Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

​He woke up and smiled slightly as he saw Chester and Mike wrapped up in each other's cloaks and arms. Chester had his face buried into the warmth of Mike's chest while Mike had his cape wrapped securely around the youth, holding him tightly to him. Rob took this quiet time to look at the young vampire he'd fallen for. It was strange for vampires. Even after a death of someone close to them, they got over it quickly unless they were bonded. Mike would be a wreck if Chester died and vice versa. A bonded lover like Mike and Chester were would hurt. It had hurt both of them to kill Brad since he'd changed them and it'd hurt Brad to kill Dave but they'd been angry at one another when it had all happened. It was strange. He had loved Dave but now he was over his death. He had another special person in his life. Scott was leaning against him, still sleeping soundly. There was a quiet noise coming from Scott, and Rob realized it was slightly similar to the one Chester had made when he and Mike had gotten together. It was a soft, almost purr-like, sound that young vampires made when they were content or happy. It was odd to think that in human years, Scott was actually older than he was.

​"You ok?" a quiet voice broke him out of his trance and he saw Scott looking at him with a half-asleep expression. Rob smiled at him and ruffled his hair.

​"Yea. What about you?"

​"I don't know."

​"What do you mean?"

​"I thought vampires couldn't feel emotions," Scott said quietly, "But I still do."

​"We do feel them, they're just short-lived. Pain and sadness. Loss. They are only for a few days unless you are bonded with another. Mike or Chester would feel a huge wave of depression if they lost each other."

​Scott nodded slightly and then sighed, "I just.....I just feel like I don't want to leave all my human emotions behind."

​"You don't ever do that. You feel revenge and you can still feel happy."

​"But I want to feel the loss," Scott said quietly, "I want to be able to feel it. I don't know why but I do."

​Rob smiled and hugged Scott to him gently, "It'll be hard to get used to but eventually, it's just normal."

​Scott sighed and then looked at him for a second before turning around, "Bond with me."


​"Bond with me. Like Chester and Mike are. We're already in love. We can do this. We don't have to wait any longer. Please," Scott said cuddling against him. Rob swallowed nervously.

​"'s not just something you can do immediately....."

​"Yes it is," Scott said, "I love you. We can bond. You know how to do it. Please."


​"Please," Scott begged him now and bit his shoulder gently. Rob leaned against the cave wall and let Scott nuzzle him gently and hold onto him. He didn't want that commitment. If he was bonded with Scott, then he'd feel the pain and loss if Scott was ever hurt. He would also feel a lot more defensive of the youth and most likely do anything to keep him safe. Even if it meant to turn against his friends. He glanced over at Chester and Mike who were still next to each other.

​"You're afraid," Scott said quietly, "You're afraid of feeling. You're afraid of what being bonded with someone will be like."

​"I was going to bond with someone," Rob said quietly, "And then she was killed. I planned on bonding with Dave eventually. He was killed. There's no way I can bond with you Scott, you'll end up hurt. I don't want that."

​"But I want this to be real. Please let this be real. This is all I have left and I want to feel like you guys do. I want to feel like them," Scott gestured to Chester and Mike, "I'm not afraid of dying or feeling Rob.....and you shouldn't be either."

​It was quiet for a long time between them. Scott's emerald-crystal eyes stared up at him. The man Rob had seen before-the fun filled vampire slayer- was gone. Now he just wanted to feel safe in a world that he'd been forced into without consent.

​"Alright," Rob said quietly as he slowly moved so Scott was kneeling in between his legs. Scott smiled slightly and waited for Rob to continue. Rob gently took the hair at the back of his neck and pulled him forward gently.

​"It's simple really," Rob said quietly, "All you have to do is kiss like you would in a regular wedding that you guys have."

​Scott nodded and then both of their eyes slid shut as their lips met. It was calm and passionate at the same time. A minute later, they pulled apart and Rob saw Scott how he assumed Mike must see Chester now. He pulled the youth into his arms and smiled as Scott snuggled into his cloak. It was all new now. He smiled as he pressed his face into Scott's hair and they sat like that until Mike and Chester woke up.


​He blinked his eyes open and snickered when he saw deep, dark eyes with red swirls staring back at him. It was the only thing he saw. Chester's eyes were so shadowy and beautiful at the same time. He brushed Chester's hair back off his forehead gently before kissing him softly. His eyes slid shut as he felt Chester return the kiss gently and soon they were holding tightly onto each other. Their lips moved slowly against each other and they moaned softly as they nipped at each other's lips and tongues. Chester whimpered softly into his mouth and Mike wrapped his arm around the back of Chester's neck, pulling him closer. Chester shifted and was soon sitting in his lap as they kissed softly. Chester's hand was on his neck and he was pushing his tongue into his mouth. Mike finally pulled away and smiled as Chester cuddled into his lap.

​"I love you," Mike whispered and Chester sighed quietly before closing his eyes. "You're thirsty. I can tell."

​Chester nodded slightly and closed his eyes before coughing softly. Mike sighed and kissed him gently again.

​"You look like a kitten right now," Mike said softly, "More than usual."

​Chester snickered and nuzzled up to him, "Take care of me Mikey."

​"You know I will," Mike smiled as he got up with Chester before they headed to the entrance of the cave. They leaped down to the ground and then ran through the fields towards a small town that he'd sensed earlier. It was quiet in the town and they saw a young woman walking down the street. Mike leaped down softly and followed her to an empty house. He grabbed her and made short work of ripping out her throat. Chester was on her in an instant as his hunger overpowered him. Mike sighed as he saw that Chester was still having an issue with controlling himself around blood. He thought it'd be getting better by now. Mike knelt down next to Chester and drank slowly with him until the youth was satisfied. They hid the body like usual and then made their way back to the cave. Scott and Rob were climbing up the walls around the cave. They really were a bunch of idiots sometimes.

​"Hey there Mike," Rob called and Mike waved, "Where have you two been?"


​Rob nodded his acknowledgement and then caught Scott who had slipped off the side of the cliff. Scott hung limply from Rob's grip with a smirk on his face. Mike couldn't help but notice there was something slightly different about the two of them. He wondered what had happened exactly. He would have to talk with Rob later.

​"So....what's the plan Mike?" Rob asked quietly as he tossed Scott back onto the ledge in front of their cave. Mike sighed and shook his head slightly.

​"I don't know. We don't have anywhere to go."

​"So what are we going to do? Stay here?" Rob asked and Mike sighed. Maybe they did belong out here. They were monsters. Creatures of the night that killed people to survive. They were beasts of hell. Maybe they didn't deserve a home to live in like they had before. Scott came over to Rob's side and Mike noticed that they stayed very close to one another. Closer than before. He felt Chester's presence next to him and he put his arm around him, pulling him close to him.

​"I don't know Rob. Will we ever be welcome somewhere?"

​"What if we go to a different country?"

​"I don't think it'll matter. We can't live along with humans."

​"That's bullshit Mike," Rob growled, "We did before."

​"That was before all of this happened. We're better off out here," Mike said quietly, "I hate it too but there's no way we can live near people without being threatened by them. I don't want to lose any of you."

​"The sun is coming up," Rob said quickly, "We should get inside."

​It was the change in topic that Mike knew that Rob wasn't on board with him. He pulled Chester closer to him if that were possible and then they entered the cave slowly. They'd been spending a lot of time together in this cave and Mike knew they'd move on to a new place soon. He had to. They cuddled together slowly and Chester sighed happily as he nuzzled against his chest.

​"Mike?" Chester whispered. Mike glanced down at him.


​"I'll go with you wherever you want. I know you want what's best."

​Mike nodded slightly and pulled the youth against him as they laid down. Chester yawned and then bit his shoulder gently. A few seconds later and Chester was already sleeping soundly. The nights were passing quickly now. He sighed as he pressed his nose into Chester's hair and closed his eyes. Their hunt must have taken longer than he expected. The exhaustion from the past couple of days was really catching up to him and he would need to rest more often. He knew that Chester would sleep with him no matter what. The youth followed him everywhere he went. It was sweet. He smiled at the thought and found himself drifting off as well.

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