2. Coffee

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After spending the last 10 minutes watching Keira you decided to help her collect the footballs and head inside so you could phone your mum.
When you got inside Keira sat down at her locker to take off he boots and go on her phone so you decided to follow suite and do the same. When you got your phone out you decided do call your mum..
(Mum in bold & Leah in italics)

Hiya mum how are you
Hi love we're good how are you
Not too bad now just a bit tired, have a long week ahead.
Yeah, are you looking forward to your first camp tho
Yeah I am I can't wait to be honest, so what are yer plans for the day?
Not much now love just finished work so you caught me at a good time, but we're heading to Katie's 5th birthday party the weekend.
Oh yeah I've actually sent her a card in the post
Oh lovely, listen I just wanted to ask when do you have time off again cuz we were hoping you'd come home for a weekend
Oh god it won't be for a while mum cuz we've got international camp all next week and then we're straight back into club for 4 weeks straight so I'm not sure but when I find out I'll let you know straight away.
Ok no bother love, I'll let you go now cuz I'm sure you have a busy day
Ok bye mom love you
Love you too

When you hung up the phone Keira looked straight at you and started laughing
"Why are you lying to your mum" she asked
"What do you mean" I asked back
"Why have you told her that we have no time off when we do, you know that when we come back from England camp we have one week of club training and then we have 2 weeks off" she said
"Yeah I know but my cousin is having a big massive family barbecue the day of the last match before holidays and all my family are watching it together so I was hoping that when it's over I would leave straight away and then get there that night and surprise them all"
Keira didn't reply for a few minutes, she just looked you in the eye, God them eyes I could get lost in them, then she said "you know your a really kind person"
This made your cheeks turn red as you just looked at the ground and smiled as you didn't know what to say.
"Thanks" you replied
"I really mean that Lee" she said
God I love it when she calls me that
"I don't think you know how sweet of a person you are or how kind you are"
"Thanks kei I really appreciate that" you said as you looked her in the eye, you could feel yourself falling in love with her in that very moment as you were looking each other in the eye until she cut it off by saying "Right come on we better sort ourselves out before everyone arrives"

*Time Skip*

Training has just finished and your all walking back into the changing room. You see Keira and Alex walking past you and you call Keira back.
She turns around, "yeah, your alright"?
"Yeah I was just wondering if you've decided where we're going for coffee"
"Am, no I don't think we have but I'll ask Alex and let you know what she says"
Just as she's about to run away she slips but you catch her hand and pull her back up, she looks you dead in the eye, "thank you Lee"
You smile back trying not to to look too in love "no problem"
You let go of her and and she catches up to Alex.

Keira's pov
I'm currently sitting in my locker waiting for the rest of the girls to finish getting ready so we can go for coffee. I still can't stop thinking about the look in Leah's eyes when she caught me after I almost fell.
I can't stop thinking what if she feels the same way I do, or am I just thinking the impossible.

I'm brought out of my daze when Georgia calls me to tell me hurry up because we're leaving.
Steph and Demi have decided not come so it's just me Alex, Georgia and Leah so Alex has said that she'll drive and then drop us back for our cars.
As we were walking out, Georgia being the child that she is started shouting that she wanted to sit in the front seat, I remember that I've left my purse in my bag so I have to run back in and get it and I tell Alex not to leave without me, when I walk back out I can see Georgia has once again got her way as she is sitting in the front seat. When I get to the car I open the back door and I'm met with a very tired looking Leah on her phone.
"Took you long enough" Georgia shouted back
"Shut up G, thinking about it now you can pay for your own coffee"
"Too bad I forgot my purse" she replied sarcastically
Georgia has decided to connect to the Bluetooth and play her music as load as she can.
You look over at Leah and you can't figure out if she's tired or upset.
"You alright Lee" you ask
She looks at you with bloodshot eyes
"Yeah I'm just really tired"
"You sure" you ask not wanting to push her too hard to speak
"Yeah I'm sure I promise"
You smile back at her before she goes on her phone again.
You decide to do the same to try and pass the time, until ye get to the coffee shop, until you see a post of the Chelsea training pictures where you see Lucy laughing with all her team mates. (After the break up Lucy transferred to Chelsea)
You decide to turn off your phone and just relax and enjoy time with your friends so you let your head back against the seat and let your hands relax until your feel your hand touch Leah's on the seat between you. When you feel her hand it's like your skin is on fire, it's like you've finally got something that you didn't even know you wanted, you thought about pulling your hand away until you realised that she hadn't, maybe she didn't even notice, so you look over at her and you see her looking at your hands, she then looks up at you and smiles, so you smile back.
She decides to move her hand to try and position it better but you thought she was pulling away so you to the same, you felt stupid for even thinking that she could like you or that she would want to hold your hand, until you feel her grip on your hand again.
She wasn't pulling way she was trying to hold your hand properly. You looked at her and smiled, she smiled back.
This was the most happy and content that you've felt in a long time.

*Time Skip*You've all finished your coffees and you can tell that Leah is extremely tired and you feel bad for her so you suggest that Alex drops you back for your cars which she does

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*Time Skip*
You've all finished your coffees and you can tell that Leah is extremely tired and you feel bad for her so you suggest that Alex drops you back for your cars which she does.
When you get home that evening you collapse onto the sofa and think about the day.
You can't stop thinking about Leah and how she makes you feel so you decide to text her

Thanks so much for coming today I really enjoyed it, we should do it more often. X

Thanks so much for inviting me I really appreciate it, we should definitely do it again soon. X

Keira's heart started racing, maybe all the overthinking was true maybe Leah did feel the same, I mean if she's replying with and X then she must feel the same. Keira didn't know if this was a good idea but she was high on adrenaline at the moment so she didn't even question it,

Yeah, maybe it could be just us next time. X

Keira was anxiously waiting a reply from Leah and she was praying it would be the one she hoped for.

Yeah that would be nice. X

Keira couldn't believe her eyes.
She went to bed that night the happiest she's been in a long time.

And as for Leah she couldn't believe that Keira felt the same way, but more so she couldn't believe that Keira now knew how she felt.

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