Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Chester landed next to Mike and he bared his teeth threateningly as Brad and his group turned to them. Scott clambered out of Rob's grip and held his guns at the ready. Mike growled deep in his throat.

"I'm proud of you Mike, taking leadership of your own little clan of vampires now."

"Last chance Brad, turn to our side or die," Mike said. Chester could tell that Mike still wanted Brad to turn out good. He'd been with him for a long time. It would only make sense. He'd saved Mike's life.

"Mike, I told you my choice already."

Mike growled, "Then so be it!"

The clash in battle was quicker than he'd ever imagined it. He snarled as he tore angrily at two vampires that had tackled him. Scott shot one of them off of him and Chester was still surprised by his athletic ability. He watched Scott leap over one vampire to shoot another and then duck under another attack. He and Ry had definitely trained for something like this. Rob had a vampire in his grip and was crushing his throat. He watched Mike claw at Brad as the two vampires brawled and crashed to the snow. He snarled and tore the throat out of one of the vampires that had tackled him. The other one was stronger and they were locked into a death match. He watched Rob throw the, now crushed, vampire away and then tackle another one. The snow had picked up and it was snowing hard. He growled at the one that was pinning him and kicked him off quickly. He cracked his neck and then helped Scott out of a very sticky situation. Scott grinned at him and then shot straight over his shoulder to kill someone behind him. He flipped backwards and landed on a vampire's shoulders. He flipped again, bringing them both to the ground. The vampire growled at him and punched him straight in the jaw. He felt his head snap painfully and he growled again before grabbing him by the throat and throwing him to the ground. He leaped on top of him but was caught off balance and he ended up on the ground with someone pinning him by the throat. He gasped and struggled, trying to push the other off of him. He heard a yell and then the vampire off of him was gone. He saw Mike tearing viciously into the vampire's neck. Chester got to his feet and grabbed him from Mike so the other vampire could get back to his fight with Brad. He snapped the vampire's neck and then hurried to help. The battle was basically over. Scott stood near Rob, panting. They approached Brad and his two other members. Mike was still fighting with Brad. He watched Mike's cloak fly out as the wind blew strongly. They were locked together and Mike was struggling. He watched as it all happened in a blink. Mike's feet slid just a bit giving Brad leverage. Brad grabbed Mike and brought him into his grip.

"Don't fucking move, or I'll kill him," Brad snarled. Mike struggled but he couldn't get away. Chester saw everything and he almost lost all will to try. He saw the obvious fear in Mike's eyes. Mike tried to push Brad's arms away from his neck but it wasn't working.

"Let go of him Brad, he's still your son," Rob said angrily, "You'll hurt yourself if you do that."

"You don't know what you're talking about," Brad snapped. But that wasn't the only thing that snapped. Mike's neck snapped too. Chester screamed. Tears of rage filled his eyes as Mike fell limply to the snow just like Dave had two days ago. They rushed forward. Rob took care of one, Scott took care of another. Chester lunged at Brad. He was filled with unbelievable strength as they fought. All he could think about was Mike's body laying in the snow just feet away. He growled. It was filled with sadness, pain, and anger all laced into one sound. His fist collided with Brad's jaw and then to his head. He sunk his teeth deeply into Brad's neck and with all his strength, tore his head back, ripping the skin clear off. He didn't need to look to know that he'd killed the man. He fell to his knees in the snow. He saw himself reflected in a shard of ice. His eyes weren't that tinted red anymore. They were crimson, the color of blood and anger. Maybe this was what Brad had meant. But he didn't care. He rushed to Mike's side, shaking the vampire.

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