God damn you're beautiful.

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Patricia's POV - 10 Days Until the wedding

"No. Not happening, I'm not doing that. We're not doing that." I barely notice that my hands are moving wildly as I express my firm opinion on Amber's suggestion for the day. "You don't have to come with us Trixie" Alfie says carefully, obviously trying to avoid the wrath of the blonde staring him down. "Oh c'mon Yacker! It'll be fun" Eddie says nudging my side. I shoot him a look but apparently everyone is being ignorant this morning. "Of course she has to come. Really, when I suggested the beach I had assumed that everyone would be completely on board." Amber sighs, I know what she's doing and it's not going to work. "Why are so intent on going to the beach?" I ask exasperated. "I've always loved the beach. Especially at this time of year. You know, the sun and the sea and the sand" Amber smiles to herself as if in memory. Damn it. I'm going to crack. She knows all my weaknesses. "Why do you hate the beach?" Amber asks me pointedly, returning from her thoughts. "Let me think.." I put my finger on my chin as I pretend to be thinking. "Oh yes, the sun and the sea and the sand. Yeah, that's why I hate the beach." Eddie looks at me from the corner of his eye. "Didn't we go swimming in the sea just yesterday?" I glare at him, again. "I wasn't thinking. It was impulsive. Not planned" Amber rolls her eyes but walks away to pack the -already made- sandwiches. Surprise surprise. "I guess we're going to the beach then." I mumble turning to go upstairs. I can feel the many smirks as I ascend the stairs.

Almost an hour later we were at the beach. The very very sandy beach. Stupid sand. Brooke, still feeling awkward around us all, decided to take the kids down to the sea to build sandcastles. Joy almost protested but I told her not to and that Jaden would be fine. She was reluctant but agreed anyway. The rest of us were gathered in a circle eating ice cream that my devoted fiancé went to get for us. He was adamant that he didn't want one, that didn't stop him from stealing some of mine though. Apparently. "Stop it! It's mine!" I laughed moving my ice cream away. He nuzzled his face into my neck from behind. "Can't you share?" He says, his breath against my neck. I wriggled to turn and face him. "No, we're not married yet" I say teasingly. "You mean, we have to be married to share ice cream?" He says laughing, his chest rumbling against my back. "Aunt Trixie, can I have some ice cream please?" Alex asks in her surprisingly clear voice. With the cute face, I just couldn't resist. "Yes, of course" I say smirking at Eddie. She takes a few bites which make me inwardly cringe. (I just can't bite ice cream. Yuck.) "What was that?" Eddie says with a stunned face. "What was what?" I ask feigning innocence as I continue to eat my ice cream. "I can't believe this. There's so much betrayal." He's always been a terrible liar. His smile breaks through almost instantly. He leans forward and takes some of my ice cream and I don't complain this time, though I really wanted to shove it into his face (carrot fight style). "I love you" he whispers into my ear. I smile, "Because I let you share my ice cream?" I ask laughing. "That may be part of it" he's teasing me and we both know it. I turn and kiss him, tasting vanilla.

"Let's go in the sea!" Willow says jumping from her position on the scratchy blanket, startling Adam. Everyone agrees so we headed down to the ocean leaving Brooke with the Kids as she wanted to stay with them. As we got nearer, Willow, Joy and Amber ran towards the water dragging their respective partners alongside them. They were laughing and it just made me smile, I don't know why. KT pokes one foot into the ocean then says "It's cold, I'm going to go and join Brooke" I barely even register what she said before she ran back towards Brooke. Nina jumps onto Fabians back and they enter the water together. That leaves Eddie and me stood looking warily at the gushing water. "We don't need to go in, you know. And anyway, I'll smudge my make-up." I say before turning to go back. His hand quickly grabs mine a twirls me back to face him. My other hand ends up flat against his bare chest as I try to regain balance. "I don't think so" he whispers. "And anyway" he says mocking my voice "You don't need make-up, you're beautiful to me" I can feel my heart race, I'm sure it skipped a beat. "That's so cliché" I whisper looking up into his eyes. "But so true" he murmurs but before I can kiss him, he sweeps me off my feet, literally. He begins slowly to walk into the water holding me close in his arms.

We were in the sea for around ten minutes before Amber suddenly walked away. Alfie stayed in the water with Alex, who had only just come in. No one really noticed she'd gone, so I followed her. I kissed Eddie quickly, cringing as I tasted the salty water. He gave me a strange look then said "I hope that's because of the salty water" he says smirking. "Whatever you say" I said winking before going after Amber. We've become really close these past years so I want to make sure she's okay.

"Hey" I said sitting down next her. My friend obviously needed me, so I tried not to think about the millions of tiny, irritating grains of sand that I was now sitting on. "They all look so happy" She said with a faint smile. I looked out onto the water and smiled too. "Yeah" They all did too. Eddie and Alfie were swinging Alex through the crashing waves. Whilst joy and Willow were splashing each other and their respective partners were just laughing together. Nina and Fabian were a little of to the side embracing each other with insane smiles covering their faces. I vaguely heard a sob. I thought I'd imagined it at first, but when I turned I saw Amber, vunerable and an absolute wreck. "I can't do it" she said. "She's so much work, I just want to have a real life again. I'm always telling her how to behave or I'm bathing her of feeding her or dressing her. There's always something. I love Alfie, I do. He's so helpful. I love Alex too but I can't do this anymore, I just can't." Suddenly she stopped, gasped then slapped a hand over her mouth. "I never said that. You didn't hear that. Oh my god. Tell me something to make me feel like is didn't just say that. Please. Oh my god, anything!" She was panicking, she thought I was going to tell Alfie. I looked at her big pleading eyes and said "I'm pregnant"

I loved writing this chapter! I hope you liked it too. Comment your thoughts, be honest. I can take it. - Bunny4962x💕

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