chapter four.

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The following day after the nightmare had accured , I told Lucas about it and he told me that everything was gonna be alright and that I was safe. I was convinced that the nightmare was a warning to something or to someone, but eventually Lucas reassured me that everything was alright and I eventually gave in.

After that he said he had to do some urgent pack business today training the new warriors that had just recently shifted.
"I'm gonna head out now, I'll see by lunch time , okay", he says and then gently kisses my cheek," I'll have one of my best maids come in here and show you around the pack house and introduce to some people", he says and engulfs me with a hug and then leaves.

After awhile a maid finally comes in and suggests me that I should change into the outfit that she has given me , I thanked her and walked into the bathroom.

It was nice loose t - shirt and some sports shorts, I didn't mind the clothes because they seemed modest, and that's the way I liked it.

I decided to put my hair in a ponytail today because I hate having it loose.

After that I was finished and left the bathroom, the maid still standing in the room," my name's Lexy John's I'll be your personal assistant from now on as the alpha assigned me ", she says in a blunt tone," thank you", I say ," anytime Luna, for I devoted my life to you and alpha Lucas, but please call me Lex, it's a given nickname", she says addressing herself," alright, Lex, and please call me Lizzy, it is in fact my also given nickname", I say as I genuinely smile at her, she smiles back at me and ushers me out of the room.

"Down the halls too your right are the omegas sanctuary and up the stair too your right are the betas and the Alpha's second hand commanders male and females, on your other right down the stairs behind you is the halls for the gammas, and the halls too your left is for the maids and the butlers private courters, and in here is the living resting area for people to relax and rest during their days of hard work , and coming into your left is the dining hall where we serve the meals too our guest AND the important council leaders and members of our committee, walking now outside too your left is our green house, where as we grow out home vegetables AND herbs for our cooks and for our pack doctor's for medicinal herbs and such more", says Lex as she continues showing me the rest of the pack house.

Man so much too remember, I don't know if I can keep all this up," if you're having difficulty with everything I can forge a map for you Mrs Luna"? She asked me as if reading my mind of me being lost," yes ease, I don't know if I'll ever remember anything", I say apologetically.

"No need too apologize Luna , but please ask me any questions that may find you in a difficult situation or position", she says.

I nod my head in response and she eventually shows me the rest of the place , and may I tell you the place is freaking HUGE, it's like , maybe? Four stories high.

Though I do love the arcticture of the house, it's like a scene out of a gothic horror story but also like a castle at that.

It was beautifully magnificent. In a victorian style that is.

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