Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

​He took Chester's hand and slowly led him down to the first floor. They stood outside one of the doors that was closed. He took a deep breath and then knocked on the door. He heard a heavy sigh on the other side of the door and then it was opened. Mike realized that their previous enemy was about Chester's height. Chester shivered and moved closer to him. Mike wrapped his arm around the youth's shoulders and squeezed his shoulder gently.

​"What do you want?" Dave asked quietly.

​"I want to get on better terms," Mike responded quickly before taking Chester and leading him inside. Mike felt Chester's panic levels rising and he kissed him gently and rubbed his arm.

​"What are we going to do? Talk?" Dave asked. There was a slight hint of sarcasm in his voice.

​"Yes," Mike said as he sat down with Chester on the couch, "That's exactly what we are going to do."

​"Well as long as it isn't something stupid," Dave rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of the bed, "Hello Chester."

​Chester literally jumped three feet in the air. It was no exaggeration. Mike snarled angrily at Dave and held Chester against his chest protectively.

​"Do not talk to him. The only reason I brought him in here is because I dare not leave him alone," Mike growled. Dave smirked at him and shook his head.

​"When are you going to learn Mike? The boy's corrupt. His head is completely messed up. You may think he's back but he's still scared of you. He still fears every move you make."

​Mike hissed and then pressed his nose into Chester's hair.

​"It's ok. I won't let him hurt you. I won't let him get to you," Mike whispered so only Chester could hear. Chester shuddered against him and Mike knew that this was a mistake. He turned back to Dave.

​"I want to like you. I do. But you're making it very hard," Mike said quietly.

​"What if I don't want to like you Mike?"

​"That's fine. Look Dave, I understand what you're going through ok? I knew what you went through! I felt it! Brad has been pushing me away from him the entire time now and it's scaring me. I don't know what to do!" Mike snarled. Dave glanced at him and then smiled slightly.

​"Didn't I tell you?" he asked softly. Mike frowned as Dave nodded towards his side. Mike looked down and realized Chester wasn't next to him. Instead he was leaning against the wall in the corner of the room.

​"Ches?" Mike asked softly. Chester shivered and Mike realized the problem. He'd gotten angry and Chester had thought that it'd been thrown towards him. He took a step forward towards him and Chester cowered in the corner.

​"It took forever Mike! And she still thought that I would hurt her!"

​Mike wanted to cry. Chester was still afraid of him. Dave laughed softly.

​"Just take your mate and get out of here," Dave said pointing at the door. Mike wrapped his arms around Chester and kissed him gently.

​"I'm not angry at you baby," he whispered. He led him towards the door but Dave wanted the last word. He wanted to be remembered.

​"Oh and Chester," he said quietly, "Don't think you're free from anything yet."

​Mike saw tears running down Chester's face and then the youth doubled over in pain. Mike gasped and tried to shield Chester's body from Dave's gaze but it stopped as quickly as it started. Mike glared angrily at Dave before helping Chester out of the room and slamming the door. Mike led him back towards his room and continued to talk quietly to him and kiss him gently. It was something he had realized really helped calm Chester down.

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