13. Return

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It was now March and Leah was in her last season at Lyon. Her contract expired 12 hours after the champions league final which takes place on the 1st of June, she had exactly 2 and a half months to impress before she was released. She really wanted to be noticed on the big stage because she had worked so hard to get to this point and she was really proud of it, so she thought what better place then on international level so she rang Sarina.
(Sarina in bold & Leah in italics)
Hi Sarina it's Leah Murphy here
Hi Leah how are you
I'm really good how are you
I'm good
That's good, look I know your probably wondering why I'm ringing, I know there's and England camp coming up at the end of the week and I just want to let you that I'm more than ready to return. I know it's short notice and I'm not asking you to pick me, but I would really love if you would give me a chance because I've worked on myself really hard for the last few years and I'm in the best shape both mentally and physically that I have been for a long time.
You know this is actually quiet funny because I had planned on ringing you this evening to ask if you were ready to return
Rally, so what does this mean
Leah I'd be more than happy to have you on camp. Welcome back
Thank you so much Sarina, I can't wait
See you later Leah she said as I hung up, I guess I'm back. I know that it's not all going to be smooth sailing and I'll probably have to face some uncomfortable conversations but I'm more than ready.

The next few days went smoothly and training was good. I was now on my way to the training ground for pre match. When I got there I went straight to the boot room.

Leah, pourquoi ne nous parlez-vous pas de votre appel en Angleterre. (Leah, why didn't you tell us about your England call up) Amandine Henry asked me.

Je ne sais pas, je voulais juste garder le silence.(I don't know I just wanted to keep it quiet) I say shyly before everyone congratulates me and we head out to the tunnel.

Kick off 0-0
19' Le Sommer
Half time 1-0
74' Leah Murphy
Full time Lyon 1-0 PSG

When the game was over we went around and clapped the fans before heading back into the changing rooms to shower before heading home.

Keira's pov

Full time Man City 3-0 Reading
I walked over to the stands when the game was over and greeted Stephen (Steph's husband) who had agreed to mind Kara during the match.
"Thanks so much stee I really appreciate it"
"No problem kei honestly, she's as good as gold" he says as he passes her over the barrier to you.
"Hi mummy" she says softly.
"Hello darling" you say as you kiss her cheek and put her down. She lets go of you and runs straight to Steph. "Hi my girl" Steph says as she picks Kara up and we join the team huddle.
"We'll done today girls, yous should be happy with the 3 point at this stage of the season, and congrats the everyone who got and international call up" Gareth says as he finished his post game talk. Everyone breaks away from the huddle and Steph turns to me. "Have you seen who else got called up"
"No why"
"Oh ok" she says weirdly and you look at her
"Why Steph" you ask sternly
"No it's nothing it's just, ah Leah got called up"
"Oh ok, we'll good for her I guess" I say as I look at the ground.
"You ok"
"Yeah I'm fine Steph, look she obviously deserves it"
"Yeah she does"
"Ok come on Kara, we must ho home and pack our suitcases" you say as you take Kara out of Steph's arms.
"I'll see you tomorrow yeah" you ask as you go to walk away
"Yeah I'll see you there, are you driving down"
"Yeah it's just easier because I have her car seat and everything so"
"Yeah yeah, I'll see you later kei" Steph says as she walks away. You and Kara both walk into the changing room and grab your things before heading home to pack your bags for England camp tomorrow. You went downstairs and made some dinner for you and Kara before deciding to have an early night.
I wake up to the sound of Kara crying before I get up and run to her room. I pick her out of her cot and cradle her in my arms.
"Shh it's ok darling mummy's here" i says as I put her dummy in her mouth and rock her back and forth. She eventually stops crying so I decide to just go downstairs for breakfast now because we're both wide awake anyway. I make some porridge for Kara before having a bagel. I check my phone and see that I have and email from the lionesses saying that we have to be at Saint Georges Park and hour earlier than discussed so I decide to head upstairs and get ready. I put on my England tracksuit and I put Kara in some black tracksuit pants and an England hoodie. I then get all our bags and put them in the car before setting off on our 1.5 hour journey to SGP.

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