Just a dream

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Patricia's POV

Adam, Eddie, Jerome, Mick, Mara, Willow, Joy and I are all sat in an a taxi fitted for eight. I still wonder why they make such large taxis.

I'm not sure where we are going and I'm not sure why either. "Where are we going?" Joy asks slowly.

Why does her voice sound so nervous?

"No where until you have the money" the driver grumbles whilst indicating to the dashboard where it shows the price currently. Twenty four Euros. My eyes almost pop out of my skull.

How can it be that much when we haven't even moved?

"There's an ATM across the road, I'll go and get some money." One of the four male blondes says unbuckling his seat belt. For some reason their faces are blurred and I'm unable to tell who it is.

He quickly opens the door and jumps out but as soon as the door is closed a truck comes and hits him. We all gather to look out but all we see is blood and blonde hair.

I awaken with a jolt and I instantly check that Eddie is next to me. He is. I don't know why I thought to check he was there, it was just a dream, right?

I quickly jump out of bed and I begin to wander down the halls and stairs towards the kitchen. I hastily pour myself a glass of milk and take a seat. After a while I sigh loudly and place my head in my hands. "I never did get to thank you" a voice says snapping me from my thoughts. "I'm sorry about not showing you the note sooner but I just forgot about it" I say defensively.

"I looked like a complete idiot but I’m still shocked at Nina’s revelation" Amber exclaims as quietly as possible, for her.


Amber continued to look between the note and Nina once more. She is blatantly trying to decipher how to handle the present problem. "Say something" Alfie nudges his wife slightly to try and motivate her to say something. "I don't know what to say" she mutters regretfully. “I hate to be the one to say it, but, I told you so” Nina says smugly.

God, that didn’t help!

I internally face palm myself at her idiocy.

“Nina, I-” Amber is unable to form a decent sentence. I know that amber wants to apologize and put the whole subject behind her but her mother instincts are overpowering that urge to apologize. “You don’t have to apologize to me Amber” Nina states softy but her sincerity is lacking. “I wasn’t going to. I only just found out about the letter so technically I don’t have to apologize for calling you out on something you said when nobody had any proof that you were telling the truth. Do you think the police apologize for questioning someone only to find out that they were innocent?” Amber says determinedly.

I really don’t see this ending well.

“Amber I would never take your daughter!”

“Why should I believe you?”

Everyone quieted as tears slid down Nina’s face.

“BECAUSE I’M PREGNANT!” she screamed as the salty tears continued down her face. "I'm pregnant, okay" she said quietly before hastily running out the restaurant.

*End of flashback*



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