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100 years later

​He woke with a start when he felt something pull in his chest. It hurt slightly but not bad. He frowned, why was he feeling like this? He slowly got up and stretched his arms but the tightness in his chest continues to reside there. He growled quietly and looked outside. It was dark out. Maybe he could use a walk. As he opened the door, the pain in his chest increased and he leaned against the wall for a minute before starting his walk. He wandered down the street to a small bar and walked inside. Some people were there but it was mostly empty. He sat down in a far corner and sighed. It was a slightly cozy place. Too bad he didn't drink anything. Another man was sitting in a far corner with a hood up on his head. He had dark eyes that scanned the room. Their eyes met and Mike rubbed his hand over his chest again, the pain had come back with a vengeance. And then a few people came in. Mike recognized the silver band of a silver bullet gun. They stalked towards the man in the corner and drew their weapons. The vampire had no time to react and Mike felt agonizing pain in his shoulder, leg, and chest all at the same time. Some people screamed and ran but the vampire in the corner had just huddled up and was whimpering. Mike got up and moved quietly towards the three men holding weapons. He killed two of them before they knew what was happening and he tore the third's throat out. He leaned down next to the vampire who had been shot and slowly lifted him into his arms.

​"Ego te servabo. Non timere," Mike managed as he held the younger vampire closer to his chest. He fled back to the house he was living to in Rome.

​"Aaahh-aaahhh," the vampire gasped and Mike laid him down gently before working on the bullets. He managed to get them out and he sighed before leaning down over the youth and brushing his dark hair out of his eyes.

​"I've never seen you here before," he said quietly. The youth mewled quietly and curled into a ball. He was scared and hurt and Mike knew he had to comfort him. "Where are you from?"

​"America," the vampire said softly, "I met a vampire there and we were friends. I don't remember much about him but he said he always wanted to live in Rome. We were supposed to go there one day."

​"What happened to him?" Mike asked softly.

​"I don't know. I can't remember. But he wanted to live here."

​"I'm sorry."

​"It is alright. I have been searching for him everywhere for twenty years."

​"Is he that important to you?"

​'He means everything to me. I remember that I used to love him and he protected me. He saved my life and in doing so, wiped my memory of him."

​Mike felt tears prick his eyes as he remembered the blonde haired vampire that he had loved. The one that no longer remembered him. He glanced up and saw the vampire's dark eyes swirl with red for a moment. Mike slowly reached out and brushed his hand against the vampire's face, his fingers tangling into the dark locks of hair that he had. A sigh escaped the vampire and all of a sudden they melded together perfectly. Their lips met slowly and Mike pulled the vampire into his arms.

​"Rome is such a beautiful place Mike," the vampire breathed as they kissed again.

​"You came back, just like you said you would. I love you Chester," he whispered as he held tightly to the smaller vampire. Chester buried his head into his shoulder and nuzzled him with his nose, just like he used to. Mike pulled him back onto the bed and they kissed again, desperately seeking the contact that they had been deprived of for so long.

​"I had to remember but when I did, I started looking," Chester whispered, "There was something wrong about being away from you."

​"I love you...I love you, I love you," Mike said over and over again as he kissed every inch of Chester. Their hands held tightly to one another and their eyes were closed. Being close to one another like this, made everything better for him. He stroked through Chester's hair slowly. "If only I knew that touch memories would bring you back. I would've done it so long ago."

​"I needed to remember it first," Chester said softly, "I love you so much."

​They kissed again, Mike pulling Chester on top of him just like they'd done before. He felt Chester's hand on the side of his face and his fingers brushing through his hair as their lips met again. Mike had a light grip on the back of Chester's neck, keeping their faces close. As they broke apart, Chester whimpered softly before nuzzling into his neck like he'd done so many times before. Mike nipped gently at the youth's neck and ear before kissing him softly again. The desperation in their kisses had left and now it was pure love. Mike bundled Chester into his arms and kissed his temple. The young vampire was already close to falling asleep.

​"It's all over now right?" Chester asked quietly. Mike nodded as he held onto Chester's chest.

​"It is. It's all over now baby. Nunc actum est," Mike breathed and Chester closed his eyes. The wounds from the bullets were a distant memory now. All that mattered was Chester was safe with him. He smiled at the thought and cuddled Chester next to him. It was all over. Now he could spend his time living with the love of his life in Rome forever. His fingers brushed over Chester's black scar on his face and the youth twitched uncomfortably in his sleep. Things would be better from now on. He breathed out slowly and shifted just a bit.

​"Te amo Chester," he whispered and a smile crossed the sleeping vampire's face before they both fell asleep.

Outside, the sun was about to rise and the silhouette of a wolf shook for a moment before vanishing. Only seconds later, a young man appeared on the hillside, his glare aimed at two lovers who were finally reunited again.


A/N: first translation: you're safe, don't be scared
Second: it's all over
Third: I love you, Chester.

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