Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


          "There they are. They've been coming in every night."


          "Then let's get them."


          Two figures leapt out of the trees and surrounded the group of men in the woods. The taller of the two slammed his fist into the leading member of the group.


          "Run!" called a blonde man and he and another took off. His partner ran after them. That left one man with him. He smiled as he slowly took a step towards the blonde haired man in front of him. The man turned to him and he froze for a moment. Soft, brown eyes stared into his black and gold ones. They were so full of fear. And that was when he realized he couldn't kill him. He'd seen men and women scream or try to escape but this man was terrified of him. He slowly took the man's arm and pulled him forward. He sunk his fangs into his neck and sighed as the man in his arms screamed and tried to pull away. It was the sweetest thing he'd ever tasted. No other human had anything like this. And with as much willpower that he had left, he pulled away and the man collapsed against him. His eyes fluttered shut and his breathing became shallow. He would not die. He would be perfect. A true beauty.



          Chester awoke to find Mike staring at him. Those golden eyes pierced through him. He shuddered softly. Mike leaned down to him and Chester stared at him.

          "Sometimes I wish you were still human," Mike whispered. Chester looked up at him in shock.

          "W-Why? I heard you had a hard time controlling yourself around humans."

          "Because of you. Because you smelled so sweet," Mike breathed and Chester shuddered as he felt Mike's breath on his neck and the side of his face. This was not right.

          "What?" Chester managed.

          "I could barely pull myself away from you. From you scent," Mike said. Chester didn't know what to say. He was confused and almost kind of nervous.

          "I....I don't understand."

          "All humans have different scents in their blood, Chester. You were like a drug to me that I almost overdosed on. I could've killed you because of that scent."

          Chester shivered and Mike wrapped him in his arms. Chester sighed softly as warmth flowed into him.

          "I wish I could still smell it. I wish I could still feel your warmth like I did that night. But I was too selfish. I made you something that you did not want to be because of my own desires," Mike whispered. Chester felt his heart leap into his throat. What was Mike getting at? If he had wanted Chester's blood, then why didn't he kill him? Why didn't he leave him alive so he could stalk him in a weird and creepy way?

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