Chapter 5

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A/N: Hot Scott!!
Chapter 5

​He woke up and immediately saw some bright blue. Mike smiled at him and Chester couldn't help but smile back. Until he felt some pain in his chest. He gasped and bent over. Mike frowned at him before quickly getting up and leaving the room. Chester rolled out of bed and coughed again. What was going on with him? And then Mike was back with a small smile and a cup. Chester realized what it was then. He hadn't gotten food.

​"It's not this hard usually," Mike said comfortingly as Chester managed to take a sip from the glass, "Just for young ones. Like yourself."

​Chester gasped as the pain flared up again and then slowly dulled. He managed to down the rest of the crimson liquid. Mike helped him stand up and Chester set the cup down.

​"What do you mean?" he asked.

​"I mean that once you're out of your young stage, you don't get as dependent on it. I haven't eaten in a week and I'm fine. You went three days and are in pain."

​"Oh," Chester said softly. Mike smiled slightly and then put his arm around him. They walked out of the room together. Mike led him into another room and shut the door softly. The room was larger than Chester's. Chester looked around as he took in the black walls and red slashes through them. A bed was pushed away in a corner. One window allowed the moonlight inside. It shone directly on a portrait. Chester stared at it.

​"That is my mother," Mike said quietly, "Not my human mother but the one that was here with me. Brad's wife."

​"Oh. What happened to her?" Chester whispered. Mike sat down on his bed and looked away.

​"The Farrahn's got to her. They attacked our place and killed my mother and Rob's sister. They attempted to go for me as well but I fought them off."

​Chester looked towards Mike who was standing in the window, his form shook. But his voice wasn't full of sadness. It was full of anger.

​"They are going to find us again Chester, and when they do, I will kill him for what he did to my mother."

​"Who are they Mike?" Chester whispered. His fear levels were rising.

​"Do not fear them Chester. They are not worth that sort of emotion. They are a group of killers. They kill for the rush. They will destroy anyone who gets in the way. We tried to stop them one time which is why they came after us. Which is why they won't leave us alone until each one of us is dead."

​"Then why are they coming back now?" Chester asked, "How do they know where we are?"

​"Disappearances. Scent. I don't know. But whatever it is, they're going to find us and they'll come for you," Mike said quietly, "They want you dead too."

​"But I have never met them," Chester said softly, "I never met them. I don't know who they are!"

​"Relax. Chester, you are young. You are strong but you do not know how to wield your strength. You cannot control your emotions or your feelings very well. They will use it against you. They tried to kill me when I was the youngest, they will go for you as well."

​"I can't fight. I don't even know how to fight!" Chester said. He was panicking. And then Mike was standing in front of him and holding onto his shoulder.

​"Do not be afraid, I will protect you," Mike said quietly, "You will not die. You will not be hurt."

​Chester looked into Mike's eyes and saw the gold sparkle for a minute before they returned to hardened amber. Mike pulled Chester into a hug and Chester gripped onto him tightly.

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