Don't deserve you

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No Ones POV

He knocked gently, as if a louder knock would burst the door open. She looked confused as to who would come up to see her since she practically yelled the ear of Alfie. She didn't near the door as she thought about who it could be. Everyone but Brooke was a possibility, surely he wouldn't want to see her? The girl who broke of their engagement. Then again, she wanted to see him. She didn't want to see him as Jenny's father or with Brooke in that way. Just him. Alone, with her. She pulled the door open slowly. "Patricia I-" he couldn't finish as she had thrown herself into his unexpecting arms. Patricia had tears down her face. He could instantly tell they were not happy tears. "It stupid. It really is. There's no 'bright side' to my situation, Eddie. You don't understand how it makes me feel and you know I hate expressing my emotions." She gives him a weak smile as he looks down at her with understanding. "I really hate you right now Weasel" she mumbles into his shirt with a genuine smile. "I feel the exact same Yacker" They both knew exactly what it meant, without explanation, it was just self explanatory.

1 hour Later

"Finally." Amber snapped as Patricia and Eddie entered the dining room. "Amber!" Practically everyone hissed. "Sorry" was her quiet reply, "but it's true" was her unheard continuation. "Is the wedding still on?" She muttered loudly with an air of impatience. "I-I-I don't know?" Patricia's voice was wavering as she struggled to let the words out. Alfie looked up slowly, knowing she hadn't told anyone even though, maybe there isn't anything to tell.

1 hour later

"Is that really what you want?" Eddie whispered as they stood, face to face in their bedroom. "No, I mean...yes...I don't know!" The frustration is evident in her features as she tries to find what she wants. "Patricia" She looks up, worried. He never uses her first name unless it's serious. "Yes Eddie?"
"I want children, but not in 5 years or ten but now, right now" he whispers the last part slowly.
"If I couldn't give that to you, right now. You would always have Jenny, right?" She gulps nervously. "I'm not asking you to be pregnant in the next month but I think we should be trying" He suggests it so casually.
"Eddie there's something I have to tell you" This whole conversation is making her sick to her stomach. She can't take it. Patricia runs to the bathroom and promptly returns her previous meal. "Are you Ok?" He asks holding her hair back. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."
"What did you want to tell me?"
Patricia pushes back the nerves and looks directly into his eyes.

Whose POV do you want the next chapter to be in? -Bunny4962🌟

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