Jump Then Fall

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Patricia's POV - 10 Days until the wedding.

I regretted it instantly. I mean, what the hell was I thinking? Why would I say that? It's the worst thing to say? "W-what?" Amber was stuttering. Stuttering. This was such a stupid mistake. She coughed to clear her throat before asking, "Did you just say that you're pregnant?" I looked mortified, I'm sure. "Did I say that? I was just trying to help you feel better, obviously it's not true" I babble on for another minute or so before rushing out a goodbye. I stand quickly, making me dizzy. I can feel the sand before I realise I've fallen. I hear Amber's voice, but it's strangled to my own ears.

I'm sat on my own. The room is a blank canvas waiting for a burst of colour. I'm obviously not the only pregnant woman in the plain room. There's at least 9 or 10 others all sat nervously in their soft chairs. I must be in a hospital of some sort. My name is called by a slim looking girl from the wide front desk. I'm confused, why am I here? I take the directions I was told and I find myself in a large room with a mean-looking doctor. "Hello Miss Williamson" I nod unsure at her with a slight jerk of my head. "I understand that you're here for an abortion?" I look at here with shock. "I am?" It's a question, she knows that. "Yes, because Eddison doesn't want this. He doesn't want you with this thing. Come on now, let's be realistic. You're not ready." She says it all calmly, as if it's just a casual conversation between friends (or frenemies, in my opinion). "I-I can't b-breathe" I say gasping for air. "Yes, you can, you're not really here" she seems to fade away, into nothingness. I look at all the impending needles around the room with disgust. I don't want that. I can't do that. I scream.

Someone's holding my arms down before my eyes are open. I'm being told it's okay: that I'm going to be okay. It doesn't feel alright, I feel like I'm a second away from the world crashing down around me, but I've always been a pessimist. I snap my eyes open, wildly looking around the room I'm in. It's white, I panic. It's blank and it's similar. This time, I am with Eddie, who looks overly concerned. Did I fall or something? "What?" I ask, beginning to get self conscious. "You scared me" he said sitting down on the bed. It's not my bed. I don't even know where we are. "While I was sleeping?" I ask confused, he shakes his with a chuckle. "No, you fainted. At the beach, don't you remember?" He says looking really concerned. I remember being at the beach, yes. I remember talking to Amber, yes. I remember telling Amber I was- I gasp. "Where's Amber? I need her. Where is she?" I feel like I'm shouting but the urgency is clear. "She's in the waiting room" he looks hurt that I want somebody other than him. "She was there, I mean. That's the last thing I remember. So, she might know what I said before I fainted" I lie so easily, it used to be a talent now it sickens me. "I'll go and get her it's fine." He kisses me lightly on the head before going out. I sigh.

Amber bursts into the room like a girl on a mission. "Trixie" she sighs. "I was so worried! You could've died or lost the baby or broke your leg!" Amber shouts it so loud, I'm pretty sure everyone in the hospital knows my secret now. "The last one would've been horrible. Casts match no shoes. Did I ever tell you about the time-" I cut her off quickly. "Yes, probably but, right now I don't care." She seems offended for only a second. "I didn't tell him, if that's what you're wondering. I told the doctors though." She says, glaring at me as if I strangled a puppy. "What is it?" I ask sighing whilst trying my best to sit up. Damn, I hate hospitals. "I didn't tell him but you have to" I close my mouth silently. That's not going to happen. After that dream, I know what I have to do. "No" I say.
"Trixie" she says sighing. Amber looks so tired, I guess a baby does that to you.
"Don't make me put this water on you" I say lifting my glass up. She laughs. "If you don't tell him, I will" she says still laughing, almost nervously now.

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