Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

​He sat still in a tree as the snow let up. The forest was huge and the trees were tall and kept their leaves all year round. He smiled slightly as the fresh scent of pine wafted through the air. It'd taken them a little while but they'd managed to build a sturdy tree house that spanned across three trees. It would work until they found a place to live. There were towns that they needed to check out later for both shelter and food. Arms wrapped around his waist and he felt someone rest their head on his shoulder.

​"Hey there," Mike whispered and Chester sighed before leaning back against him. Mike nuzzled him with his nose gently and Chester smiled again as he turned to hug Mike properly.

​"This is nice you know," Chester said, "I wouldn't mind living here."

​"I wouldn't either. But that's not what I want to talk to you about. I want to show you something," Mike said with a grin. Chester nodded and followed Mike through the big room towards the hallway leading to Rob and Scott's place. There weren't any doors so they stood in the opening and Chester smiled. He cared so much about Scott and he was glad to finally see the other man happy. The two vampires were asleep on the bed they'd made and Scott was cuddled safely against Rob. Mike smiled at him and kissed him gently.

​"I think we're going to be ok now," Mike said softly, "I think it's all going to be alright."

​"Ok," Chester said with a small smile, "I think it'll be ok too. what happens?"

​"Well," Mike thought for a moment, "Once you're a little bit older and don't tire out, I was thinking Rome sounds like an awesome place to visit."

​Chester grinned as they sat down in their bedroom, "That sounds nice. I've always wanted to go there."


​"Yea. I've always hated being here. The towns just smell of death and destruction."

​"I know," Mike sighed, "We'll leave soon. But I want Scott and Rob to come too."

​"Of course," Chester agreed, "We couldn't leave them behind."

​"I'm so glad you're here with me," Mike sighed, "I used to be so jealous of Talinda. She had you."

​Chester glanced at Mike who was looking away, "What?"

​"I planned on turning you from the start Chester. You know this yes? You were all I had my eye on. I saw what would've happened to you after Talinda rejected your proposal that night. I saw you hanging yourself," Mike whispered, "I couldn't let that happen. I stayed in the town and monitored your relationship with her. It took so much willpower to not kill her and bite you immediately."

​"I.....I....I would've died?" Chester asked softly. Mike nodded.

​"I only get a few glimpses when it is important. But I saw you hang yourself and I almost broke. I couldn't let that happen."

​"Thank you," Chester whispered as he kissed Mike gently to try and comfort him.

​"I saw her. When I died," Mike said quietly, "I saw Talinda. You sent her on her way."

​Chester nodded and looked away. He hadn't asked Mike's permission to do that and he knew that was frowned upon.

​"That's fine. I understand," Mike said softly, "She apologized for what she did."

​"It's not her fault."

​"It is," Mike said, "But she's the reason why I'm back. Though Ry and Dave made quite a convincing argument. But she told me to come back because you needed me."

​"I do," Chester breathed before burying his head into Mike's chest. Mike cradled the back of his head to his shoulder and kissed his hair.

​"Ssshhh, it's ok. It's ok. We're together," Mike said, "Just like we should be."

​Chester nodded slightly, "Ok. I....Just when you died....I was so afraid and I felt so much sadness and pain....I couldn't handle it."

​"I know it was hard," Mike said, "We've been through a lot but we're ok now. You're safe and nothing is going to happen."

​Chester looked up at Mike, "I wish I had your eyes. They're so much better than mine."

​"What? Chaz, don't say that."

​"Just....the stuff that's all because of me isn't it? Dave....Brad....Ry...they're all dead because of me."

​"That's not true. Don't say that," Mike said softly as he kissed him, "You are not at fault for what happened."

​Chester sighed and yawned. He growled quietly and Mike smirked at him. He rolled his eyes before falling back on the bed and letting Mike wrap him in his arms.

​"I remember everything about you," Mike said with a small laugh, "When you were younger, you loved to eat your sandwiches cut into tiny triangles. You had a blanket that you couldn't sleep without."

​Chester snickered quietly and nuzzled his head against Mike's neck. He still couldn't believe that human people didn't show affection like vampires. Sure they cuddled and everything but vampires just seemed so much more affectionate. They behaved like animals in love. Nuzzling their faces against each other was something that showed the deepest affection. The biting on the shoulder was another one.

He woke up crying. He'd had a bad dream but he didn't want to wake up Ry and Scott. They'd ask him to tell them and he didn't want to talk about it. He swallowed as he looked to his right and he almost screamed. A figure was sitting against the wall. His eyes glowed golden.

​"W-Who....a-are y-you?" he whimpered in fear as the figure stood up. They made their way over to his bed and Chester shivered in fear. Maybe this was another bad dream. It couldn't be real.

​"You have no need to be afraid. You are ok. It did not get you," the figure said quietly. Chester stared up at the shadow in shock. He knew what his dream had been about.

​"A-Are......a-are you m-my g-guardian angel?"

​"Do you want me to be, little one?"

​Chester found himself nodding slightly. It had to be a dream. People couldn't just appear in his room without waking up Scott or Ry. The figure sat down on the edge of his bed and Chester slowly relaxed.

​"It wasn't real right?"

​"No. Just a dream," the man said quietly. Chester nodded and shuddered as he covered himself in the sheets again. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep but his dream had really scared him. He felt himself be lifted off the bed and cradled gently in someone's arms. He was surprised at the warmth that radiated from his guardian angel.

​"Sleep well," the man said quietly. Chester sighed as he felt himself overcome with tiredness. He was sleeping in an instant.
​When he woke up, he was laying in his bed with a blanket tucked up to his chin. The man was gone but Chester could still picture his golden eyes. It must have been a weird dream or something. He sighed softly and went to the window. He looked out and was surprised to see a man in black clothes and black hair with blue streaks, making his way into the woods. He glanced around before running into the trees.

​"You spent your entire life stalking me," Chester muttered and Mike laughed softly.

​"I remember the time when you woke up in the middle of the night and I'd taken up residence in your room. I wasn't sure what to do exactly."

​"You are so creepy!" Chester snickered and Mike grinned at him.

​"But I had to keep my eye on you so you weren't hurt."

​"I know. Thank you," Chester said quietly. It was strange to think that it was all over now. All of their was gone. He snuggled close to Mike and sighed softly.

​" doesn't seem real. Is it really all over?"

​"It is. It's all over my love," Mike said softly. Chester nodded and then closed his eyes. It would be spring soon and the days would start to get longer which meant they wouldn't be able to spend as much time outside.

​"Are we ever going to die?" Chester whispered.

​"Only if you want to. In which I will insist that I die with you."

​Chester shook his head, "'s just scary. We're all going to live together for a long time and it'll never change."


​Mike stroked his mate's hair slowly as Chester breathed evenly against his chest. The youth had fallen asleep in his arms towards the end of the night. Mike knew that he had that effect on him. For some reason, he caused Chester to fall asleep when he held him for long periods of time. Rob seemed to have the same effect with Scott. Chester had told him one time that he was warm. That Mike literally felt warm to Chester. Maybe that was why it happened. Maybe the heat from him caused Chester to tire quickly because it reminded his senses of the sun. Chester shifted in his sleep and yawned before clamping his fangs down on Mike's shoulder. Well, now he was stuck. He couldn't just move Chester when he attached himself like this.

​"Come on baby," Mike whispered as he started to shift, "Let go please."

​There was no response from Chester of course. The other vampire just shifted into a more comfortable position.

​"Chester, come on," Mike hissed, "I have to get up baby. Let go of me please."

​Once again, no response. He really needed to go tell Rob to wake up for a bit since he'd been sleeping with Scott the entire night. Then he could come back and snuggle Chester all day.

​"Chester move!" he snarled, "Get off!"

​The youth's fangs retracted from his shoulder and the younger vampire fell out of the bed. Mike frowned as he looked over to where Chester was trying to climb to his feet. Something wasn't right. Chester scrambled to his feet and back away from him. Towards the window. Where the sun was rising outside.

​"Ches.....Ches....I'm not mad at you baby. I'm not mad," Mike said, trying to calm the other vampire's fear. Even today, it still bothered Chester when he got angry near him. Dave had forever scarred him. "I promise. I'm not going to harm you. I love you. I'm not mad."

​Chester stumbled backwards and Mike watched as he stopped right in the view of window. He was scared because he'd woken up on the floor and Mike had been glaring at him. He was fearing abandonment. Mike watched as the sun started to peak out from the horizon.

​"Ches, baby please come here. Move away from the window. Chaz please," Mike begged the youth was frozen to the spot. The first ray of light started to shine into their house and that attracted Chester's attention. He frowned as more of them came in the window and then turned. Mike wanted to cover his eyes. He was going to lose him. He couldn't do anything because if he ran towards Chester, the youth would jump outside. And then there were footsteps and someone ran by him and tackled Chester out of the way of the light patch on the ground. Mike immediately ran over to them and lifted Chester's body into his arms. Scott was panting on the ground and he hissed as his leg caught fire for a brief moment.

​"Are you ok?" Mike asked Scott who nodded and slammed his hand down on his leg that was on fire, to put it out. Mike turned his attention back to Chester who was laying in his arms without making a sound. He looked into the youth's eyes and sighed as he saw how empty they were. He'd been terrified.

​"Chester, I'm not mad at you," Mike whispered as he kissed him softly, "I just want you to be safe."

​Chester nodded and some of the color returned to his eyes, "God...."

​"It's ok. Just relax. Just relax," he muttered as Chester's eyes closed. Mike laid him down on the bed and then wrapped Scott into a hug, "Thank you for saving him."

​"He's my friend too," Scott said with a small smile.

​"I know. Thank you."

​Scott nodded and then left the room. Mike turned back to Chester and sighed before laying down next to him. He pulled the youth into his arms and brought him to his chest, keeping him close. If he lost Chester, he'd lose himself too.


​It was unusual for treehouses to randomly catch fire in the middle of the night. That was why the four of them had leapt down immediately and now they were surrounded by people who wanted them dead. These people weren't going to let them go. He watched Mike hold Chester close to his chest and he felt his partner's arms around him as well.

​"We're not hurting anyone," Rob said to the leader, "We're not bothering your town or your people."

​"It doesn't matter. You kill people and now you'll pay for it. Austin, get the red-eyed one."

​He watched in fear as Chester was pulled from Mike's grasp and tied up. The vampire struggled and snapped at anyone who got close to him.

​"Please," Mike was begging now, "Please don't hurt him."

​Chester growled and sunk his fangs into one of the guys next to him, sending blood everywhere. Mike rushed forward and grabbed Chester, holding the youth tightly to protect him from whatever retaliation there might be.

​"They'll take you too. Don't fight them, don't freak out," Rob whispered in his ear. He nodded slightly as the same guy who had grabbed Chester pulled him forward. He immediately realized why Chester had attacked like he did. His mind was sent into overdrive as the scent of blood clouded his thoughts. He swallowed and growled in his throat, his eyes searching for the source of the sweetest. It all happened in a split second. One second he was being tied up, the next he was towering over one of the men who was bleeding all over the grass.

​"You don't know what you're getting into!" he heard Rob shout, "They can't control that much of the scent yet!"

​"Please just let us go," Mike said. Scott turned slightly and watched in surprise as both Mike and Chester were surrounded again by people. Mike's grip tightened but Chester was once again pulled from him. And then Mike was shot from behind in the back. He collapsed as Chester screamed as he was pinned to the ground with something. He swallowed and raced back to Rob. Rob grabbed him and held him tightly.

​"It's going to be ok. It'll be ok. Just relax."

​Whatever Chester was going through, he did not want to. He watched Chester thrash on the ground but his arms and legs were stabbed through with silver stakes. They were preventing from moving while causing him unbelievable pain. It took about five minutes for Chester to finally stop moving. He was unconscious or dead and Scott couldn't tell.

​"Take those too to the town and put them in the prison. We'll get these two," their leader said. Scott frowned as he looked at the man. This guy was not human. He was definitely not human. He was.......changed. And then Scott knew who he was. "Hello Scott."

​He whimpered in fear as he hugged Rob tighter. Jared approached him and tore him away from Rob before throwing him to the ground. He gasped as he felt pain fill his body and spread to every limb.

​"I know every one of you here and this is exactly why I'm taking you all to your death. Those idiots in the woods that killed me but did not finish the job. They left me to change like that and now it's time for revenge. I know that Chester's with you. I know I stabbed him but I don't care. To rely on someone like that, someone that killed me and probably many other people, that's wrong. And now I find that you're with them too? That's disgusting," Jared scoffed, "And now the beast that killed me can watch as I kill you, Chester, and the other creature. And we'll do it slow."

​That was the last thing he heard before his vision blacked out and everything vanished.

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