꧁ Primal Carnage: Parum Lux ꧂

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"BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!!!" (Y/N) roared out and also charged at the three musketeers. We collided, we stood there in a standstill until they moved me an inch. The two Carcha pushed (Y/N)'s neck down by biting his horns and the other tried, keyword 'tried' to bite off a chunk of H-(Y/N)'s neck but couldn't due to the fact that he's already a fully grown Hypo-Carno, every part of his body except the stomach and legs have been covered in a chitin like armor that he shed off once it wears down its durability.

"SKULLS FOR THE SKULLS THRONE!!!" He roared again but this time in anger and annoyance. He shook them off and bit down at the skull of one Carcharodontosaurus that bit his neck. It roared in pain as his teeth pierced its eye. He walked back and pulled the Carcharodontosaurus with him and adjusted his bite to its neck.

The Carcharodontosaurus roared out in pain before H-(Y/N) forcibly twisted its neck with a satisfying crack. It dropped down stiff and dead, H-(Y/N) then bent down and placed both of his arms on the torso before roaring at the remaining two.

They stared at him before turning around roaring and running back to the jungle in his territory.

He huffed and turned around to see the juvenile Brontosaurus, and Brooklynn with a little girl holding her hand, carrying a book and teddy bear in a hospital gown staring at him. He walked towards them before he slowly detransformed until he was partially human again and swished his tail in the air in annoyance. He was met midway by the juvenile brontosaurus who was very thankful for her savior.

"Thank you! Thank you!" She roared in thanks as she nuzzled his face. (Y/N) chuckled and patted her head, "You're welcome kid now run along I think your family is waiting for you." As if on cue one of her family members called out to her.

"Bye and thanks again!" She roared as she galloped towards her herd. He just looks over to the herd and stares at them exchanging greetings and roars of relief.

"Now on to more pressing matters..." (Y/N) said before turning back at Brooklynn and the kid who's still latched on her arm. "Who's she?" He asked curiously, that a child about 3 or 4 years old managed to survive this island alone for a few months.

"I actually don't know, she just instantly jumped in my arms when I ran towards them." Brooklynn shrugged and looks down at the smoller girl who's staring at (Y/N) like Christmas came early.

"Chichi!" She squeaks and lets go of Brooklynn and runs towards (Y/N) and hugs his leg. (Y/N) then steps back in surprise, "whoa there!" He shouted, surprised and tried to shake her off his leg.

"Chi chiiii!" She squeaks out and hugged his leg even tighter closing her eyes.

"Umm sorry but could you let go?" He asked her confused as he raised his leg and in front of him. She cutely shook her head and hugged his leg even tighter.

He looks at Brooklynn for help, she just smiled at the scene before she shook her head and walked towards the two.

"Alright sweetie could you-" She then was cut off by the smoller girl's shout.

"母親!お父さんは意地悪です!" She cried out to Brooklynn, which she didn't understand but (Y/N) did. He perks up and tries to gently pry her off his leg. Who in turn hugs his leg even more tight.
[Translation: Mother! Father is being mean!"

"ちょっと待って..." He replied lifting the girl until they were face to face. (Translation: wait a minute...)

"父?" He asked her, pointing to himself, she nodded and reached out to hug him. He hesitated at first but gave in at the puppy eyes she gave him. (Translation: father?)

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