4. Dinner > Coffee

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.....When I walked out of the cfa and got into my car, I was sat there for a while texting a few family members. I put my phone away and decided it was time to go home. When I looked around me I could see Keira parked in front of me staring at me, I started laughing and decided to ring her because it was pouring rain and I was not standing in that.
(Keira in bold & Leah in italics)
What are you doing
I could ask you the same thing
"We'll I was texting my family and lost track of time, now what's your excuse" you say laughing
We'll I kind of have a flat tire
You just reply by laughing
It's not funny Leah what am I supposed to do
"I don't know why are you asking me" you reply still laughing
We'll can you change a tire
Yes I can ginge
We'll can you change mine
I could if it wasn't raining
Awh Leah please, for me
Let me think about it, ammmmm no
Awh Leah why
"Because I don't feel like sacrificing my straight hair for your tire" you reply still laughing
For God sake
I will help you tho
Run over I'll drop you home
What you want me to run all the way over there in this rain
"We'll it's that or sit there for the night, you won't even run over but you want me to get out and change your tire in it" you say laughing
"Ok I'm coming now" she says as she hangs up.

I watch her as she hops out of her car and sprints over to mine, she gets in the passenger seat and looks at me, "thanks"
"It's no problem, I'd hate to see you stuck here"
She starts laughing
"So ginge where do I have the pleasure of taking you this evening"
"We'll unless you have anything exciting planned then home would be perfect"
"Home it is then"
We made some small talk about what our expectations are for tomorrow night and Keira told me what she plans on wearing.

When I'm with Keira I don't know what happens me, I get this surge of confidence and it's like I'm afraid of nothing or no one so I ask her
"What are your plans for the evening"
"Not much probably just eat some dinner, watch some tv and then go to bed"
"That sounds boring, no offence"
She hits my arm and acts offended
We both just start laughing
"We'll I mean your not wrong" she said
"So what would you say if I had an offer for you"
She looked me in my eyes "I'm listening"
"Remember after we went out for coffee at the beginning of the week we said it would be nice to do it again, but just the two of us"
She nodded indicating for me to carry on
"So do you want to go out, just the two of us"?
She looks at her watch "but it's 5:30 there's no coffee shops open"
"We'll I guess we're just gonna have to go for dinner then aren't we" I said
She started laughing
"I see what you did"
"So what do you say"?
Just as I said this we arrived outside Keira's apartment.
"We'll what time are you picking me up then" she ask's with a massive smile
"I'll be here at 7:30"
"I'll be ready"
"See you then"
She get out of the car smiling and goes to walk away but runs back and opens the door, "do I dress casual or fancy"
"Just dress like you kei"
"Ok, see you later"

I drove home as fast as I could to try and find something to wear, I didn't want to go over the top but I wanted to impress kei, especially since she's used to seeing me all sweaty and tired.
I settled for a pair of black trousers, a black T-shirt with white writing, a white shirt over it and a pair of black and white dunks, I decided to go for cumfy and casual. I looked at my watch and it was 7:00, it only took 10 minutes to get to Keira's but I decided to leave now and stop at a shop. I drove for 5 minutes until I stopped at Tesco's, I went in to get some flowers for Keira but I'm not very good at things like this, one of the workers saw that I was struggling a little bit and came up to me. She was an lady in her late 50's.
"Are you alright miss"
"Ah I'm just trying to pick some flowers but I'm not very good at things like this" you reply laughing
She laughs aswell "do you mind me asking what they are for"
I hesitated, "Am, for a first date, kind of"
She nods and picks up an amazing bunch of red roses and hands them to me "I thinks these are what your looking for" she says
I took the flowers and said "thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it"
"That's no problem, there lucky to have you whoever that are, enjoy your night darling"
I payed for the flowers and left again.
When I arrived outside Keira apartment it was only 7:20, but I realised that I had gotten so caught up in finding something to wear that I forgot to make a reservation at a restaurant, so I quickly rang them hoping they had a table left, and luckily they did.
By the time I got that done I decided to head to the door of her apartment.
I decided to do my signature nock, which is 4 quick nocks and then 2 slow ones. When Keira answers the door she was in a dressing gown and slippers, she had her make up done while trying to get and earring into her ear, "your early"
"Yeah I know sorry"
"No it's ok come in and just wait in the living room ill be down in one second"
"You look amazing by the way" she said as she finally got the earring in.
"Thank you" I smiles
"Ah I got these for you" I said as I handed her the roses
"Awh Lee you didn't have to, but thank" she said smiling at me
"No problem"
"Ok I'm gonna finish getting ready really quick, Ah don't go anywhere just watch tv or something" she said as she ran to her bedroom.
I sat down on her sofa and watched whatever reality tv show was on until I hear the sound of her high heels hitting the wood floor, and she turned the corner so I could see her.
"wow" was all I could say
She looked absolutely out of this world.
She was wearing a cream snake skin skirt with a black top tucked into it and an oversized shirt with black high heels, she had her hair down and it was curly.
I stood up really awkwardly not knowing what to do.
"You look beautiful kei" I said as I blushed
"Thanks Lee" she said as she also blushed and looked at the ground.
"Do you have everything you need" I asked
"Yeah, we're good to go"
"Shall we" I asked as j pointed at the door
"Yeah" she said as she smiled
We left her apartment and walked to my car, I made sure to get there before she did so I could open her door for her. She sat in and looked at me "thank you"
"My pleasure" I said as I closed the door and walked around to get in to the driver seat.
When I got in we both looked at each other and smiled from ear to ear. On the drive to the restaurant we were sat in a comfortable silence listening to 'if the world should ever stop' by jp copper which was playing on the radio. Where we're a few minutes away as Keira spoke up "thank you"
"For what" I asked
"Just for being you, and doing all this for me, the flowers, and asking me out tonight."
"It's my pleasure" I smiled
"Seriously Lee, it's been a while since I've been out for a meal with anyone"
I just laughed and she smiled.
We sat in silence again until we got to the restaurant. We got out and walked to the door where we were met with the receptionist.
"Good evening ladies, how can I help you"?
"Good evening, I have a table booked for 2"
"What's the name on the table"
"Perfect, could you follow me this way" she said and she led us to our table.
When we sat down she gave us menus and told us to take out time.
While looking through the menu I decided very quickly on steak and chips, because I was done I put my menus down and I was watching Keira while she tried to decide what to order, I made a mental note that when she's trying to decide something she scrunches up her nose and every so often bites her lip. When she had finally decided what she was going to order she put down her menus and looked at me.
"What" she asked
"Nothing" I replied chuckling
She just shook her head and smiled.
The waiter came over and asked us what we wanted
"Could I get the steak and chips please" I said
"And could I get the pasta carbonara please" Keira said. "And to drink" he asked
"I'll just have a water please" I said
"I'll have the same please" Keira said
"Do you not want an alcoholic drink Kei, you can if you want cuz I'm driving anyway" I asked her
"Am could I have a white wine instead so please" she asked.  "That's perfect, it will be about 15 minutes ladies" the waiter said
"Thank you" we both said at the same time, we looked at each other and smiled.
We sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds until Keira said "so, tell me about you then Lee"
I looked at her and smiled
"What do you wanna know"
"We'll I know a bit about you, I know your a big family person so tell me about them"
"We'll I have a brother he's 4 years older than me and a sister who's 2 years younger than me"
"What are their name" Keira asked
"My brothers name is David and my sisters name is Maeve"
"What about parents"
"My mums name is Mary and my dads name is Paul, what about your family then" I asked
"We'll I'm my mums name is Tracey and my dads name is peter and I'm an only child so that all I have to say" she said laughing
We carried on with small talk until our food came out,and Keira got her drink as-well.
"Is that nice" I asked her laughing while she took a sip of the wine
She just started laughing
"Are you jealous" she asked
"Not really, I'll make up for it tomorrow night" I replied sarcastically.
"Do you plan on getting drunk tomorrow night then"?
"We'll I haven't been out in a long time so we'll have to see how it goes" I replied
"I'm not really sure I want to go" Keira said sounding a bit hesitant.
"How come" I asked not wanting to sound pushy
"I just haven't been out in a long time"
I could tell that she wanted to say something else but was hiding it.
"You sure that's the reason" I asked
She looked up at me and smiled sadly
"I heard that the Chelsea girls are coming to Manchester for a night out tomorrow"
I looked at her with a concerning look, she just smiled sadly.
"Do you want to talk about it" I asked her
"I don't really know what I want to say" she said with her head down
"Kei I'm not gonna lie to you and say I have no idea what happened because there were people taking and spreading rumours, but honestly I didn't want to believe them until I heard them from an true source, but from what I did hear, you have nothing to be ashamed of "
She just looked at me and smiled
"You don't have to tell me anything Kei but I want you to know that I'm always here to listen, to anything"
"Thanks Lee, there isn't really much to tell, like from my point of view nothing had changed, everything was normal. I had an interview with the bbc on a Tuesday morning so I left the house at around 9:00 and when I got there it actually ended up being cancelled so I went home again and when I pulled into the driveway there was another car there so I was a bit suspicious but I let it go and went in and she was standing in the kitchen kissing her ex"
She looked at me with sadness in her eyes but a little bit of confidence as-well.
I stayed silent for a few seconds
"I'm really sorry Kei"
"It's ok"
"Her loss"
She started laughing
"Yeah right" she said laughing
"I'm serious Kei you deserve so much better, you deserve the world and more, she let a good thing go" I said with a smirk. She looked and me and smiled "thanks Lee"

We had finished our meal so we decided to head out to the seating area out the back where we sat on a little sofa with a table in front of us. We made small talk for a few minutes until I really needed to use the toilet, so I went to the bathroom really quick and on my way out I ordered Keira another glass of wine and decided to pay for our food before Keira could argue with me. I walked out and Keira was on her phone smiling at something, I handed her the glass of wine,
"Awh thank you"
"Your welcome"
"Are you trying to get me drunk" she asked laughing
"No I just want you to have a good night and relax, I know you need it"
After that I got my phone out and decided to take a picture of her. I looked at it for a seconds, admiring it, before I showed it to her, she then asked me to send it to her so she could post it later.
"Thank you" she said turning her body so she was now facing me on the couch, still smiling.
"What's got you all smiley" I asked her
"I was just texting Steph"
"About what"
"We'll she asked me if she could come over for a cuppa but I told her that I was out and won't be home until later, and then she asked who I was out with"
"What did you tell her" I asked
"We'll I haven't replied yet" she said looking down
"Why" I asked
"Because I wasn't sure if it was ok with you" she said
I thought about what to say for a second and then I said "can I ask you something Kei"?
"What do you think this is"?
"What do you mean" she asked clearly confused
"Like what do you think we're are doing like what is this" I asked again
"We'll I mean I'm not sure"
I knew that she was a little bit uncomfortable
"Can I tell you what I think" i asked her
"Yeah" she says softly as she looks me in the eye
"When I asked you to come out with me tonight, I did intend it as a date, it took me so long to even get the question out that I forgot to say the word date" I said laughing
She was gazing at me while beaming from ear to ear.
I reached my hand over to her lap and grabbed her hand.
"So a date" she said sarcastically while laughing
"Yeah" I said laughing with her
"We'll I wouldn't rather be here with anyone else" she said
I started to caress her hand with my thumb as I smiled at her.
"So does this mean I can tell Steph" she asked
I took a minute to think about it
"It's ok if you don't want to"
"No it's ok, I know that Steph means a lot to you I remember you tell me that she like your second mum so I understand you wanting to tell her, but as long as it's just Steph I don't mind. It's just I would really like to try and give us a proper shot without the outside world interrupting, just you and me"
Keira was now caressing my hand with her thumb
"Just Steph" she smiled and nodded but she didn't reach for her phone.
"Aren't you going to tell her" I asked her
"I will later, I want to enjoy my time with you for now" she said as she took as sip of wine while I rubbed my thumb over her hand.
We made some small talk for a while before it got late and we decided to head home. When we were walking out of the restaurant Keira grabbed my hand  and I gladly gripped onto hers in response. When we got to the car I opened the door for her before getting in myself. Just as we were about to pull out Keira says "oh my god Leah"
"What" I ask in a concerned tone
"We never paid" she said worriedly
I grabbed her hand and squeezed it "don't worry Kei it's all sorted"
"Did you actually pay for it Lee"
"You shouldn't have"
"I should have, I asked you to come out tonight so I want going to expect you to pay for your meal, and plus I wanted you to have a good night"
"Thank you, next ones on me tho"
I looked at her smiling
"Next one huh"
She just laughed.
We drove home in a comfortable silence yet again listening to the radio.
When we got to Keira apartment I decided to walk her to the door.
"Thank you for inviting me tonight, I had a really good time"
"Thank you for coming, you definitely made it better"
She leaned over and gave me a peck on the cheek before looking me in my eyes "goodnight Lee"
"Goodnight Kei"
She turned on her heel and walked inside, whilst I turned around and walked to my car before driving home and collapsing on my bed and instantly falling asleep, and only one thing consumed my dream and that was Keira Walsh.

@Keira Walsh

Great night with even better company 🤍🍷@alexgreenwood 🔥🔥@stephhoughton stunning😍@leahmurphy wherse my photo credits ginge💫

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Great night with even better company 🤍🍷
@alexgreenwood 🔥🔥
@stephhoughton stunning😍
@leahmurphy wherse my photo credits ginge💫

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