Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

​They slowly made their way through the trees as the moonlight washed over them. Scott was walking slowly behind him. He was walking behind Mike and Rob was bringing up the rear. Chester sighed softly. He had heard Mike and Rob talking before. They wanted to get rid of Scott. He glanced back at the man following them. He looked exhausted. He smiled slightly at the other man and waited for him to catch up before lifting him up on his back.

​"What are you doing?" Scott muttered.

​"Giving you a break," Chester replied softly, "You're exhausted."

​"I can still walk," Scott said but even as he said those words, his head fell onto Chester's shoulder. Chester smiled slightly. Scott was very light. He could carry him for at least a little bit.

​"Mike, where are we going?" he asked softly. Mike turned to him and Chester saw the stress in his eyes. He realized that Mike didn't know. They were lost. It had started snowing harder and Scott shivered against him. It would be freezing soon and the man had been out here for too long.

​"Mike we have to stop," Chester said as he pulled Scott tightly against him to try and keep him warm.

​"Where are we going to stop Chester huh?" Mike hissed angrily.

​"Hey settle down," Rob called. They'd been walking for two days straight and it was too much for all of them.

​"Well maybe if Mike knew where we were going, we wouldn't have this problem," Chester growled as he stomped through the knee high snow. They kept walking and the moonlight vanished, leaving them in the dark. The snow made everything silent. The wind blew the cold air harder against their faces. He shuddered. Even though he couldn't feel the cold that much, he knew it was bad. He shifted Scott's body again, trying to keep the man warm.

​"Let's find a cave or something and stay there, for at least a day," Rob called through the quiet air. Mike gave a sign of acknowledgement and they continued their trek. There weren't any caves. They walked for another hour before things started going badly.

​"Fuck!" Mike's voice echoed through the clearing. The snow was up past their knees now. They had nowhere to go.

​"Let's find a place and clear it," Rob said, "Get in the cover of the trees."

​Mike nodded. Chester followed the other two towards the trees and that's when he felt Scott's body go limp on his back.

​"Scott?" he asked quietly. There was no response. "Scott?"

​He set the man down on the ground and saw the blueish tint to his skin. He knelt down quickly and shook the man.

​"Scott!" he cried. He couldn't lose another. Mike and Rob were next to him in a second. He pressed his ear to his chest and felt the slow beating of Scott's heart. He whimpered in fear and hugged the man tightly to him.

​"He won't make it," Rob said as he finished his quick check on him, "Chaz, I'm sorry. But he's too cold to survive out here."

​"Start a fire," Chester whimpered, "Please. We have to try."

​Mike was starting a small fire but keeping his distance as well. Chester wrapped his cloak around Scott the best he could and tried to warm him up. Mike cursed angrily as the wind and snow dampened any wood that could start a fire.

​"Chester......," Mike began, "I'm sorry."

​Chester stared down at the man that had cared for him as he tried to comprehend what exactly Mike meant. There was no chance to save him. He swallowed and then gently laid Scott on a clear patch of ground. There was no way he could live like this. Like this. There was a way he could live. Chester realized what Mike felt for him. The selfishness that all vampires experienced before they changed someone. But it didn't matter. He crouched over Scott's form and tilted his head to the side before biting down hard on his neck. Everyone was in shock.

​"Chaz!" Mike screamed and Rob yelled something too but it was cut off by the yell that erupted from Scott's throat. The man's body convulsed on the ground in front of him as he kept his fangs buried into Scott's neck. The blood that was pouring out of his neck was tempting. It was tempting to keep going but Chester managed to rip himself away. His venom was injected. Mike pulled him into his arms and held him. He bit back a sob as he realized what he'd done.

​"It's ok," Mike whispered stroking his hair, "It's ok. I promise it's ok."

​He watched in fear as Scott's body changed right before his eyes. He got taller and his hair wasn't as messy. It stuck up. His ears got pointier and his hands thinned and turned into slight claws. It was a day later when it was complete. A day later when he didn't have to hear the man's cries and screams as pain erupted through his body. He had cried. He'd sobbed into Mike's cloak and apologized over and over again. Rob put a hand on Scott's head.

​"He'll be fast since he was injected with Chester's venom. He'll be up in a day or two," Rob nodded. Chester wanted to die. He'd done this. He'd turned Scott into this monster. He hadn't wanted to. He just didn't want to lose another person.

​"I never should've done it," he whispered, "I made a mistake....."

​"It's alright," Mike said quietly, "But he's one of us now."

​"He didn't want this. I was so selfish," he whimpered again. Mike shook his head and kissed his hair gently.

​"It's fine. It's fine," he repeated. Chester would never believe it. Never. Because he'd made a mistake. And he would always be at fault for it.


​Scott woke up two days later. Chester was ashamed to even talk to him but Mike forced him. He felt bad for Chester. The youth had just wanted to save the life of his last tie to the world he came from. Mike couldn't help but admire the way Scott had turned out. Chester must have donated some of his hot genes to Scott because that man looked like he'd been styled to perfection.

​"Scott......Scott.....I'm so sorry," Chester whispered as Scott stared at himself in the reflection of the ice. Mike took this time to observe him. Standing at about six feet, Scott had brown hair with blonde streaks that flipped to the left. His eyes were dark with flickers of emerald in them which was unique for a vampire itself. He had darker clothes on and platform boots that must have raised his height a few inches.

​"It's alright," Scott said softly, "It's fine."

​Chester lowered his head, "You're mad at me. I get it. I would be too."

​"Just forget about it Chester," Scott snapped. Mike felt his instinct kick in and he growled protectively. Chester shuddered and Mike saw the tears spring into his eyes again. Scott sighed and turned away before sitting down alone but still in view.

​"He just needs time," Mike whispered as he hugged Chester's shaking body to his chest, "He's not used to it."

​"I couldn't let him die, I couldn't," Chester whimpered, "I couldn't let that happen."

​"I know, I know," Mike whispered. He heard a snarl from behind him and he turned around, immediately shielding Chester with his body. He saw a pack of wolves behind him. He swallowed. Wolves were always a problem. They matched their strength rather well. Rob joined him and they got ready to fight. There were seven wolves and only four of them if Scott even joined. It would be hard no matter what.


​He felt bad about shrugging Chester off like that. He hadn't meant to get so angry.....well....maybe he had. If he'd died, he wouldn't be stuck in this stupid world anymore. But now he was stuck here for eternity and he couldn't die. Ry had declined this for a reason and Scott hadn't wanted it either. But now he was a monster. He bared his teeth and tried to control the anger that was continuously building in him. He heard a howling noise and turned his head slightly to see the others attacking a pack of wolves. No one had noticed him. He could run off if he wanted. He could leave. He got up and started to run. He ran through the snow, leaving footprints. He didn't get far though. He felt a wrenching pain in his arm and he gasped as he collapsed. He stared at his arm and saw a thin outline of teeth. But nothing had bit him. Nothing was here. His feet carried him back. He saw Chester laying on the ground caught in the jaws of a wolf. Mike was trying to reach him and Rob was occupied with three wolves. He ran forward and leaped on the wolf, his teeth tearing deep into the wolf's body. The wolf howled and fled. The other wolves followed him. He'd been the leader. Scott felt his body collapse into the snow but there were people around him. He saw, or rather felt, Chester's hands on him before he lifted him up.

​"You're ok," he said quietly, "It's tiring. I know, but it's going to be fine."

​Scott gasped. He was trying to breathe but he didn't need the air. He felt slightly sick as he felt fur in his teeth. And that was all he could take. He turned towards Chester and buried himself into his cloak.

​"What happened to me?" he whispered, "I can't live like this. It's not right for me."

​"It'll get better," Chester said quietly, "I promise. I promise it'll get better."

​This was too much for him. He broke down in Chester's arms. He didn't want to be this. He wanted to be alive or dead, not in the middle. Chester hugged him tightly as he clung onto him.

​"Please Chaz, I don't want to be this. I don't want this," he said softly, "Please get me out of here."

​"Scott, please," Chester said, "Please give it a chance. It'll get better. It gets so much better."

​Scott was silent. He felt exhausted and he just wanted to go to sleep and never wake up. He sighed and he felt Chester nuzzle him gently with his nose. He knew it was a sign of affection since he'd seen Mike do it to Chester almost every time they were together. Chester had a hand at the back of his neck and he felt him nuzzle him again.

​"You should rest," he said quietly, "I'm going to help you sleep ok?"

​Scott nodded and he felt Chester's fingers tighten on his neck for a split second. He felt his eyes close and the darkness took him over.


​Mike grabbed Chester as the youth collapsed into the snow. Scott was unconscious and Chester was exhausted. They needed to find a place they could rest. Somewhere safer.

​"Mike," Rob said, "There's a town about five miles from here. If we run, we'll make it in about ten minutes."

​Mike nodded, "Carry Scott. Let's go."

​They ran to the new town and found a secluded area underneath a bridge. It was better than nothing and it was farther away from people. He leaned back against the stone and smiled at the slight warmth that was under the bridge. Chester snuggled up against him and Mike felt tears on his neck.

​"He hates me so much," he said quietly, "For what I did to him."

​"He doesn't hate you Chaz. It's just the shock. You were like that as well. Everyone is."

​Chester sighed and Mike nuzzled him with his nose. He'd seen Chester do it to Scott earlier and he felt proud that his comforting techniques had an effect on Chester. Chester sighed and brushed his face against Mike's cape. Mike smiled slightly as he felt a gentle grazing of teeth on his shoulder before they clamped into a bite. Chester's eyes shut slowly and he was asleep. Mike stroked his hand through the youth's hair.

​"He really loves you," Rob said quietly. Mike ignored the fact that Rob was still holding Scott. That didn't last long.
​"You are terrible," Mike said with a smirk.

​"What?" Rob asked indignantly.

​"You're seriously into Scott too! Is there anyone you don't like?"

​"Hey man, how can you not like this?"

​Mike grinned, "And after your previous boyfriend.....four days...."

​"Shut up," Rob said with a smile, "He told me to move on."

​"Good job," Mike said with a laugh. Rob rolled his eyes.

​"Anyway, he kind of feels like your Chester. He's....young," Rob said with a small smile.

​"What are we huh?" Mike asked, "A bunch of pedophiles. We're honestly two thousand year old men that are dating twenty three and thirty three year olds."

​Rob laughed, "Love knows no boundaries."

​"That was the worst quote ever. Shut up," Mike said as he unhooked Chester's teeth from Mike's shoulder and then glared at Rob as he snickered, "Just wait. He'll be doing this to you once you start dating."

​He rolled over on the sand underneath the bridge and built a comfortable area to rest on. Chester shifted in his sleep but didn't wake up. Mike glanced over at Rob to see him laying Scott on the ground before leaning against the bridge.

​"You should hold him," Mike smirked, "He looks cold."

​"Don't tempt me Michael," Rob said with a smile. Mike laughed and then laid down behind Chester and pulled him against him so he was spooning the youth. Chester yawned in his sleep, revealing his fangs and then he grabbed his hand and held it to his chest. Mike smiled again and closed his eyes. They may not have a home yet, but together they'd be alright.

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