Don't Speak

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Patricia's POV

Awkward doesn't even begin to describe the atmosphere as we sit in a downtown restaurant. It's been around five hours since the exchange of slaps between my fellow Sibuna members.

To say everything has gone smoothly and without a hitch since the violent exchange would be in the top ten of the biggest lies I've ever told. If you're wondering my first lie is saying that I'm fine when I really want to die to silence the ache in my heart. Again if you're wondering, I never tried to kill myself or anything dramatic like that but the thought did crossed my mind numerous times. As I was explaining; everything certainly didn't became less loud or more civil after the violent exchange, considering Amber started a fight about anything and everything.


"Can I borrow your red lipstick?" Nina asked uncertainly from the dress in the room we currently getting ready in, Just as I was about to hand said item over Amber cut in. "You cant wear red lipstick" she stated sternly as she added her thick, black mascara onto her long lashes in the mirror. "Why?"

"Because" Amber said irritably "I am" Amber pulled away from the mirror and began to search through her bag. She quickly pulled out a Childs peach coloured lipstick and placed it into Nina's palm. "There. You can wear this one. It's Alex's but you can take it"

Nina laughed mechanically before replying "Why? Why would I want to wear a children's lipstick?" Amber narrowed her eyes before stepping forward slowly, speaking as she did. "I just thought you would want it, considering how you seem to have mastered the art of taking things that don't belong to you" she smirked at the angry glare she was receiving from the chosen one. "Nina should be allowed to wear red just like you, because I am wearing it too so it shouldn't make a difference." Willow said, obviously trying to ease the tenseness of the current room. Her gazed snapped to Willow and she seemed shocked that Willow had said that to her. I guess she feels as if Willow is taking Nina's side, it did come across in that way though. To be honest even I don't have the nerve to say anything like that to Amber when she's in this specific mood. "Yeah, well, you didn't kidnap my daughter!" she exclaimed before muttering something about Alex needing to be dressed and storming out, bag in hand.

*End of flashback*

"What is everyone having?" I ask in the cheeriest voice I could manage. I nudge Eddie in the ribs basically saying 'follow my lead'. He gets the message.

"I'm having the steak and chips. What about you?"

As I give him my reply I realise how mechanical and rehearsed we sound. Eventually everyone answers and small chatter begins between various people. "I'm sorry. I cant sit here and pretend everything is okay!" Amber stands quietly. I'm guessing its due to the fact that Jaden and Alex are both asleep in the prams.

"Amber not here" I say quickly. I don't really want to be thrown out again, like last year. "I just need to know why? Did you intend to do it? Did you really just take her out for ice-cream? Did you plan on coming back?" she begins rattling off random questions, some have no connection to the actual topic but no-one dares interrupt her.

I feel my purse buzz. As I pull my phone out, a piece of paper falls to the ground. Snatching it up from the ground I instantly remember its significance. "Amber! She's not lying" I say handing her the piece of paper. She looks back and forth between Nina and the tattered piece of paper. I feel as if everyone is awaiting her response. I know I am.

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