Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

​They'd be leaving soon. About ten minutes. He and Rob were just getting the last few things ready.

​"How do you think it'll go?" Rob asked him. Mike sighed.

​"I don't know. But at least we have a reason to fight," Mike said quietly, "He doesn't."

​"What's our reason?" Rob asked softly. Mike smiled at him and nodded towards the two other sleeping vampires in the cave.

​"Them. We're fighting for them. Chester's been faced with this hatred from Brad for no reason and Dave was cast out by him. We're fighting to secure our home again."

​"And we will," Rob said with a small smile. Mike nodded in agreement.

​"We'll do whatever it takes."

​Mike knelt down next to Chester and shook him awake. It was quiet as Chester rolled over and climbed to his feet. He looked at the youth who had cocked his head curiously towards him. He was so sweet, Mike didn't want to lose him. He sighed and then grabbed the younger vampire and brought him into a tight hug.

​"Mike, if I were human, you'd be breaking my back," Chester gasped and then snickered. Mike smiled and nuzzled him with his nose gently.

​"But you're not are you?"

​Chester shook his head and then nuzzled his head into his neck. Mike shrugged his shoulder slightly: he knew what Chester was looking for. Chester's teeth sunk gently into his shoulder and he felt him sigh softly. Mike held the back of his head and rocked slowly back and forth. It was really the end. The more he thought about it, the more he didn't want to go. The more he just wanted to stay here and hide and be happy. Thunder rumbled and he swallowed as he stroked his lover's hair softly.

​"We have to go," he said quietly. Chester nodded and let go of his shoulder. He didn't want to show Chester that he was afraid. He sighed and then kissed him softly before trying not to cry. It didn't work. He felt tears run down his face as he held the youth next to him.

​"It'll be ok," Chester whispered, "We're all gonna be there together."

​"I just don't want to lose you," Mike said as he kissed him softly again.

​"You won't," Chester said hugging him tightly. Mike nodded. He saw Rob and Dave standing together and talking quietly. He didn't fail to notice that their fingers were linked.

​"After this, we're going to get a new home," Mike said softly. Chester smiled and nodded at him. They started towards the door with Dave and Rob right behind them.


​They neared the house and Chester swallowed. He gripped Mike's hand tighter. The last time they had gotten ready like this, they'd gone to war. It was silent. Rob and Dave were snickering behind them and he had a feeling it was just for distraction from the real thing. A figure landed in front of them.


​"Brad," Mike hissed as he pulled Chester closer to him. Chester gripped his cloak. Dave and Rob had stopped laughing.

​"What are you here for?"

​"I'm here to talk. We want to come back in to the group but only if you promise to accept all of us and not harm anyone," Mike said calmly.

​"You want me to accept him?" Brad gestured at him and Chester swallowed, "I did for a while Mike. All he's doing is causing you to throw your life away."

​"Then so be it!"

​"Mike, I will not allow him back in. And neither of my sons either. Come on Rob."

​"If you want me, you take them as well," Rob said as he put his arm around Dave. Brad frowned.

​"You've never shown care for him," Brad snarled pointing at Dave who shifted uncomfortably, "I would've brought him back in if he hadn't tried to save my son's boyfriend."

​"It wasn't your place to hurt him," Dave said quietly. With blinding speed, Brad had snapped a fist into Dave's chin, sending the smaller vampire flying. Chester gasped as he grabbed Mike to stop him from killing himself. Rob ran to where Dave had landed. He helped Dave up and hugged him tightly. Chester could tell that they were in love. He smiled slightly. There was a rustling noise and a few other vampires showed up. One of them was holding someone that looked familiar. But all that Chester could focus on was the obvious red color dripping from the man's shoulder. His eyes lost focus.

​"Chester! Chester!" Mike screamed but his voice was muffled, "CHESTER FUCKING LISTEN TO ME!"
​He couldn't do it. He felt Mike grab him and hold him back as his mind went into overdrive. Mike held him tightly as he struggled to get out.

​"You can't hurt him! You love him, he's your family!" Mike screamed in his ears but he didn't comprehend any of it. He needed it. It smelled so good. He gasped and growled as he pulled at Mike's grip. All he saw was the person laying limp in the snow, blood pouring from the wound.

​"It doesn't matter Mike," Brad's voice came across, "We tore him up....."

​Whatever he said, Chester had closed out as he finally broke free and dashed towards the human. He bared his teeth as he fell to a crouch next to them. The last thing he saw was the man on the ground. The last thing he heard though, was a gun shot and his body was flung into a nearby tree before everything went black.


​"It doesn't matter Mike," Brad said shaking his head, "We tore him up but didn't use our fangs. When he bites him, it'll be his fault when he kills him."

​Mike struggled to hold Chester but the youth managed to break from his grasp. He gasped. All he could do was watch as Chester slid into the snow next to the half-dead man who Mike could barely remember but he knew him. Chester's friend Scott. The man who had cared for him, who had basically been his dad. But Chester never bit Scoot. There was a loud bang from a gun and Chester was thrown back into a tree. Mike cried out as he staggered, feeling the unbelievable pain Chester was feeling. Rob supported him but he saw another guy run into the clearing. Brad growled angrily as Ry knelt next to Scott and held his gun out.

​"Don't you dare come near him. I'll fucking kill you," Ry snarled. Mike took his chance. While the vampires were distracted he leaped on Brad. Dave and Rob followed him. They attacked the other group of vampires. He tore angrily with his teeth at Brad until he was thrown against a tree and the thing cracked and fell. Ry was firing his gun while protecting Scott's body. Mike was glad to see that Scott had been bandaged and covered by his shirt sleeve. If Chester woke up.....Chester. Brad hadn't followed him because there was something more important to him. Chester. Mike pulled himself to his feet and ran forward, tackling Brad from behind and growling.

​"Leave him alone!"

​"You're so confused Mike!" Brad growled at him before throwing him off again. Chester was crumpled in front of the tree. Mike could see the glint of silver sticking out of his shoulder. It had torn through his cloak and shirt and pierced through a large amount of his skin and muscle. The shot wasn't fatal. Ry had known what he was doing. He'd never get to Brad in enough time but Dave did. Dave lunged at Brad and knocked him over. Rob was holding off two of the other vampires that were teamed with Brad. Ry was leaning over Scott to check on him.

​"Ry!" Mike screamed. A vampire was sneaking up behind him. Ry spun around with his gun but nothing happened. There was no gun shot. Mike dashed forward and leaped at the vampire but he'd been too late. He'd seen the vampire tear ruthlessly at Chester's best friend's neck.

​"Fuck!" he cursed as tears filled his eyes. He snapped the vampire's neck and knelt next to the human. "Fucking stay with me!"
​" it," Ry managed through the blood running out of his neck. Mike winced.

​"You're going to be fine, I promise," Mike said.

​"Yep," Ry smirked.

​Mike saw Dave fighting against Brad again. Dave looked so much younger now. But that didn't represent his strength. Brad was thrown backwards as Dave landed a hit. He turned to face the last couple of vampires. Chester was still crumpled in front of the tree. And then he heard a yell.

​"You pathetic faggot!"

​He spun around to see Dave stuck in the deadly headlock and Brad wasn't going to let him go. Rob grabbed Brad from behind and threw him away but they all heard the crack.

​"," Rob couldn't even yell as his voice broke in despair. Dave fell limply to the ground. Mike knew Dave had gotten out of it once, but he hadn't been able to this time. Brad fled. Mike grabbed Rob to keep him from charging after him.

​"Not now. He's messed up too. There's someone who needs you more right now," Mike whispered, "We'll go soon brother."

​Rob nodded and knelt down next to Dave. Mike saw Chester getting up and he hurried over to him. Chester was pulling the bullet out of his arm and he groaned in pain.

​"Hey," Chester whispered, "I'm sorry."

​"You need to talk to someone," Mike whispered before leading Chester over to where Ry was laying. Chester fell to his knees and brushed his hands through Ry's hair.

​"Hey man," Ry smirked.

​"God," Chester managed, "You're gonna be fine."

​"I know," Ry smiled, "And so are you. You're gonna be fine."

​Chester shook his head, "No way. Not without you. Goddammit, why do you have to mess with stuff that's not your business?"

​"If I hadn't, I wouldn't have gotten you would I have?" Ry asked softly as he ruffled Chester's hair, "Scott will be fine."

​"Not without you," Chester managed and his eyes widened, "I can change you. I can stop this!"

​"Don't you dare!" Ry snapped, "Don't you dare even think about that because then I'd have to change Scott too because I'm not living without him. You don't touch me. You spend your time with Mike."

​"," Chester whimpered.

​"Yes. You listen to me like you did before, you are not putting those dagger teeth in my neck."

​Chester had tears in his eyes again, ".......O-Ok."

​Ry nodded and ruffled his hair again, "Thank you. Have you and Mike done it yet?"

​"Yea," Chester laughed through his tears.

​Ry smirked, "Our little boy is a man now isn't he?"

​"Shut up," Chester whimpered. Mike stood still as Chester hugged Ry tightly as the man he'd known for a long time died. Scott woke up and held Chester, trying to comfort him.

​"Sssshhh, it'll be fine," Scott said quietly but Mike could tell the older man was crying too. Scott and Ry had been friends forever. He sighed as he wiped his tears away. He had found the two humans amazing for the time they knew each other. And Chester was so upset about it. These people didn't have to get involved. He sighed and sat down next to the two men crying in each other's arms.


​Sometimes the worst thing about the headlock, is that sometimes if not pulled out correctly, it would kill someone but slower. He knelt next to Dave who was gasping for air.

​"Hey, settle down," he whispered as he lifted Dave out of the snow. The smaller vampire tugged desperately at his cloak around his neck.

​"Dave, listen to me, it's going to be ok. I promise ok?" Rob said quietly. Dave stopped struggling and looked up at him. Could he talk?

​"I-I'm s-sorry," Dave whispered, "I-I'm going t-to l-leave y-you all alone."

​"You're not. I have Mike and Chaz."

​"They're together."

​"They're still my friends."

​"I-I'm sorry."

​Rob sighed and ran his hand through the other vampire's short hair, "And right after you found a family again....."

​"I'd rather die here than alone. With someone I know loves me," Dave smiled slightly and curled up in his lap, "You're awesome."

​Rob laughed quietly, "So are you."

​Dave sighed, "You're special. You loved a fucked up mess like me."

​"You're not a fucked up a mess. A mess, maybe, but not a fucked up one," Rob managed as he felt his eyes start to well up. Dave's hand was tracing patterns on his cloak. He leaned down and kissed the smaller vampire softly. Dave glanced up at him.

​"And too think.....we didn't....even get to fuck."

​"Maybe it's better that way," Rob said quietly. Dave sighed and then leaned back in his arms.

​"T-Take c-care of those two. They g-get into a l-lot of trouble."

​"I will. You were so brave today," Rob said softly.

​"I'm always brave, excuse me," Dave managed. Rob watched Dave shut his eyes for a minute before blinking his eyes open again. He was putting it off. He smiled slightly and kissed him softly again.

​"You don't have to put this off," Rob said quietly.

​"Y-Yea I do."

​"No you don't. Let go," Rob whispered, "It's hurting you to stay. Let go."

​Dave blinked a few times and Rob let his tears fall as he saw the other vampire cry as well.

​"I c-can't leave you like this. Not a-after what y-you said."

​"Go. I'll be fine. You need to rest," he said, "For a long time. And know that I'll always love you."

​"Ok," Dave whispered.

​"And let go. You've been here long enough, you've suffered enough."

​Dave smiled slightly and his eyes shut. Rob leaned back and stared up at the night sky. The moon shone down on the battlefield. They'd lost two people today since he heard Chester's anguished cries of emotional pain. Dave's weight vanished from his arms as the vampire vanished into thin air. He sighed and cried freely now. Life wasn't fair for them. They couldn't die unless they were killed in battle. Suicide wouldn't even work. He got up slowly and scuffed his foot over where Dave had been laying before he had picked him up. He wasn't around anymore.


​He heard Mike yell and punch the nearest tree. He grabbed Mike and pulled him into a hug. The younger vampire cried hysterically into his cloak. Mike was still very young compared to him. He wasn't used to this kind of death. Chester was hugging the man they'd brought out as they sat in front of another body who must be the other human Chester was related to.

​"Ry," Mike whispered, "He got bit too hard. He told Chester not to change him."

​Rob nodded and hugged his friend tighter, "Just calm down."

​"And....Dave....I'm so sorry," Mike whispered, "I can't believe he killed him."

​"It's over ok. We're going to come back from this."


​"I don't know....but we will."


​They sat in the shadows of the trees as the sun rose. Chester had cried himself to sleep and Mike held onto him tightly. It was rough. Scott was sleeping a little ways away from them but they'd brought him with them. He was part of their group now. Chester blinked his eyes open and then hugged him tightly.

​"I'm sorry," he whispered. Mike shook his head slightly and kissed him. He hated the fact that Dave had died. He hated that. But he knew that if Chester had died, he would be a wreck. Mike kissed him again and Chester smiled.

​"Have you ever seen the movie Tarzan?" he asked quietly. Mike frowned.


​"The movie about Tarzan? He grows up with gorillas."

​"No," Mike said with a smirk. Chester kissed him softly.

​"Can I sing for you?"

​Mike nodded slightly and Chester slowly sat down across from him. He looked over at him.

​"I really like this song. Ry used to make fun of me cause I would sing it. I sung it for a school talent show," he said with a small smile. Mike grinned.

​"Did you win?"

​"No," Chester said.

​"You should've."

​Chester smiled and then took a breath, "You ready?"

​Mike nodded and leaned against the tree as Chester started to sing. As the youth's voice floated across the trees, it seemed as everything calmed.

"Come stop your crying, it will be alright
Just take my hand, hold it tight
I will protect you from, all around you
I will be here, don't you cry
For one so small, you seem so strong
My arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm
This bond between us, can't be broken
I will be here, don't you cry."

​Mike smiled as Chester sang quietly. He saw Rob watching from the other tree. He wished Dave was here to see this. They all needed this. Scott was leaning on his hand with a smile on his face. He saw that protectiveness that Scott had over Chester.

"Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes you'll be in my heart
From this day, now and forever more
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart....always."

​Mike sighed as he looked up at the sky. Maybe Chester was right. They'd always have a special in their hearts for Dave and Ry. It wasn't fair.

"Why can't they understand the way we feel?
They just don't trust, what they can't explain
I know we're different but deep inside us
We're not that different at all

You'll be in my heart,
Yes you'll be in my heart
From this day on, now and forever more."

​Chester had such a beautiful voice. He loved it. He closed his eyes and let himself get taken away to a new world. Some place that was happier.

"Don't listen to them, cause what they do know?
We need each other, to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you, you must be strong
I may not be with you, but you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together cause
You'll be in my heart
Believe me, you'll be in my heart
I'll be there from this day on, now and forever more.
You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart
I'll be there, always.
I'll be with you
I'll be there for you always....
Always and always

Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
Just look over your shoulder
I'll be there

​Mike smiled as Chester stopped singing and looked over at him. He heard shifting and then Scott was hugging Chester tightly. He knew he couldn't be jealous of Scott and Chester's relationship. Scott cared a lot about him. He deserved to have some time with the youth while they could.

​"That was great Chester," Rob said with a smile. Chester nodded his thanks and hugged Scott back. He knew that Scott was going through a lot. With the loss of Ry, he lost almost everything.

​"We're going to move on tonight. We're hunting him down, and we're killing him," Mike said quietly, "He killed two people that matter. This is the last stand. We will fight for the people we lost. We will take revenge."

​Rob nodded as Mike held out his hand. He put his hand on Mike's. Chester's hand joined there's and before anyone could stop him, Scott's was on top.

​"Scott," Chester began but Scott sent him a glare.

​"That bastard killed Ry. If I die, then it's fine but don't count me out of this. Chester, I'm still older than you, I still am your caretaker, which means you don't get to protect me."

​Chester looked at Scott and wiped his eyes but nodded, "Ok."

​Scott nodded, "Let's do this. For Ry."

​"For Dave."

​"For us," Mike finished and they removed their hands. Chester crawled into his lap again and kissed him softly before nuzzling his head gently into his shoulder and nipping gently with his fangs before shutting his eyes. Mike shut his eyes as well. They'd lost a lot today, but they'd come back. They always would.

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