Just like in the movies

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Patricia's POV - 5 Days until the wedding

"So, yeah, I'm pregnant, I guess" I say awkwardly before (as gracefully as possible) eating a spoonful of Cheerios. "I'm the dad" Eddie says smiling. I saw a flicker. A flicker of doubt in his smile.

No, no you didn't.

"Today, we're going to go and visit the church! Yay" Amber says before flashing me a look, that I skilfully choose to ignore. "Sounds good. Can we go to the shops first though?" Joy asks bouncing Jaden on her knee. She looks at him like he's her whole world. I want that.

I really want that. Oh my Anubis, I'm going to have that. That's scary. I'm responsible for a life. Right now.

"Let me get changed first. Be right back" I'm lazy so, I'm the only one still in my pjs. Oops. I want to run up the stairs but I know that Eddie would just freak and insist on helping me or something weird. I change quickly into a pair of dark denim shorts and a baggy off the shoulder t-shirt (a dark red-ish purple colour). I slowly put on my minimal makeup. I slip my white converses on before moving just as slowly back downstairs.

"Ooh Cute!" Amber squeals before we all head out to the limo. Everyone is going (including the mini people), so we have to take a few taxis too. I take Eddies hand in mine and as cheesy as it sounds, everything feels right.

No one is fighting anymore. We're all co-existing civilly. We're back in a good place. I think.

"Eddie and I are going to get food" I say as soon as we're all stood outside some sort of shopping centre. Amber goes to protest but I give her a look and 'casually' point to my slightly protruding stomach. I hear an irritable sigh as I drag a laughing Eddie away. I could get used to this being pregnant thing.

"I feel like that's going to be a constant excuse for the next nine months" Eddie says trying (and failing) to stop laughing at me. "And you" I say kissing him lightly "have to deal with it" He rolls his eyes before stopping and pulling me flush against him. "I wouldn't have it any other way" he said before connecting his lips to mine. 
He pulls away first. "I-There's a pretzel stand!" I roll my eyes playfully. American at heart.

After at least 4 different types of food, we head back to the group. Amber bought an obscene amount of clothing and Alfie looks like someone took his food. Poor Alfie. "Ready?" I don't know who said it but I know I am now.

When I first agreed to get married in a church, I was persuaded by Eddie. Now, I'm regretting how easily I can be persuaded. It's horrible. I don't want to get married inside. We're in France for the love of Anubis! I want to be outisde on the grass by the trees and flowers. Gosh, I sound like Joy. "Nina, in all honesty, do you think the wedding would be better in here" I say gesturing to our dark surroundings "or out there" I whisper pointing through the open doors. She nods, discreetly, at the open doors. That's all I need. "Eddie" I whimper, interlocking our fingers. "Yes, Yacker?" I can almost feel the smirk. "You see, the dark walls make me feel sick and faint and I don't think me fainting will be good for the baby" I babbled before looking up at him through my lashes. "I know you don't like it" he sighs "and to be honest I don't either. Amber made me do it!" He complained. "Amber!" Willow shout-whispers. She's on strong painkillers, so she's a little less aware of her surroundings than she should be. She'll be off them in two or three days, just in time for the wedding. "Yes?" Amber asks irritably. "We would like you to ask if we could get married in the gardens instead of inside the actual church? Then go to the reception as planned?" Willow gives her the adorable puppy dog eyes and I'm seriously melting. Even I want to say yes and I've got nothing to say yes to! "Alright, alright. Give me ten minutes to sort it out. You all head back and start dinner. Alfie and me will stay and sort it out." Amber directed whilst waving us out the church. "Love you Ambs!" I yell back through the doors. I hear a reply but I probably shouldn't repeat it.

30 Minutes Later

"We'll make dinner" Eddie says dragging me into the kitchen. No one objects, of course. "Why would you-" and we're kissing. No objections here, either.

Peddie- Seven years is a long timeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum