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Patricia's POV - 7 days until the wedding

Apparently, I've got a tendency to say things I really, really shouldn't. Like now, for example. I know I should have quit. Stopped. Quit whilst I was ahead sort of thing. However, I'm an idiot with a big mouth. Amber blinks once or twice. The tension is thick, I feel like I can't breathe. I should go. Hide. Something like that. Once again, I seem to not be able to do something I'm usually good at. Running away from my problems. Now that's a problem. I can hear my name being spoken by several voices. I think Amber is being reprimanded but she's also silent. I'm not sure who touches my shoulder, or whether it's in comfort or anger. I jerk away anyway. I don't know why I drank.

"Come on, Patty"
"Talk to me"
I'm waiting for that one voice. It never speaks. More like, he doesn't speak. He says nothing. I feel my heart drop as I stand. I laugh nervously. "Are you okay? You look a little-" I'm not sure who it was. I cut them off anyway, "I'm fine. I'm just tired. Goodnight." I ran to the house. They always say you look guilty if you run, but that's the last thing on my mind. I know I'm going to be sick as I reach the bathroom. Morning sickness my butt. It's like six o'clock in the evening! I can feel the cold of the bathroom floor as I lie down. I guess I am tired.

The next day - 6 days until the wedding

I know I'm no longer on the bathroom floor. Which, I'm not sure is a good or a bad thing. I know I'm in my bed, but Eddie is not. I wonder what time it is. It's quiet, it could be the middle of the night for all I know. "Hey" it's his voice. He didn't leave. That's a good sign. "Hi?" I didn't mean to sound so questioning. He doesn't smile but his lips quirk as if he wants to. "I'll see you downstairs, okay? I think the alcohol got to you." The way he says it, he sounds disgusted. What have I done? I nod, I think I've learnt my lesson on doing and saying things I shouldn't. He leaves, I sit up. He goes downstairs, I get out of bed.

Only then, do I realise that I'm not in my bed but a different bed in a different room. There's a blanket on the couch in this room though. I feel as if I've swallowed something whole, my breath hitches as I walk to the adjoining bathroom. I shower, dress and then I slowly head downstairs.

"Oh hi Trixie. Last night fun, but we've got to go to a cake tasting now so.." I nod at Joy and I follow her, Eddie and Amber out the room. I smile. I do love cake. I can hear Alfie complaining about not being able to come but Amber just rolls her eyes at him. They're just so perfect together. Complete opposites but they make it work anyway. "Are you feeling better?" Joy asks almost tentatively. I nod, adding a smile to seem honest. Eddie is sat next to me but I don't think he cares to make a conversation. I'll make him talk to me. This can't last forever.

"Guys, I really want to show Eddie something. We'll just meet you there, okay?" I don't wait for a reply before half dragging Eddie to a small cafè around the corner. "Where are we going?" He asks irritably. "You'll see" I pull him inside and we sit in a small, secluded booth. It's red. Dark red. "Patricia, we really need to choose the cakes!" He sighs. He said my name. My real name. He never uses it unless he's angry or upset at me. "Eddie..." I trail off, I guess all my nerves gone now. I knew what I was going to say. I was going to say, "I love you and I'm sorry about last night. I'm pregnant, you're going to be a dad and I was afraid you didn't want it and you'd leave me. So, I didn't tell you and I'm so, so sorry. You can forgive me, right?" But I don't say that. I say, "We shouldn't get married if you're going to act like this" I say calming, sucking a breath as I eagerly await his reply. "You're right." I feel my heart drop. "I'm sorry" what is he doing? "I should've spoken to you before deciding to ignore you. That was stupid of me" I don't feel as close to tears as I did before. "It's just, you killed us. You killed our baby." I feel wet on my cheek. I swore under my breath. "I did." I say, it's a statement. No question. "When you left me to go to America, I was pregnant and you left me alone. I was going to tell you but I thought it would be better to just resolve the problem on my own." I look at my hands, they're shaking. "I-I-I didn't know" he stutters. "It's okay, but I just have one question" I lift me head up to face him. "Go on" he says taking my hand in his. "You said, before, that you weren't ready to be a dad. Do you still think that?" I ask using my other hand to wipe my finished tears. "No. No, I'm ready." I smile slowly, he reciprocates. "Good, because I'm pregnant"

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