Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

​He woke up and was once again met with Chester's eyes but this time they weren't happy like they'd been the night before. He was upset and Mike quickly wrapped him into an embrace.

​"What's wrong baby?" he asked softly.

​"He ran. He ran and look," Chester gestured towards the other side of the cave. Scott was sitting against the wall with an expression of extreme betrayal written on his face. He couldn't move. Mike slowly got up and told Chester to stay back. He'd never seen anything like what he was seeing now. But he knew what it had meant. Scott and Rob had bonded the night before. And now with Rob leaving, he'd not only left the group, but he'd left his other half and Scott was internally suffering from it. Rob couldn't be feeling the same or he'd be back. There must be some kind of difference. Maybe the person who ran away wouldn't suffer because they were no longer in love. They left the other to waste away.

​"Scott?" Mike asked quietly, "Scott, I need you to move if you can hear me."

​A slight shift. That was all he needed. Mike slowly knelt down in front of the younger vampire. He needed to get him to get up.

​"Scott, please, we're going to go find somewhere to settle down but you have to get up."

​Mike finally saw Scott's eyes. The emerald strands in them were dull and his eyes were full of tears. He was breaking apart. Scott whimpered pathetically and tugged at the cloak he was wearing. Mike frowned and gently pulled the collar of the cloak down. He stared at the black scar trailing from the top of Scott's chest to most likely, his waist or around to his back.

​"Chester, come here," Mike whispered. Chester slowly approached him and knelt next to him. Mike backed away slowly, "You turned him so he'll have connection to you. Try to talk to him. I'm going to scout around ok?"


​Chester watched Mike leave the cave and then he took Scott's shoulder in his arm and leaned his forehead against his. Scott's body was shaking and Chester couldn't believe how much of an impact this had on his friend.

​"It's going to be ok. You're going to be ok," Chester whispered, "It'll get better. I promise you it'll get better."

​"H-He left....I....I....we...," Scott trailed off.

​"I know. Do you know why he left?"

​"No," Scott said quietly, "I woke up and he was gone and I....I couldn't take it."

​"It's ok," Chester said softly, "It's ok. We'll find him alright?"

​"He doesn't want to be here," Scott said softly. Chester sighed and brought his friend into a hug. That's how they stayed until Mike came back. Chester sighed softly and let his tears fell as he knew that Scott would never recover from this unless Rob came back. The shaking from the other vampire's body was enough to show that. Chester shivered at the thought of how much this was affecting one of his best friends. Soon enough, Scott had fallen asleep, or Chester had helped him fall asleep. He set the vampire down and then leaped into Mike's arms with tears running down his face.

​"Please don't leave me. Please don't," Chester whimpered in fear of ending up like Scott. He didn't want to feel like that.

​"I'm not going to. I promise you I won't."

​Chester looked up at him and sighed as Mike brushed the tears away from his eyes, "Where are we going to go?"
​"I don't know. I want to find Rob to help Scott," Mike said softly, "But we need a place to stay too."

​"I just want to be with you," Chester whispered. They stood silently for a few minutes and Chester looked out at the gentle snow falling outside. Rob couldn't have gotten too far. He let go of Mike and ran out of the cave, hoping he could catch the older vampire before it was too late.
​After running for about an hour, he came across a small town. He knew immediately that Rob was here somewhere. He searched through the area and found him in a home.

​"Chester," Rob said, "What a surprise."

​"You have to come back Rob," Chester said, "You wouldn't believe what you've done to him. You've killed him."

​"He's not dead. He'll get over it. Listen Chester, what you guys are doing, isn't good. You'll go insane if you can't find a spot to settle."

​"Scott will go insane if you don't come back. He can barely talk. He thinks you hate him. He's dead to the world. Don't you care???"

​It was quiet for a few minutes between them. Chester knew that if he was human, he'd be breathing heavily. But he had to try and get Rob to come back. They all needed him. He was strong and he could protect them.

​"You say he's dead?"

​"Basically," Chester whispered, "He's so dead to the world."

​Rob sighed as he leaned against the wall. Chester watched as he paced the floor for a moment before glancing over at him.

​"Take me to him now."

​They were out the door and sprinting through the streets. Their feet kicked up the snow as they entered the field and then the forest. Chester breathed in slowly and knew Mike was still at the cave with Scott. The cave appeared and they leapt a gap in the ground before landing at the doorway of the cave. Scott was asleep still and Mike was sitting awake.

​"Rob," Mike snarled, "What are you doing back?"

​But Rob ignored him. Chester watched as the older vampire moved over to where Scott was laying and gently bundled the smaller vampire into his arms. It was quiet and then Scott shifted and woke up.


​He looked down into the grey eyes that he was met with. It was the scariest sight he'd ever seen. Scott's emerald waves had vanished into a pool of grey and there was a scar trailing from his shoulder down underneath his cloak.

​"You're back?" Scott asked quietly. Rob sighed and sat down against the wall.

​"I guess so," he said softly. Scott's eyes lit up and the emerald flickered back in. The scar vanished and Rob realized that he really had damaged the younger one. It was scary to think that he had done so much damage to him without even touching him. That was why he hadn't wanted to bond with him.

​"Thank you," Scott muttered as he hugged him tightly, "Thank you for coming back."

​He glanced over at Mike and Chester. The two other vampires were smiling slightly and Mike had his arms around Chester. Their foreheads rested against each other and he watched the pure love that seemed to radiate from each of them. Was that what he had now? He sighed as Scott nuzzled against his shoulder and shut his eyes. Watching Mike and Chester show their affection was almost like watching a cat show affection towards a person. One of them would gently nuzzle the other. It was strange to think that humans didn't really do that. It was quiet in their dark cavern as Mike and Chester sat down on the other side of the cave and the sun started to rise, casting shadows.

​"Hey Rob."

​"What Mike?"

​"Thanks for coming to your senses."

​"Yea," Rob muttered, "Had to come back for this guy right?"

​"You couldn't have gone long without us. We're your family Rob and we're going to keep being that."

​"I know," Rob sighed, "It was just frustrating. Why don't we go back to the house outside the town?"

​"Because the town was burned to the ground," Mike said, "We have to find a new place."

​"And will we?"

​"Of course," Mike said with a small smile, "But it doesn't matter because we have everything we need right here."

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