Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

​He woke up and looked around. It was a tiny little room with nothing in it. There were silver bars that blocked him from leaving and the walls were made of silver as well. He swallowed and found himself in the middle of the room away from the silver. It didn't hurt him but it bothered him and made him feel uncomfortable. The gates opened and someone walked forward into the room. Chester didn't smell blood so he guessed that this was some other vampire.

​"Hello Chester," the vampire said with a smirk on his face, "It is nice to see you again. How is Ry? I know how Scott is."

​"J-Jared?" he whispered in fear as the vampire approached him.

​"Oh look, you do remember. Don't you remember anything else? Don't you remember what these things have done to you? Changed you into this. Is this what you want?"

​"Yes," Chester said, "I do. I want to be with them."

​"Well you see, I already promised the one who changed me that he would see all three of you die first. Should I kill your 'mate' in front of you then? He can go first."

​"Please don't," Chester managed, "Please don't kill any of them. They're not bad people."

​"That's a lie Chester. They're not good people."


​He sat in his cell, listening hard for anything. He was going insane. He needed to know if Chester was ok. He needed to know. And that was when he heard the screams. The howls of pain from two different rooms. He heard someone else slam into the bars in their cell and he knew Rob was trying to break free as well. They were doing something to them and Mike didn't know if he could take it or not. He felt the pain building in his chest and wondered what they were doing to the youths. The screams lasted for about fifteen minutes and then it was dead silent.

​"What are they doing to them?" Rob asked from the cell across from him. Mike shook his head.

​"I don't know," he whispered, "I don't know."

​Mike growled as he heard someone coming down the hall. It was the young guy that had tried to grab Chester from him. He was carrying a limp body in his arms. Keys unlocked his cage and then the body was thrown into his cage. Mike scrambled forward and wrapped Chester in his arms, nuzzling him with his nose. The guy locked them back in and then left only to return with Scott for Rob. The leader walked by and gave Mike a smile before continuing by. Mike did a quick check of Chester's body and saw marks from the stakes that had been stabbed into him. He also saw something new. Thin, faded, black lines, snaked over the youth's skin and he swallowed. That's what had been causing him pain. They'd given him an injection. They'd injected silver into his body. If they continued to do it, it would slowly kill him.

​"Oh god," he managed through his tears, "Just stay strong Ches. Stay strong for me please."


​It was unlike any pain he had ever felt. As they pressed the needle into his skin, it coursed through his body and sent a burning sensation through him. He screamed as he saw the liquid snake through his skin and spread through his body. He thrashed on the table, attempting to free himself from the restraints. Jared stood over him with a snarl on his face.

​"When Ry and Scott told me they'd adopted some eight year old without a home, I thought they were lying. Too bad they weren't. It's your fault that Ry is dead and Scott will be too. If you hadn't brought them into this. If you hadn't fallen into their life with all your baggage."

​Chester howled in agony as it flared up inside him again and sent him into another round of shivers. He'd do anything to make this stop. He felt it creeping up his neck and into his head and his hands broke the restraints only to cover his head. There had to be a way to fight it. There had to be. He cried out again in pain as his back arched and he rolled over, trying to find relief from the pain. He heard more cries of pain and bet that Scott was going through the same thing.

​"You'll die first," Jared growled, "Because I've never enjoyed having you around."

​His head snapped back against the table and he felt the liquid flow up his neck and up into his head. He convulsed and then fell still as he was in too much pain to move. As soon as he felt like his entire being was on fire, he blacked out.

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