him to stop. Begged him to kill him instead of torturing Mike. And he felt the silver go into his veins. The pain exploded in his body and he cried out before falling to his knees. But that wasn't the worst thing. The worst thing was Chester's cry as well. The youth had fallen to his knees in agony and was holding his chest. The bond. The bond that connected them was being played with.

​"So you and mom bonded?"

​"Yes. It is a connection so powerful that only an act of love can break it. One would have to think that breaking the bond between them would be the only way to keep the other safe."

​"But how does that work?"

​"Vampires that bond can feel pain of each other. If mom was in pain, I'd feel it as well. It's just something that happens. It only happens between lovers."

​"Oh. But that's not good. Why is bonding so important?"

​"Because it is a way for you to protect someone that you don't want to ever let go of."

​Mike felt tears fill his eyes as he cried out again, causing an agonizing scream to rise from Chester's throat. The youth was barely able to get off the floor, his hands were scrabbling at his chest, his nails scratching over his skin. It was awful. Mike felt the pain just barely let up and he knew he had to do it now. It was now or never. He closed his eyes and concentrated hard on the connection between him and Chester. He gasped as he felt something in him snap. Chester cried out again but then fell silent. Mike sighed in relief before the pain came back with a fire and he cried out again. Footsteps came running in. People screamed and fire blazed. Someone lifted him up and carried him out into the night. It was going to be ok. Things would be alright. The silver started to slow down. Something pricked his neck and it retreated. They'd got here. Rob and Scott. They were going to be alright.


​He sat still against a tree while he watched the blue haired vampire wake up. He had done something to save him. He wasn't sure what exactly had happened but all he remembered was pain and then nothing. He swallowed as the vampire looked over at him.

​"Chester," he breathed as he got up and walked over to him, "You're ok. Do you remember anything?"

​"You....saved my life," Chester whispered, "That's all I know."

​The vampire nodded and sighed, "I understand. I did what had to be done."

​"I would like to thank you for that. But I must be moving on now. I need to go off on my own."

​"You're leaving?"

​"I don't belong here. It's not right of me to stay," Chester said quietly, "I am in your debt."

​" don't have to leave," Mike said wiping his eyes, "Please....please stay....I know you can't remember anything can't can't."

​Chester didn't like looking at his heartbroken expression. Instead he turned away and swallowed thickly before taking off. He didn't know where he was going, but he did have to be somewhere other than there. He had to find himself.


​"Where's Chester?"

​Mike stared out into the space where Chester had run off. The youth had run away from him. He wanted to be by himself. He was gone. Mike sat down on the ground and cried.

​"I....They w-were t-torturing m-me to get t-to him," Mike whimpered, "I-I...h-had to cut it off....I h-had to."

​"You cut your bond with him?"

​Mike nodded and buried his head in his arms, "H-He d-doesn't remember a thing. Nothing a-about m-me...about u-us."

​"It'll be alright Mike. You'll find someone else."

​"No I won't. He was mine. He will always be mine. I still love him forever. I would still do anything for him."

​"And you did. You did the right thing Mike," Rob said sitting down next to him. Mike sighed softly and wiped his eyes again. He just wanted to die. He didn't want to live right now. He glanced down at the ground and saw a piece of paper laying there with neat cursive handwriting.

To My Savior,
You seem to know me, yet I do not remember you. You have saved my life but I do not remember why. You seem to love me, but I have never seen you. There are things I need to find out by myself. Questions that I need answered. I need to go out on my own. Do not be upset, you seem like a good person and maybe in a different time, I loved you as well. You saved me and must have done something so hard to do if I do not remember you at all. I am forever in your debt. Maybe someday we will meet again. Donec viis nostris transire. Gratias ago quia cuncta.

​Mike felt more tears come into his eyes. Chester was using the Latin that he'd taught him to write. Or maybe he'd known it all along. 'Until our paths cross. Thank you for everything'. He smiled at the words and shook his head slightly. All he wanted was for this awful day to be over. He just needed to go home.


​He looked up and saw Scott standing there, "Hey."

​"I know that you're probably not in the mood for jokes but.....if there's one thing I know about Chester from when he was a kid.....he never likes to be on his own for too long."

​Mike smiled slightly at Scott's words and nodded, "Ok then. Well, let's go find a place to live. I think we're going to have a new life ahead of us....once again."

​Rob nodded, "We'll find someone else Mike, don't worry."

​"I know," Mike muttered as he glanced up into the sky. To think just a month or so ago, he was telling Chester all the things he called him. All his little pet names. To think they had been together just a day ago and now he was gone. To think that he was starting over again but this time, without Brad. He had no common enemy like Dave had been and he had no lover. He was alone. Rob and Scott might be there with him but they were together. They'd spend time with each other.
​So that morning he sat in the window as the sun rose. He watched the rays of light come through the glass but never touch him. He watched people walk by and talk and laugh. Rob and Scott were sleeping together. Usually, on mornings like these, he and Chester would cuddle up next to one another and Mike would whisper sweet sayings into his ear. He'd tell him how much he loved him and he'd cuddle with the youth. Chester would bury his head into his shoulder and bite him or nuzzle his nose into his neck. His eyes would close and he'd breathe slowly while Mike would stroke his hair and kiss him. But he couldn't do that anymore. He sighed as he leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. What he wouldn't give to have the young vampire curl up against him and sleep again. But the thing he'd done was for the best. It was the only way to save Chester from what was being done to him. He nodded slightly. Chester was probably happier being free anyway. He deserved time to spend enjoying the life he never had.

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